PDF Life In My Hands: Healing Myself, Healing Others

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The new book, “Life in My Hands; Healing Myself, Healing Others” by Darcy Hotchkiss along with PureBioenergy are featured in an award.
Table of contents

In Isaiah Holy Bible , God announced healing for us Healing prayer for you I received forgiveness for all my sins and the healing of all my diseases. You, Lord, have already spoken healing prayer for me. Father God, You spoke through the prophet Isaiah Isa.

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Mark Therefore I receive all the healing Jesus Christ has already obtained for me. I speak this healing prayer for myself I now speak directly to the sickness or disease, in Jesus' name I go to the root cause of the problem, and command the root of this sickness to die and disappear, in the name of Jesus. I command all pain and lying symptoms of illness to Go! I command complete healing to take place and manifest in my body now, in Jesus' name. In the all-powerful name of Jesus Christ, I order fear, and worry, doubt and unbelief to leave.

The Power to Heal

I command faith to come forth and God's love and healing power to flow through me now. Thank you, Jesus for healing me! Dear Jesus, at this moment, I receive Your healing power right now; I command it to flow through my body and free me from pain, all other discomfort, and all symptoms of sickness now, in Jesus' name. I receive, acknowledge and thank You as my miracle Healer. By Your stripes your whippings and blood sacrifice for my healing I AM healed; You suffered to purchase healing for my body.

I receive what You did for me right here, right now. Father God, you said in Your Word You are the God Who Heals Me. I believe You, I speak healing prayer for me. Jesus Christ forgave all my sins, and healed all diseases when He was crucified on the Cross and paid the ultimate price, laying down His life for the salvation and healing of all who ask for and receive God's free gift of righteousness with God and health and wholeness, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. You alone, Lord Jesus, could forgive all my sins, make me righteous and blameless before the Holy and Almighty Living God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth.

You have made intercession and healing prayer for me. You are the God Who heals all people of all sickness and diseases. You are the Savior of the entire world, and my miracle Healer.

How I found I've got healing hands... and scoff all you like, but you may have them too!

There's nobody like you, Jesus! It's all about You. Only You paid the price for my sins and my diseases. I receive You, as my personal Savior and my Lord who now guides and directs my life into the good things You have for me because You love me with an everlasting love. If you've been told you're a healer, it may mean you have an abundance of healing energy or you have the gift to work with others in need of mental, spiritual, and emotional healing.

It may also suggest you have the capacity to set aside your own ego-driven needs to allow yourself to serve as a conduit for healing energy or work with others in need of healing.

Visiting the Sick

Virtually everyone has healing abilities, but some people have a true gift for it and can use that gift to help others. There are many paths to using your healing gifts, including becoming an energy healer or following a more traditional path. The first step, however, is to discover whether your heart lies in working as a healer.

Everyone has a divine guidance system that can help them discern the truth.

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Your divine guidance has various ways of communicating with you, such as via dreams or visions, via intuition , or arising as a knowing or sense of rightness. If something rings true to you, if it feels good and makes you think, "Yes, this is true," then chances are it is true for you.

So if someone tells you you're a natural healer, how does it feel? From that, I was able to occasionally alleviate minor aches or pains in my body. He swatted me. She experienced nothing. So how was I going to heal my son? I decided I could at least try. I placed my hands on my little boy—one on his chest and one on his back—and envisioned a ball of qi between my palms. I tried to sense where the energy was congested and to clear it with my hands.

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  4. Much to my surprise, my son let out a little sigh each time I did this. When I placed him into his crib to sleep, he settled down quietly and slept through most of the night with only an occasional cough. I had planned to take him to see the acupuncturist the next day. He was fully recovered by the next day and that was the fastest I had ever witnessed him recover from a really bad cough and cold. There was no plausible explanation other than the qi had worked. As I pondered the situation, I realized that the reason it had worked was because I was desperate and had no other options available to me.

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    It HAD to work. Basically, I had to get over myself. And I had to set aside any rational thought that said this was impossible. In that moment of desperation, was a sense of calm and stillness. I had to pull myself together in order to achieve what I had set out to do, which was to heal my son. I have to pull myself together and magically when I do this, the fear dissipates.

    So desperate that any sliver of doubt can not exist. The middle of your palms are considered to be very powerful centers of qi energy. To feel this energy, hold your hands in front of your chest as if you were lifting a bowl of water. Relax your hands, allowing them to curve naturally and hold this position for about 30 seconds.

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    Imagine heat radiating from your palms. Keeping your hands in this relaxed curved position, turn your palms to face each other about 6 to 8 inches apart. You should imagine yourself holding a ball of light between your hands. Slowly move your hands closer together and then gradually pull them apart again. Notice if you can feel a magnetic field between your palms.

    How to Heal With Your Hands When Nothing is Working and You’re Feeling Desperate

    When your hands feel warm, place them on the area of your body that you want to heal. As well, you can deplete your own energy stores if you are continually giving your energy away to others. To prevent this, connect with Universal Qi to access an infinite amount of healing energy.