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Intimate Grief [John Gonzales] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This is the story of a tremendous individual who faces obstacles daily.
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Maybe he squeezed a split second too long. Maybe, Mr. It is not like the s, when thousands of young Kashmiri men slipped across the border to training camps on the Pakistani side. The Indians have sealed much of the contested frontier, which runs about miles. The Israelis have been surreptitiously helping them, providing security cameras , night vision gear, drones and other surveillance equipment along the border to stop big infiltrations.

All this, coupled with the fact that Pakistan has closed most of its militant camps under pressure from the United States, has pushed the fighting away from the border, and deeper into the villages.

Kashmiris speak of a psychological tension that divides communities, individual families and sometimes even the same person. On one hand, people want to support a functioning society — to have their children go to school, get jobs, see some economic development — and Indian control represents that. On the other, they feel real sympathy for a cause, Kashmiri independence, that they consider just.

Grief – An Intimate Interview with Meredith Treinen

Officer Tak is another example of how this war is shrinking. He grew up in Qasbayar, a couple of miles from Sameer Tiger. This winter he found himself, as the commanding officer of a tactical police unit in southern Kashmir, hunting the man who killed his uncle. He was increasingly active — and not just on social media. He attacked police stations, he recruited new fighters and he supplied pistols to young men to carry out assassinations, Officer Tak said.

The police often discovered where he was hiding, and set up their security cordons, but he was slippery. Officer Tak seemed dispirited by all the support for Sameer Tiger, and the fact that many Kashmiris consider police officers like himself to be traitors.

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Unlike soldiers in the Indian Army, which is recruited from across the country, police officers in the region come from within the state of Jammu and Kashmir, and dozens have been killed. A few miles from his house, witnesses said, he stopped a car carrying a local politician and shot him dead.

The attack, conducted in the daytime and on a busy road, was unusually audacious. The hunt for him intensified but more civilians were rallying to the defense of militants, often barricading the roads as the police closed in and pelting officers with rocks. Around this time a mysterious video appeared on Facebook in which Sameer Tiger issued a threat to Maj.

A few days later, on April 30, the army got a tip that Sameer Tiger was hiding in a house in the center of Drabgam. Though he was now a highly wanted militant, upgraded to an A rating, it seemed he had never strayed far from home. They used mud-smeared dump trucks packed with soldiers wearing traditional pheran cloaks, guns hidden.

The villagers thought they were laborers. The soldiers quietly surrounded the house and called for backup. The soldiers sent in two rounds of emissaries, including village elders, to persuade Sameer Tiger to surrender. He replied with a burst of bullets, hitting Major Shukla in the shoulder.

The sound of gunfire served as an alarm, setting off an eruption.

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The village mobilized. Boys, girls, men and women scampered out of their houses and rushed into the road with stones in their hands. Go help him! As additional army trucks rumbled in, packed with troops, more civilians rushed forward, trying to insert themselves between the troops and Sameer Tiger. One young man was shot dead; the crowd kept coming.

But the cordon had been well laid, growing to nearly soldiers and police officers. Several police commanders said security officers then moved in, firing a rocket at the house. Flames burst out. Sameer Tiger scampered onto a rooftop. The soldiers opened up with automatic weapons from four directions. He was hit several times. The militants have become the biggest heroes. People paint their names on walls. They wear T-shirts showing their bearded faces. They speak of them affectionately, as if they are close friends. The militants are especially revered after they are dead.

Thousands poured in from across the valley. Sameer Tiger! Boys scrambled up trees and scurried across tin roofs, the light metal popping beneath their gym shoes, to find any vantage point. Many vowed to join the militants. One woman who identified herself as a separatist leader looked out at the sea of mourners and gravely smiled. New York: William Morrow. Clayton, Paula J.

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Intimate Grief: My Struggle with Ald by John Gonzales

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