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Little Bee and Ant: A tale of friendship and friendly help [Edward Wellnessy] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Exciting tale of friendship A.
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It ijust sitting on my curtain know. I think this is Gods way of anwering me as i had a beart to heart talk with Him as i am going threw a few challenges. Can you maybe explain. Thank you. A couple of months back I had a strange occurrence. I found a live honey bee in my kitchen window, after capturing it and releasing outdoors, I found a startling thing.

Nearly 40 dead bees through out the house, spradling across rooms. Could this be a message or omen? HI today I came across a bee that was dying. I said a little prayer that I hoped his transition to the summerland would be quick and painless. What would you all have done? When you see a down bee, feed it sugar water!

A down bee, really physically upset but legs and wings alright, was in my bathroom on the floor. While cleaning it, I almost killed her and I saw her.

49 of the best books about bees | Friends of the Earth

Put her on a jasmine and made some spiritual research : thanks for the sugary water! As a boundless animal lover, she is drinking so much and regaining energy progressively! Feel happy for this fundamental living being, far more than humans, to enable her to live again as it happens for me ; What a gorgeous feeling to participate to the life of life. The message is still a mystery for me and not only.

Only oneself can know, life is a magical mystery to respect. What does a black shiny bee mean. I have 1 single bee that follows me in my car to my house then disappears. Are these spirit animals? So I know it sounds crazy just curious.

How to get rid of ants (Without calling an exterminator)

Hi Toni, One shiny, black bee may symbolise anger, or an angry individual. Also, adversity and possible religious conflict.

The guidance from the deer may be a message. I have had several messages from bee messengers over the last few years but today was the most peculiar. I am a writer, working on my newest novel, The Honey Witch, about a young witch with an affinity for bees. On this rainy, gloomy day, I was flabbergasted to come into my office and find a very plump honey bee sitting on my window sill, very still.

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She sat there for nearly 15 minutes, the whole time, engaging in a stare off with me. I found myself drawn into her onyx eyes. When she took off, she paused in midflight and appeared to be waving a leg at me. It was such a joyous exchange.

Find out all about our brilliant bees!

I need to process what it means but it felt like a big boost of encouragement. I was able to snap some pictures but they are a bit fuzzy because of the screen. Insanely cool.

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Today as I was getting dropped off at work I saw something land on my hand, as I looked I realized it was a bee!!!!!!! I tried not to freak out and tried to get it to fly away. I always dream of bees and I now get the message it was trying to give me. Once the wind picked up the bee flew off like nothing. I was drawn to the bee more so than the bird. I just came across this site after looking up the spiritual messages of bees and am grateful for the discussion. The neighbors just discovered a swarm in my fig tree.

What are the possible messages for me? I would like to know the same thing, we have had 3 different swarms of honeybees within the past WEEK. The first time I witnessed it happening before they clustered together. The second and third time happened within a day of each other. We live in rural area nearby a busy road. Jennifer, I just saw your post about the fig tree and swarm of bees from April. I have the exact situation. I feel that there is a bigger message here. What did you feel your msg was from the situation?

Thx Brooke. So randomly today i was having a cig i know, i should stop in the car on my way to an appointment. As i was stopped in traffic, i started to freak a little bit. A decent sized bee was flying in and out my window. It stopped and stayed on my arm rest for a sec and left.


After finishing up with my appointment I started making the commute back home. This is when another bee decided it was a good time to go in and out of my car. He landed on the rear view mirror, and looked at me for a bit. I was scared as this was a much bigger bee lol. Seems pretty correct, I have been working twice as hard as i ever had and some difficulties have set back my spirit.

Athena my snake is special in her own way I had a dream about her before I owned her. I met my twin an had kundalini energy take over my body clearing my Chakras.. My spirit guide is a snake I know that.

  2. The Ants, the Honeybees and Me - The New York Times.
  3. The Public Policy of the German Government on the Iraq War.
  4. The Ants, the Honeybees and Me.
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But what does the bee mean.. I also had a dragon fly an a butterfly just sit on my car last year then I got into view it flew off. My husband passed away two months ago and it started with a swarm of bees in the cabin of his boat which is moored quite far away on a river. Since then single bees seem to fly in to my lounge usually late at night but sometimes during the day. The swam of bees was a warning.

The single bees that come to you are saying we are sorry that he has gone. But only you can really know and relate it to how your husband died. Was it something that could have been avoided if warned of? Was your husband a busy bee? I believe this is a sign telling you he is ok. There are probably more signs just keep a look out. I looked down and it had no body. It was still alive. Weird thing is I was just on my way back to work.

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I was at the doctors for a blood test due to low levels of iron. That is no exaggeration of how many and to what extent might i add. I have 36 sitting dead on their backs at the entrance to my study at home 4ft from me as i type this response. They seem to go to any extent to die within the closest possible proximity of me regardless of where I am. I have had numerous bees now that will fly through a gap in a louvre window that i leave open the connects my laundry and study and 9ft in the air, and because the laundry has one of the main entrances to my house, a number of bees now have flown what seems to be deliberately in through my house using the laundry door on the few times it is left open and then through the window that connects the 2 rooms, just to die on my desk whilst i work during the day.