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Nov 20, - Drawing from her ethnographic work among Russian transhumanists and her recent book—The Future of Immortality (Princeton University.
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Could immortality be the foundation of a truly liberated utopian society extending beyond the confines of the earth—something that Russians, historically, have pondered more than most?

Will Humans Ever Be Immortal? These 11 Theories and Technologies Will Shed Some Light on It

In wonderfully thought-provoking passages, she muses over the relationships between body and mind, biology and technology to rethink, enlarge and playfully undermine the understanding of life itself. It is a must-read! Bernstein has taken on a complex, multifaceted subject that has deep Russian roots and global relevance. The biggest question is whether it is even possible for a human, or any living being for that matter, to be digitised in the first place.

See a Problem?

Therein lies the dichotomy of two different schools of thought. Those who would align themselves with thinkers such as Gilles Deleuze and Henri Bergson believe there is a higher consciousness above the physical persona or body.

  1. The Future of Immortality.
  2. 3. Musculoskeletal (Textbook of Clinical Radiology).
  3. Scientists could one day make humans immortal?
  4. The age of immortality is coming, and it’s going to suck.
  5. Digital immortality is death.!
  6. Ben Franklin and his Electric Kite!

Such philosophical thinking rests on the idea of duality - the mind and the body are not the same. Therefore, it would seem impossible to digitise a human.

  1. Accessibility links.
  2. The Future of Immortality: Remaking Life and Death in Contemporary Russia | Peabody Museum.
  3. The Meaning of Life - an executive summary;

How can one put the essence of a human spirit into a computer, almost like a genie into a bottle? Conversely, several prominent scientists and neurosurgeons contend that the physical is all there is.

Ceeres of Voices: Anya Bernstein - "The Future of Immortality"

If one can copy the brain of a human in digital form then the rest is easy. Copying the brain is not particularly simple, though. Proposals include making thousands of micro-thin slices of a brain and copying the neural network revealed. To do this, a machine would need to be constructed that can make these slices, and then a willing volunteer would need to be found.

These would be physical slices from a brain preserved before death. In fact, a startup, Nectome , has been proposing to do just that and preserve your brain until the day it can be digitised.

Immortality Technology - Future of Human Lifespans - Full Documentary

The person, or at least the contents of their brain, would ultimately be transferred to a computer, and thus remain alive or perhaps be reborn. Experiments have been undertaken on scanning a mouse brain but the breakthrough of digitising the entirety of even a mouse brain has not happened. Moving on from the mechanics that might digitise us all, what would await humanity with digital immortality? Virternity said that great scientists and artists could pursue their careers for centuries, and we need never say goodbye to our loved ones.

Can we be immortal digitally?

The demand for planetary resources would be severely reduced to only that needed for the physical humans left on the planet and of course the computers holding the rest of us. The planet itself might return to a more natural state. We ourselves would be free of famine, pestilence and disease, and could pursue whatever life we wanted, until the end of time. Perhaps these sound like admirable goals, a utopian dream. But if humans were unleashed into this apparently digital world, would we take advantage of the freedom or simply go about reproducing a digital hell on earth?

Digital immortality is death.

Bernstein also published widely on the issues of religion, secularism, art and censorship in contemporary Russia, and on the battles over religious relics, issues of end-of-life care, and politics of shamanic tourism in Russia. As a visual anthropologist Bernstein has directed, filmed, and produced several award-winning documentary films on Buryat Buddhism and shamanism, including Join Me in Shambhala and In Pursuit of the Siberian Shaman Skip to main content.

Wednesday, October 23, Marshall D.

  1. Sketches of Time: Mollys Story?
  2. From the manufacturer.
  3. About this item?
  5. The Future of Immortality: A Book Talk with Anya Bernstein | Columbia | Harriman Institute?
  6. You're reading.