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A priest no longer belongs to himself. He is another Me and he must be all to all, but first of all by sanctifying himself, for no one can give what he does not have and only the Sanctifier can sanctify. So then, if he wants to be holy - as it is imperious he must - he must be possessed, impregnated by the Holy Spirit, since if the Holy Spirit is indispensable for the life of any soul whatsoever, for the soul of priests He must be their breath and very life.

And this Spirit, is He not the Holy Spirit? Pressing Actuality "I hasten ever on time and most opportunely, no matter what epoch of the world, to the assistance of My Church Militant. In these difficult times My priests have need of this divine reaction for resisting the assaults of the enemy, for repelling the world which has invaded even the Sanctuary, preventing for future evils; for consoling My Heart and for glorifying My Father, purifying and sanctifying more and more the members of My beloved Church.

I have need of other Christs on the earth, forming one sole Christ in my Church through unity of objectives, intentions and ideals, forming one only Mystical Body with Me, one only will with the will of My Father, one only Soul with the Holy Spirit, one unity in the Trinity, out of duty, out of justice, out of love" Diary, Dec. Transformation into Christ-Priest This call to priestly holiness has as its object the realization of their personal vocation: the transformation into Christ-Priest. There is no question here of copying some of Christ's traits or of imitating some of His virtues.

The transformation to priestly holiness brings about full identity with Christ-Priest. They take on the incomparable dignity of the priesthood as if it were just an ordinary secular profession. Such is not the sublime and holy purpose of the priesthood, which consists in perfect transformation into Me through love and through virtues.

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He wants to see him transformed in such a way that no matter where or when the priest can truly say, in the interior of his soul, these blessed words, constantly fulfilled in him by his transformation into Me: This is My Body; this is My Blood" Diary, Dec. Transformation into Christ-Victim "What is wanting to many of My priests is the spirit of mortification, love of the Cross, knowledge of the riches found in suffering.

They advise abnegation and self-renunciation and they do not even dream of practicing these virtues so necessary for priests, for sacrifice is one of the culminating points and is the base for transformation into Me who was a Victim from the very moment of My Incarnation on to My death.

My entire life is reduced to this beautiful work which synthesizes the essence of the Christian and even more that of the priest: immolation! I was voluntarily immolated on earth and I continue this life of immolation on the altars. I came to bring about love of the cross, and the most perfect transformation into Me must be brought about by loving suffering, by painful love.

I am their model" Diary, Jan. This life of immolation as the ministry demands, is the service of souls. The priest is as Jesus, the Good Shepherd who must give his life for his sheep. I ask them to correspond to My love, and since their vocation in My Church is to save souls, they must love Me, they must possess My Spirit, be impregnated by My Spirit, live out of My Spirit, that is, live out of love. Transformation commits to suffering, to overcoming self, to self-sacrifice, to death.

But love is stronger than death, than this death which gives life. The Holy Spirit gave Me the inclination to the Cross.

8 Reasons Why I Journal—and Why You Should Too

After I had voluntarily embraced it, the Cross changed into love" Diary, March 14, This death was the work of infinite love toward My Father and toward souls, but with so noble a purpose as to associate very especially to My Cross, to a life of sacrifice, all My future priests, who on being other Christs, making themselves one with Me would have to perpetuate My Sacrifice in themselves and on the altars to honor My Father, offering themselves and Me as one sole Victim pure and holy who would glorify Him" Diary, Dec.

Transformation into Christ demands being with Him at the same time as priest and victim. The grandeur of the priest is essentially a eucharistic grandeur. A prayer in the Roman Missal expresses this spirituality admirably: "Receive, Lord, these gifts we offer You, and considering Your Christ, Priest and Victim, grant me, who shares His Priesthood, the grace to offer myself each day as an acceptable victim in Your presence" Offertory prayer of Mass for the priest. This divine Spirit alone raises them from the terrestrial to the divine.

He alone is capable of urging on, by His breath, priestly souls toward heroism, toward the sublimity of their vocation. He is the delicate and most pure link which eternally unites the Trinity. He is also the link, the sweet and loving chain, which must sweetly unite as all that is His, priests with Me, to carry out the desire of My Father, Unity in Trinity, by the Holy Spirit. This interior reign in the soul of My priests, must be His throne and nest. Jn , and to establish a Kingdom of Priests from men of all races, of all tongues and of all nations cf.

Rv In a text of extraordinary doctrinal density, St. Paul stresses the unity of the Church. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and works through all, and is in all" Ep. Unity is the most divine characteristic of the Church.

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So there is no reason for being surprised if the spirit of evil strives to destroy her. The Holy Spirit seeks to unite, to re-link paternal, filial and fraternal bonds, the breaking of which brings about so many evils in the Church. If I am in the Unity of the Trinity, why do not My priests and My shepherds have one only soul, one only will for My glory, one only heart in My Heart?

Also, in my own recent poetry collection, Lust, I share musings about intimate moments. I believe that each of these moments should be regarded as a profound human experience, a glimpse into the psyche of another person that results in a deeper understanding of who they are and who you are with them. This connection forms the deepest type of desire and joy. At first glance, the cover looked like a buttock; but on closer examination, I could see that it featured someone holding an apple. You want to be one with him or her. Writing about kissing can help you learn about your own preferences and desires.

And, writing about intimate encounters and subjects can be done in any genre, such as poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Writing poetry about sensuality and sexuality can be very powerful, whether you write it for yourself or a loved one. The best poems show that the poets are tuned in to their internal and external landscapes as they share specific details about observations, situations, images, or feelings.

Writing erotic fiction is an option for those who might want to use their imagination when writing. Reading and writing erotic fiction can be liberating, and it can also be stimulating for couples to do together.


While these authors were comfortable writing about the subject of sexuality, others might not initially feel that way. Desmond Morris, in his book Intimate Behavior identifies twelve stages of the progression of intimate behavior.

8 Reasons Why I Journal—and Why You Should Too

While these behaviors are geared mainly toward heterosexual Homo sapiens, they definitely can have a broader appeal to many alternative lifestyles:. Maltz, W. Hi yes sometimes it hard to put together the right words for sex and intimacy. I would like to write more about this. Putting it in a poetic light seems to capture a innocents to a deep sensual part of love.

I appreciate the article and helping me to focus more on the beautiful erotic part of love. I will definitely be posting more about sex and intimacy on my site Love relationship books. I concur with the notion that writing about lust and sexuality can be liberating. In my experience, real life has been devoid of the sensuality I crave. Circumstances do not permit me to exit my marriage despite several years of disharmony and disinterest. However, since beginning therapy almost 3 years ago, I reconnected with the writer within. I have written short stories and poems about feelings I previously considered vestiges of my past.

It may not be a physical connection but it provides food for my soul. Back Psychology Today. Back Find a Therapist.

My Spiritual Diary | Entering the Promised Land

Among your family, be a living sacrifice. Specially the insignificant little sacrifices, you have to do them. Come to Me because I am in pain when forsaken! Dont worry if you can only do small things; it is not very suitable for you. Remain very little. Diffuse yourself in Me like the drop of water in the wine". The Lord asked me not to mix the holy hours with his creatures: JC. I have yet repeated many times that I want you entirely for Me! Do deny yourself! Nothing will interpose between you and Me! I answered to Him : "Lord Jesus, I am only a beginner".

Remember how, when you were young, your unshaken preoccupation was to study, but you never had the opportunity to do it.

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It is Me who did not allow it and put all obstacles in your way. I prefered you in a like manner, completely uninstructed, because already then, I had my plans for you ; I wanted to make you come to maturity for Me. Lord, how many times You directed to me the invigorating rays of your graces! For my part, I avoided You, I followed other paths. But I was opposed to that too.

I called upon you in order to admit you to my school. Now rejoice greatly and be a diligent student.

I am the Master. Learn from Me.

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I dont spare Myself any fatigue ; I will dedicate Myself to you from the morning to the evening. Then He showed me a lot of occasions where I had offended Him. For example, when I went in a place where there was a chapel, I took leave of everybody except Him.