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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Steven Gamella is 24 years old and one of the first Buy Musings from the Mind of an Author with Autism, Volume 1: Read 2 Kindle Store Reviews -
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Close X. Learn about new offers and get more deals by joining our newsletter. Sign up now. Hyper- or hypo-reactivity to sensory input. Some documents on this site require Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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You can download Acrobat Reader for free. Handbook on autism and pervasive developmental disorders, fourth edition, vol. Sensory features in autism spectrum disorders.

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Sensory processing issues impact individuals on the spectrum across the lifespan. Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, such as: 1. Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity 2. He plans to program video games and is learning basic coding right now.

April 5, at am. Thank you so much! As a recently diagnosed autistic adult this explains me to me! I had my first public meltdown into shutdown on Sat and Im still supersensitive this Wednesday. This article makes so much sense. Im also working with a boy who is terrified of school -but also wants to be there and with other kids.

Musings Vol.#1 - A Victorious Life : Musings - Vol.1 A Victorious Life, God's Original Plan

Sometimes I wonder am I pushing him too slowly-this reminds me that now I have his trust, I must totally trust him to lead the way. April 7, at am. Thanks for describing this so clearly!

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Not knowing what was the matter with me was terrible! It took me until I was 45 to get the diagnosis Autism.

I always tried to hang on to the little jobs I was able to function in, but even that seemed an impossible task. Combination autism, bad economic crisis and my age.

Musings from the Mind of an Author with Autism, Volume I

Cleaning out my house and getting rid of my mother belongings — finally two years after her passing away — proofs to be a bit too much and a lot of getting used to… But I know that when I take time for myself I will heal again…. October 17, at pm. Hi Conny, … thank you for your post. I can relate to your situation and how you struggle with various aspects of autism.

I hope you are okay and that you may be able to work again. If you want to correspond with a lady who is similar to you, please feel free to email me. Take care, Leonie Cent leoniecent at iCloud dot com. April 20, at am. Does shutdown really cause us to forget our skills? If it does, it sounds scary.

When we recover from a shutdown, would we have to relearn those skills? If not, it might mean that shutdown clears our short term memory. If so, do partial shutdowns have the same effect? Is it possible not to know when you have a partial shutdown? I think awareness is important especially when their symptoms are too subtle. We should keep trying different ways of improving their functioning. Their less than sharp minds from sensory overload may sadly be mistaken for a lack of interest or daydreaming.

Even while shopping, I wear ear plugs. September 3, at pm. Your article saved my friendship. I had a shutdown yesterday, completely out of the blue. My houseguest was confused and getting angry.