Manual Khadijahs Got Her Groove

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Khadijah's Got Her Groove book. Read 6 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Khadijah Aziz, whom only shoots for the stars, has running.
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Lead-off hitter Reagan Richardson hit a double to right. Madison Morrison hit a liner toward right center, but PG second baseman Kristen Key made a sprinting catch at the edge of the outfield and flipped the ball to Atienza for the double play. The Hawks increased their lead in third when Khadijah Oritola hit a line drive that curved around the foul pole in left, clearing the fence by five feet.

North Lamar cut it to in the fifth when Richardson singled and Madison Morrison tripled to bring her in. Summer Andrews tied with a home run to left in the top of the sixth. Down a game after a loss to the Pantherettes and ace Reagan Richardson Thursday, PG came out swinging, clubbing five home runs to distance themselves from North Lamar early. PG wasted no time getting on the board.

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Lead-off hitter Kimmie Atienza parked an offering from Richardson at the base of the flag pole behind the left-field fence. It was a game in the second after Richardson walked Kristen Key and Atienza, and Brette Wacha hit a towering home run to left. That prompted North Lamar coach Jimmy Fendley to pull his ace, who got tagged with the loss.

The Pantherettes reminded everybody that this is the round of eight level of the playoffs and everybody is good by rallying for four runs in the bottom of the third. Erin Scholl had a bases-loaded double to bring in two runs.

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Summer Andrews' single brought in two more to make it after four. Atienza doubled and took alertly took third when Wacha walked and no one covered third. With Kaylee Kelly running for Wacha, the Hawks pulled off a double steal to make it Support real journalism. Support local journalism.

Films on the Field: The Little Mermaid

Subscribe to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution today. See offers. Your subscription to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution funds in-depth reporting and investigations that keep you informed. Thank you for supporting real journalism. County By County. Things To Do.

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Subscribers Only. Forecast by Meteorologist. Facebook Twitter. Why should people care? What does that tell us about the oceans and all of those dynamic systems? The problem however, is if the K isotopic composition turns out to be heterogeneous, then what do I need to further explore that? What data do I need to collect? I would be answering my initial question: Is the K isotopic composition homogenous with respect to vertical, horizontal, latitude and longitudinal variables? The answer would be no, and I could conclude that seawater would make a poor geostandard.

However, why is it heterogeneous then???? That is a difficult question to answer, and I could do a PhD dissertation on exploring those controlling factors.

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  8. However, none of these questions tell that enthralling of a story, and it brings me back to square one. Living at sea has offered a strong disconnect from all of the terrestrial problems back on shore, and has really liberated my mind from any burdens that I previously carried. I strongly believe that a lot of people, especially college students, forget about that subjectivity. During these past few weeks I know that I have changed. Trial and error is such an important method for learning, as well as personal growth, and I try and embrace it whole-heartedly. I could completely finish my project and come to find that I did it all wrong.

    I know that I have a lot of growing up to do, and even more to learn, but no one can find himself or herself in a day. So I implore anyone who is feeling lost, or hopeless or self-conscious, to think about it objectively. Every decision will impact you, some more than others, and that is conveniently enough, what growing up is. Temperatures on shore will be in the low 60s and fairly windy. Three of my friends are leaving today with a 5-hour car ride ahead of them back to Seattle. Going from spending every waking moment with someone, not because you have to but because you want to, and then not seeing them at all is a difficult pill to swallow.

    We will all be reunited in the fall back on campus, but I intend on seeing them all much sooner than that. This is a thank you to everyone who has impacted my life on this journey, mentored me, comforted me and made me laugh. In particular I would like to thank Rick Berg and Ed McNichol for being an integral part in my success on this cruise.

    I am also forever indebted to you for getting that thing out of my eye. That was a bad time. None of us will ever forget Edwin McNicholback, the man who made us laugh till we cried, always offered help no matter what, and calmed our nerves about not knowing what we want to be when we grow up.

    The past few days are a total blur because my sleeping schedule has been even more horrendous. So I suppose I will write about what I can remember doing. We saw dolphins the other day I think? We were in the galley eating dinner, a really good salmon dinner, when all of a sudden the bridge announced that there were dolphins playing around the bow.

    And just as promised there was a huge pod of dolphins being utterly adorable. It was a really awesome experience! Marine wildlife is just the most beautiful thing.

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    I strongly believe that society, as a homogenous body, forgets about the beauty of the pure unadulterated earth. When was the last time you remember experiencing the Earth as it was meant to be experienced? Everyone says I play dirty, which I do not agree with. Too soon! On the science end of things, my K isotope project is going really well!

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    It makes me feel cool. Interstellar Seas This is a poem I wrote after watching Interstellar with the crew, stargazing, and contemplating life. The ocean breeze is heavy with the smell of salt.

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    White caps break loudly over the bow as we steam forth into the void. The dark surface of the water blends seamlessly with the sky, making our eyes struggle to adjust to the absence of light. Slowly, the stars come into focus, and more appear as we patiently gaze. We admire stars that have long since been cold; our eyes receiving their last transmissions. A milky cloud encompasses the length of the sky, reminding us of our place in the infinite night.

    Our minds seem boundless as they project past the darkness that cloaks the ship.