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"FOLLOWING THE LIGHT" is a guide in practical theology. Theology pertains to the field of study and analysis that examines the God-consciousness: its.
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Students are encouraged to exegete Scripture, finding timeless principles they can use to build a framework for the way in which they will minister in the future. Consistently, I remind them to begin with the Bible, take the non-negotiable truths of God, and then apply these truths to their given contexts. In essence, they are doing theological work. Yet, as I read various youth ministry texts, many authors argue for a methodology contrary to this practice. For this reason, this essay will survey current approaches to practical theology within the field of youth ministry, as well as observe some of the difficulties this method can present.

Upon first glance, we might assume that practical theology and applied theology are synonymous terms. However, at least within the field of youth ministry, this is not the case. While time does not allow a full survey of this change, it is largely due to practical theology becoming its own field and distinctive practice instead of simple biblical application. In light of this change, how, then, might we define practical theology? Practical theology starts with the context, or the current practices, of what it is we are seeking to understand.

Brandon K. Practical theology is concerned with the mundane, not with the abstract philosophical principles. Simply put, practical theology is theological reflection within everyday life. What seems to have happened in defining practical theology is the loss of a concrete starting point. When theologizing, why not begin with revelation from God rather than subjective and temporal experiences and contexts? Arguing for his model, Clark states,. When faithfully and communally applied, this process will empower and enable youth ministry practitioners to lead a believing community to shift from reliance on a priori assumptions and convictions that hinder the work of the Spirit toward the kind of reflective responses that produce a deepening commitment to biblically-driven and theologically-directed action.

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Accordingly, a priori convictions are necessary for a commitment to biblical-theological action in any given context. Contrary to the articulation of some in youth ministry, Richard Dunn argues that one must begin with theological foundations beliefs and then, and only then, move to life practices and ministry applications.

There has been a kind of Pragmatist school. One of the central concerns among practical theologians is the loss of distinctiveness in their own theological method if it amounts to nothing but theological application. Within this praxis-theory-praxis model, practical theologians can argue that their theological reflection is just as unique as those in systematic, historical, or biblical theology. If practical theologians are simply taking the truth found in the rest of the theological encyclopedia biblical studies, systematics, historical theology and applying it, they are no longer unique but are simply applying the completed methods of the classical theological disciplines.

Beeson School of Practical Theology

When theologizing, why not begin with revelation from God rather than subjective and temporal experiences and contexts? Arguing for his model, Clark states,.

Josh Smith on Practical Theology

When faithfully and communally applied, this process will empower and enable youth ministry practitioners to lead a believing community to shift from reliance on a priori assumptions and convictions that hinder the work of the Spirit toward the kind of reflective responses that produce a deepening commitment to biblically-driven and theologically-directed action. Accordingly, a priori convictions are necessary for a commitment to biblical-theological action in any given context. Contrary to the articulation of some in youth ministry, Richard Dunn argues that one must begin with theological foundations beliefs and then, and only then, move to life practices and ministry applications.

There has been a kind of Pragmatist school. One of the central concerns among practical theologians is the loss of distinctiveness in their own theological method if it amounts to nothing but theological application.

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Within this praxis-theory-praxis model, practical theologians can argue that their theological reflection is just as unique as those in systematic, historical, or biblical theology. If practical theologians are simply taking the truth found in the rest of the theological encyclopedia biblical studies, systematics, historical theology and applying it, they are no longer unique but are simply applying the completed methods of the classical theological disciplines.

We should understand the distinction that practical theologians are making in their methodology. What once was simply application has now become its own method, distinct in its process of theologizing. My hope is that we can conceptualize an understanding of practical theology that begins with and implements the truths and tenets of historical theological understanding, while simultaneously honoring practical theology as its own field.

It will take the best of our understanding and wisdom, and only time will tell if this is possible.

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Merton Strommen, Karen E. Jones, and Dave Rahn. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, , Richard R. Dunn and Mark H. Email Address. Defining Practical Theology Upon first glance, we might assume that practical theology and applied theology are synonymous terms.

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Arguing for his model, Clark states, When faithfully and communally applied, this process will empower and enable youth ministry practitioners to lead a believing community to shift from reliance on a priori assumptions and convictions that hinder the work of the Spirit toward the kind of reflective responses that produce a deepening commitment to biblically-driven and theologically-directed action.

Emphasis added. The best way to stay up-to-date with HSF.