Manual Journey Through Gods Word - Readings from First and Second Kings

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Journey Through God's Word - Readings from First and Second Samuel First & Second Kings- Everyman's Bible Commentary. AuthorRobert.
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Another thing that I love about Biblical fiction is that it takes you back to the Bible - after reading the first pages I went to the parts in the Bible this book is about and read it to understand if that truly happened. I loved Hezekiah the child, and will look forward to reading more of Hezekiah as the King. I also enjoyed Zechariah's character and how he realised his faults and asked forgiveness and stood up for what is right after receiving this second chance.

What stood out for me is how men craved power back then already and how they will compromise their beliefs for power and lying to themselves about their choices. It made me think how we should on a daily basis be aware of our choices and if we compromise our beliefs. Lynn Austin has become one of my favorite authors of historical fiction and this title didn't let me down. One of the best things about good Biblical fiction is that the stories and people come alive for you - and become Whether I was weeping with Abijah over her lost child, cringing with young Hezekiah as he was drug to the sacrifices to Molech, feeling the loss and anger of Zechariah as he saw the Lynn Austin has become one of my favorite authors of historical fiction and this title didn't let me down.

Whether I was weeping with Abijah over her lost child, cringing with young Hezekiah as he was drug to the sacrifices to Molech, feeling the loss and anger of Zechariah as he saw the temple defaced and robbed the first time There is a lot of action and tension even though we know story. The only problem was that the book ended just as Hezekiah is coming into his own and you feel like the story should keep going. Lucky for us - this is just the first book in the series.

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I really enjoyed this biblical historical novel. The time period and events detailed in this book had only been names from the Old Testament to me, and I never really knew the story of their names. This book does an excellent job of bringing to life King Hezekiah, his father King Ahaz, his maternal grandfather Zechariah, and the Prophets Isaiah and Micah. These names from the Bible are now fully fleshed people to me, and I can now picture the time they lived in, the idol worshiping that I really enjoyed this biblical historical novel.

These names from the Bible are now fully fleshed people to me, and I can now picture the time they lived in, the idol worshiping that occurred, the human sacrifices, and the desecration of the Temple during the time of Kind Ahaz. Nov 27, Jeanie rated it it was amazing Shelves: favorites , series-christian-fiction , bio-historical. I love historical fiction that can place you in the setting with the sights, sounds, and culture of that day. Now when I read of Hezikiah in the Old Testament, I will have a better appreciation than I did before because of this account.

You can easily see how the Jews left God and why and how terrible Kings of that day were.

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They really set the tone for their kingdom. Even in our world today, we can learn from the past and put our trust in God. View 1 comment. Sep 14, Staci rated it really liked it Shelves: read-in Gods and Kings is the first of a Biblical Fiction series. Its focus is King Hezekiah from the time he was a young boy to when his reign begins at age While I very much enjoyed all the history, I was not fully engaged in the story.

Overall,it was a good novel and one I'd recommend to readers who enjoy Biblical Fiction. I do plan to continue reading the series. Mar 28, Joyce rated it really liked it Shelves: fiction , biblical-fiction. Lynn Austin is my favorite author of historical Christian fiction. Biblical fiction is not my favorite genre. I highly recommend all of Austin's books because she really does the research, her writing is top-notch, and her books are all faith-centered and Biblical. If anyone can do justice to a work of biblical fiction, she does. I love knowing that the fictionalized story lines are firmly anchored in the truths of God's Word.

Reading about idol worship in a fictional setting makes it come to Lynn Austin is my favorite author of historical Christian fiction. Reading about idol worship in a fictional setting makes it come to life, more than words on a page, and gives depth of meaning to the whole Bible. In fleshing out biblical characters the Bible comes to life. Most importantly the worship of Jehovah God.

This book is worth a re-read. Thank you, Lynn, and please keep writing! Jan 11, MAP rated it it was ok Shelves: fiction , historical-fiction , religion , ancient-times , royalty. Oh my goodness, I don't even know where to begin Ok, so I don't tend to like reading novels about the New Testament because it can easily veer into a twee land of sticky sweetness and light and ugh shake it off shake it off. Haha, except for when it's in the hands of a Christian fiction writer. So the book is the first of a series following the Judean king Hezekiah, and it's more Oh my goodness, I don't even know where to begin So the book is the first of a series following the Judean king Hezekiah, and it's more hamfisted, Christian-stuffed, and anvilicious than I ever could have imagined.

Relive the Kingdom of Israel in the Book of Kings 1 and 2. | The Bible Project

Second, there's your typical Christian fiction stock characters -- the ones meant to teach us how we are supposed to act -- such as the sacrifice-unto-death character who stands up for her beliefs even though it kills her!!! Is this an official part of Hezekiah's story, found anywhere in Christian or Jewish documents? Totally same thing as throwing children into a fire. Me wanting Muslims not to be beaten to death by angry mobs because of their clothing choices?

Child sacrifice. Same thing. No difference. I could go into a whole big thing about how the entire modern conservative Christian movement to "go back to traditional [insert whatever they don't like about modern society here]" is fundamentally flawed from a New Testament standpoint, not to mention that by "traditional" they mean "an idealized version of the s that never existed," but I won't, because I'd rather spend more time ragging specifically on this book. Remember how all those people in the Bible didn't use their intelligence, like, ever?

King David never used his, and Paul the Apostle certainly never used his education and intelligence!

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Nope, not once! Because if they HAD, it would have been like sacrificing small children to a god of fire. Sep 13, Jerry rated it really liked it. With lots of emotion and plenty of historical detail, you've likely never seen Hezekiah and Ahaz portrayed like this before. Fans of Biblical historical fiction will definitely like this. Very good read! I purchased the audio book version and the narrator did a really good job with the voices.

The story line was good as well. Apr 03, Kim Savage rated it really liked it. Good biblical fiction. Oct 16, Gale Wilkinson rated it really liked it. Slow start but picked up and the end was riveting. I enjoyed it and would like to read more in this series. Aug 22, Loretta Marchize rated it really liked it. I read this book a month ago and forgot to review it? I only remembered because I got the second book in the series and saw I didn't review this one.

I know I enjoyed it, although parts of it had me wondering if that was actually how they thought in that time period- it's a bit modernized. I didn't mind that though. I really enjoyed this book.

Journey Through God's Word - Lessons from First and Second Kings

Once I started reading, I didn't want to put the book down. I wanted to find out what was going to happen next. I will probably read the rest of the series. Dec 26, Retha rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Great to meet the Bible figures in person. At least that is how it seems to the reader of Gods and Kings: Chronicles and Kings. The king sacrifices his firstborn to the idol Molech in the land of Israel. God had chosen Israel as His nation, but throughout the history Israel did not always choose God.

During the reign of king Abijah, idolatry was rife in Israel. Hezekiah witnesses his brother being sacrificed to Molech. Will he survive or is his father going to sacrifice him too?

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