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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Kathleen Kendall-Tackett is a health psychologist, IBCLC, Milk Supply (Clinical Lactation Monograph Series Book 2) by.
Table of contents

Trop Pedi ; Counsilman JJ. Ethnic differences in breast-feeding among well-to-do Singaporeans. Child nutrition in South East Asia. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, ; , Covarrubias M. Island of Bali. New York: Knopf, Cruz JR, et al.

Studies in human milk Secretory IgA quantity and antibody levels against Escherichia coli in colostrum and milk from underprivileged and privileged mothers. Pediatric Res ; DaVanso J. A household survey of child mortality determinants in Malaysia. Child survival: strategies for research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ; How biological and behavioural influences on mortality in Malaysia- vary during the first year of life. Pop Stud ; Assessing socioeconomic correlates of birth-weight in peninsular Malaysia: ethnic differences and changes over time.

Soc Sci Med ; Dixon G. Development, ethnicity and infant mortality in Malaysia. University of Brunei Darussalam. Bandar Seri Begawan. Volume Djamour J.

Clinical Lactation

Malay kinship and marriage in Singapore. Monograph on social anthropology No. London: Athlone, DuBois C. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Dunn FL. Medical care in the Chinese communities of peninsular Malaysia. In: Kleinman A. Medicine in Chinese cultures: comparative studies of health care in Chinese and other societies. Fernandez EL. Guthrie GM. Belief systems and breast feeding among Filipino urban poor. Soc Sci Med Ferrars M. Ferrars B. London: Sampson Low.

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Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Firth R. Housekeeping among Malay peasants. Monographs on Social Anthropology No. Gallin B. Hsin Hsing. Taiwan: a Chinese village in change.

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Geddes WR. The Land Dayaks of Sarawak. London: Colonial Office. Haaga JG. Reliability of retrospective survey data on infant feeding. Demography ; Habicht J-P. Butz WP. Does breast-feeding really save lives or are apparent benefits due to biases? Mother's milk and sewage: their interactive effects on infant mortality. Pediatrics ; Hanks JR. Maternity and its rituals in Bang Chan. Southeast Asia Program.

Department of Asian Studies. Data Paper No. Ithaca: Cornell University. Hart DV. Rajadhon PA. Coughlin RJ. Southeast Asian birth customs: three studies in human reproduction. Hauck HM.

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Food habits and nutrient intakes in a Siamese rice village: studies in Bang Chan. Interim Report Series 4 , Holland B. Breast-feeding, social variables and infant mortality: a hazards model analysis of the case of Malaysia. Soc Biol ; Howie PW, et al.

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Protective effect of breast-feeding against infection. Br Med J ; Huffman SL. Lamphere BB. Breastfeeding performance and child survival. Hull VJ. Dietary taboos in Java: myths, mysteries and methodology.

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In: Manderson L. Shared wealth and symbol: food, culture and society in Oceania and Southeast Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Thapa S, Wiknjosastro G. Breast-feeding and health professionals: a study in hospitals in Indonesia. Iskandar MB, Costello C. Nasution Y. Initiation and duration of breast-feeding in Indonesia.