Professionalisierungspfade Ostdeutscher Lehrer: Biographische Verläufe und Professionalisierung im D

Title: Professionalisierungspfade Ostdeutscher Lehrer: Biographische Verlaufe Und Professionalisierung Im Doppelten Modernisierungsprozess (Biographie.
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Among the various aetiological factors, smoking, alcohol intake, spicy hot food intake, industrial pollution and achalasia cardia are a few worth mentioning. One hundred patients attending the Department with history of Dysphagia were included after thorough history taking, clinical and endoscopic examination and found to have malignant growths in the oesophagus which was confirmed by biopsy and histopathological examination. Various aetiological factors were elicited and analysed in both the histological varieties of malignancy of oesophagus.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease was more commonly associated with adenocarcinoma. Out of 37 patients with adenocarcinoma, 31 patients had history of gastroesophageal reflux disease Consumption of hot drinks, tea and coffee more than 10 per day has been analysed. The main factor that has emerged is lifestyle, dietary habit, smoking and alcohol, and environmental factor.

Consumption of alcohol and smoking is known risk factors in. Membraneous stenosis of the upper oesophagus 'webs'. Webs of the upper oesophagus are sail-like mucosal folds of unknown aetiology. Small, transverse webs on the anterior wall of the oesophagus are not uncommon incidental findings which are easily overlooked on routine examination. Extensive, circular membranes in the upper oesophagus , on the other hand, are rare; these may lead to severe difficulty with swallowing and may be associated with regurgitation. One example of a transverse, and three cases of circular webs are described, which caused stenosis and dysphagia and which, in some cases, were multiple.

The aetiology is discussed. The velocity of a radioactive bolus in the oesophagus evaluated by means of an image segmentation algorithm. Instantaneous parameters can be obtained if the exact position centroid of the bolus is known. For that, one needs to know the co-ordinates of the centre of mass of the bolus radioactivity distribution.

From this, one can obtain velocity at each time. Obtaining such a new parameter would be important, to try to determine whether the anatomical differences among the 3 thirds of the oesophagus have a functional correspondence or not. We have studied 5 normal volunteers 4 males, 1 female, yo. Each volunteer swallowed unique swallowing 40 MBq of 99mTc-phytate in 10 ml water.

External marks were used to separate the pharynx from the oesophagus. Images were transformed into bitmap by means of a Sophy Medical processing module and analysed by means of the algorithm, which determines the co-ordinates of the centroid horizontal and vertical for each frame and instant velocities through the organ. Different velocities were found in typical evaluations. Curves representing the different positions of the bolus C and the correspondent different Vs were obtained.

Different velocities of the bolus were detected during the pharyngeal phase, and proximal, mid and distal parts of the oesophagus. Larger studies are necessary, but it seems that the velocity of a radioactive bolus changes in the different parts of the oesophagus.

It is reasonable to say that there is a functional correspondence to the anatomical differences in the organ Au. Late effects on normal tissues: Radiation-induced late effects of oesophagus are observed after treatment of various cancers. Acute reactions, mainly oesophagitis, are well known and accurately described; late effects share, for most of these, a common consequence: More rarely, ulcerations and pseudodiverticulae can be observed.

Chemotherapy further increases the risk of late effects, especially in case of concomitant chemo-radiotherapy. All numbers and statistical data on oesophagus late effects should be regarded with caution due to recent changes in the therapeutic attitudes more and more combined chemotherapy-radiotherapy and some progress in given cancer locations. A common scale like the LENT-SOMA should enable the clinician to better know these late effects on oesophagus which is required to initiate effective prevention measures and adapted treatments.

Management of pharynx fistula after upper digestive tract instrumentation. Full Text Available Pharynx fistula is a pathological state that can pose serious problems for both physician and patient and can lead up to the death of the patient in complicated cases. The authors describe a series of guidelines for the management of the pharynx fistula regarding the complications of the instrumentation of the upper digestive tract. Most of the cases that are addressed to our clinic can be treated with a conservative approach and a nutrition therapy plan tailored to each case. In selected cases surgery is the method of choice for therapy.

The management of the pharynx fistula can be well managed in a multidisciplinary approach using resources from the E. Radiological evaluation of esophageal motility and gastroesophageal reflux disease; Funktionsstoerungen des Oesophagus. Radiological evaluation of esophageal motility and the lower esophageal sphincter has gained increased attention in recent years. Videofluoroscopic investigation of esophageal motor function is superior to static film radiography, as repeated analysis of the videotaped recordings is possible.

With emphasis on radiological techniques, normal esophagel physiology and motility and a variety of esophageal motor disorders are discussed in this review paper. Radiological evaluation of gastroesophageal reflux and reflux esophagitis is described. Clinical and radiological findings in esophageal motility disorders and gastroesophageal reflux disease and the radiological efficacy compared to that of manometry and pH-metry are discussed.

Die Videokinematographie ist hierbei der konventionellen Roentgenuntersuchung aufgrund der Moeglichkeit der wiederholten Analyse ueberlegen. Ziel der vorliegenden Uebersicht ist es, prinzipiell das radiologische Erscheinungsbild der normalen Funktion sowie diagnostische Kriterien fuer verschiedene Motilitaetsstoerungen zu demonstrieren.

Weiterhin werden auch die verschiedenen Moeglichkeiten der radiologischen Refluxpruefung zur Untersuchung der Funktion des gastrooesophagealen Sphinkters verglichen und deren Wert diskutiert. Die Pruefung der Funktion von Oesophagus und gastrooesophagealem Sphinkter als ein integraler Bestandteil der Roentgenuntersuchung der Speiseroehre verbessert deren Treffsicherheit, wodurch die radiologische Untersuchung die primaere diagnostische Methode bei Patienten mit Schluckstoerungen darstellt.

Full Text Available Background. Also, potential gender differences and diagnosis of ACO were studied. Can ulceration in carcinoma of the oesophagus be detected by Twenty-nine patients with carcinoma of the oesophagus selected for radiation therapy underwent the 99mTc sucralfate scintimaging prior to radiation Neurologic and neuromuscular functional disorders of the pharynx and esophagus. A new concept of the anatomy of the thoracic oesophagus: Observational study during thoracoscopic esophagectomy. During thoracoscopic oesophageal surgery, we observed not previously described fascia-like structures.

Description of similar structures in rectal cancer surgery was of paramount importance in improving the quality of resection. Therefore, we aimed to describe a new comprehensive concept of the surgical anatomy of the thoracic oesophagus with definition of the meso- oesophagus.

We retrospectively evaluated 35 consecutive unedited videos of thoracoscopic oesophageal resections for cancer, to determine the surgical anatomy of the oesophageal fascia's vessels and lymphatic drainage. The resulting concept was validated in a prospective study, including 20 patients at three different centres. Additional confirmation was sought by a histologic study of a cadaver's thorax. A thin layer of connective tissue around the infracarinal oesophagus , involving the lymph nodes at the level of the carina, was observed during thoracoscopic esophagectomy in 32 of the 35 patients included in the retrospective study and in 19 of the 20 patients included in the prospective study.

A thick fascia-like structure from the upper thoracic aperture to the lower thoracic aperture was visualized in all patients. This fascia is encountered between the descending aorta and left aspect of the infracarinal oesophagus. Above the carina it expands on both sides of the oesophagus to lateral mediastinal structures. This fascia contains oesophageal vessels, lymph vessels and nodes and nerves. The histologic study confirmed these findings. Here we described the concept of the "meso- oesophagus ". Applying the description of the meso- oesophagus will create a better understanding of the oesophageal anatomy, leading to more adequate and reproducible surgery.

Spontaneous intramural haematoma of the oesophagus: Spontaneous intramural haematoma of the oesophagus SIHO is an uncommon disorder. It presents usually with acute chest pain followed by dysphagia. This condition may mimic spontaneous rupture of the oesophagus Boerhaave Syndrome , dissection of the thoracic aorta or acute myocardial infarction. Hence early accurate confirmation of the diagnosis by radiology is vital for the appropriate acute management. The condition is frequently mistaken for acute myocardial infarction which may prompt inappropriate thrombolytic therapy.

The appearances on contrast studies of oesophagus and on CT scanning are characteristic. Despite this, the diagnosis may easily be missed, if appropriate careful radiological technique is not used. This paper reports three consecutive cases of SIHO managed in one institution.

These cases illustrate that early gastrografin contrast radiology followed by barium contrast radiology and if necessary by thoracic CT is diagnostic in all cases of this condition. Depts of Radiology and Gastroenterology. Multifocal Abrikossoff's granular cell tumor of the oesophagus: Less common locations are in the aerodigestive tract including the oesophagus. CASE OUTLINE We have recently treated a rare case, a year old male, who was admitted due to dysphagia and a painful swallow with occasional pharyngo-nasal regurgitation followed with a mild loss of weight.

Standard clinical examination including X-ray chest, ECG and laboratory tests did not show pathological findings. Barium contrast oesophagography demonstrated multiple ovoid defects in the wall of the oesophagus. CT scan of the chest confirmed luminal narrowing owing to the tumor of the upper oesophagus. Upper endoscopy showed unusual multifocal nodular lesions alongside the oesophageal axis covered by smooth mucosa.

A primary biopsy specimen taken from the largest nodules confirmed an unusual pathological finding of the granular cell tumor. Subtotal, transpleural oesophagectomy was performed and reconstruction was derived by long colon segment interposition through the posterior mediastinum. The postoperative course was uneventful. The operative specimen consisted of four ovoid tumors alongside the oesophagus the greatest diameter 0.

All verified tumors histologicaly consisted of a spindle-shaped or polygonal cells containing small and large eosinophilic granules and central nuclei. Most tumor cells showed strongly positive immunohistochemical staining for S protein. These tumor cells were partially positive for p and Ki No lymph node metastases were detected histologically.

Pathological features and multiplicity of such tumors emphasized malignant predisposition requiring surgical resection of the oesophagus. Parkinson disease affects peripheral sensory nerves in the pharynx. Dysphagia is very common in patients with Parkinson disease PD and often leads to aspiration pneumonia, the most common cause of death in PD. Current therapies are largely ineffective for dysphagia. Because pharyngeal sensation normally triggers the swallowing reflex, we examined pharyngeal sensory nerves in PD patients for Lewy pathology. We examined the glossopharyngeal nerve cranial nerve IX , the pharyngeal sensory branch of the vagus nerve PSB-X , and the internal superior laryngeal nerve ISLN innervating the laryngopharynx.

These findings suggest that pharyngeal sensory nerves are directly affected by pathologic processes in PD. These abnormalities may decrease pharyngeal sensation, thereby impairing swallowing and airway protective reflexes and contributing to dysphagia and aspiration. High-resolution computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses, pharynx and related regions. The aim of the study was to facilitate the identification of anatomic structures and the interpretation of pathologic changes in CT-images of paranasal sinuses, pharynx and related regions.

Secondly the impact of CT on diagnosis and patient management was analyzed. The results of this examination are discussed. Long standing foreign body impaction with weight loss, consolidated lungs and failure to thrive are documented presentations of FB in the oesophagus 5. We present a case of a 20 year old male who inadvertently swallowed a coin which got impacted at the thoracic inlet — one of the conventional areas of constriction.

We report a case of a 65year old. Nigerian male with an unusual foreign body, a fishing hook in the oesophagus. This was confirmed with a plain radiograph of the chest done on a routine medical check-up, although patient was asymptomatic. The foreign body was removed via a rigid oesphagoscopy without Response of canine oesophagus to change in dose per fraction.

Data are presented from which it is concluded that the amount of glandular tissue in the submucosa at 6 months may be related to the residual increase in connective tissue component. If the connective tissue component continues to increase it could lead to further decreases in glandular tissues and thinning of the epithelium of the oesophagus. Significant atrophy of the submucosal oesophageal glands could have serious clinical implications. This model investigates particularly the impact of an integral and a non-integral number of waves on the swallowing of food stuff such as jelly, tomato puree, soup, concentrated fruits juices and honey transported peristaltically through the oesophagus.

The fluid is considered as a Casson fluid. Emphasis is on the study of the dependence of local pressure distribution on space and time. Mechanical efficiency, reflux limit and trapping are also discussed.

Professionalisierungspfade Ostdeutscher Lehrer: Biographische Verlaufe Und Profe

Full Text Available This model investigates particularly the impact of an integral and a non-integral number of waves on the swallowing of food stuff such as jelly, tomato puree, soup, concentrated fruits juices and honey transported peristaltically through the oesophagus.

The result is physically interpreted as that the oesophagus makes more efforts to swallow fluids with higher concentration. It is observed that the pressure is uniformly distributed when an integral number of waves is there in the oesophagus ; but it is non-uniform when a non-integral number of waves is present therein. It is further observed that as the plug flow region widens, the pressure difference increases, which indicates that the averaged flow rate will reduce for a Casson fluid.

It is also concluded that Casson fluids are more prone to reflux. Afferent projections to pharynx and soft palate motoneurons: A light and electron microscopical tracing study in the cat. Pharynx and soft palate are muscles for respiration, vocalization, swallowing, and vomiting. In cat, dgNA is the only part of nucleus ambiguus that can be. A case report of cardia cancer complicated with idiopathic muscular hypertrophy of the oesophagus treated with thoracoscopic surgery. The incidence of idiopathic muscular hypertrophy of oesophagus IMHE is low, and cancer with IMHE, showing significant hypertrophy of muscular layer of middle part of the oesophagus and successfully treated with minimally invasive thoracoscopic surgery.

Corpus gastritis in patients with endoscopic diagnosis of reflux oesophagitis and Barrett's oesophagus. A high level of gastric acid secretion is considered to be a risk factor for reflux oesophagitis or Barrett's oesophagus. Corpus gastritis may have a protective effect on the oesophagus , because of decreased gastric acid output. To determine if corpus gastritis is associated with. Prevalence and characteristics of acid gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in Jackhammer oesophagus. An association between acid gastro-oesophageal reflux disease GERD and Jackhammer oesophagus has been suggested.

To assess the prevalence and characteristics of acid-GERD in Jackhammer oesophagus and the efficacy of proton pump inhibitors. Data and outcomes of patients with Jackhammer oesophagus were assessed. Two groups were compared: Among the high-resolution manometries performed, 44 Jackhammer oesophagus 2. After a median follow-up of Dysphagia improvement as well as other symptoms improvement was not associated with GERD status or proton-pump inhibitors use.

The rates of symptom improvement in Jackhammer oesophagus were high regardless of the use of proton-pump inhibitors treatment or of the presence of GERD.

Published by Elsevier Ltd. Two siblings with lichen planus and squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus. Lichen planus is a mucocutaneous disease which can also affect the oesophagus. Unlike in oral lichen planus an increased risk for the development of squamous cell carcinoma in the oesophagus has not been established. We describe two sisters with a history of long-standing cutaneous lichen planus who.

Sport und soziale Integration. Sport und soziale Integration: Reappraisal of bicarbonate secretion by the human oesophagus. Administration of omeprazole to healthy volunteers was recently reported to increase proximal duodenal mucosalbicarbonate secretion. As human oesophagus also secretes bicarbonate, the hypothesis was tested that omeprazole may stimulate oesophagealbicarbonate secretion and thus Salivary and gastric bicarbonate As omeprazole and ranitidine did not affect bicarbonate secretion differently there was no evidence that omeprazole acts on icarbonate secretory cells in the oesophageal mucosa MRI-guided brachytherapy for cancer of the oesophagus.

A method of brachytherapy treatment planning using MRI is presented. In 13 patients with inoperable squamous cell cancer of the thoracic oesophagus an intraluminal afterloading boost with MRI assistance was performed. One sagittal or coronal picture which showed the catheter tip and the residual cancer was magnified to ''life size''. The position of the catheter was corrected if necessary and the treatment volume decided. The contrast medium was then aspirated out of the catheter and a thinner afterloading catheter pushed into the outer catheter. The patient was moved immediately to the afterloading room and received the first dose of boost irradiation.

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This method allows much more precise brachytherapy planning since it shows the cancer and the catheter together. It is superior to localising the cancer with a barium swallow or endoscopy because MRI visualises the whole extent of the residual cancer, which can then be covered with the necessary dose. Radiological normal anatomy of the larynx and pharynx and imaging techniques.

The larynx and the pharynx represent anatomically as well as functionally a very complex organ which serves as an airway and a nutrition channel. Knowledge of anatomy and anatomical topography is therefore a fundamental basis for the evaluation of any pathological process. Beside the clinical examination and endoscopy performed by ear, nose and throat specialists, imaging techniques play a crucial role in pre-therapeutic and post-therapeutic diagnostics.

The radiologist employs a conventional x-ray swallow examination, as well as contrast-enhanced multidetector computed tomography MDCT , magnetic resonance imaging MRI , positron emission tomography PET and positron emission tomography-computed tomography PET-CT , depending on the medical problem in question. The following article demonstrates the functional and especially the structural anatomy of the larynx and the pharynx.

Furthermore, the broad range of imaging techniques in clinical use is discussed. What the practicing radiologist needs to know about the pharynx and dysphagia. The number of persons with impaired swallowing in our population is substantial. In the United States alone, an estimated 8,, individuals die from choking each year.

The semingly simple act of swallowing requires the successful coordination of several cranial nerves and 26 muscles of the mouth, pharynx , and esophagus. The system can be affected by many abnormalities including developmental abnormalities, neurologic and neuromuscular disease, head and neck injuries or surgery, structural lesions including cancer, and gastrointestinal disorders, to mention just a few. The resulting impairment can range from mild discomfort to life-threatening disability. This paper focuses on dynamic imaging of the pharynx: Pertinent radiographic anatomy and the physiology of normal and abnormal swallowing are addressed.

The importance of a multidisciplinary approach to the patient with dysphagia is discussed. Functional and morphological changes in the pharynx in achalasia and in diffuse esophageal spasm.

Since the pharynx and the esophagus are a functional unit, functional radiodiagnosis has to be directed at pharyngo-esophageal interaction. Among our collective of 73 patients suffering from achalasia or diffuse esophageal spasm, we were able to recognize a substantially increased incidence of morphological or functional pharyngeal disorders by means of cineradiography.

The functional alterations in particular were often not revealed by conventional fluoroscopy. High-speed cineradiography, with its high temporal and spatial resolution, turned out to be a valuable tool in analysis of the origin of pharyngeal dysphagia.

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Manometry correlated very well with the radiologic findings in tubular esophagus, but proved unreliable in the detection of alterations of the upper esophageal sphincter region, because of problems inherent in the method. Furthermore, membranous stenosis webs , lateral or dorsal diverticula, and asymmetry of the pharynx were observed strikingly often.

Radiation therapy of cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx , paranasal sinuses and larynx. The aim of this work is to present the principles of radiation therapy of cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx , paranasal sinuses and larynx, according to the experience of the Institute of Oncology in Krakow. The text was designed primarily for the radiotherapists involved in the treatment of those neoplasms, and may be used as an auxiliary textbook for those preparing for the examination in radiotherapy.

To study the relationship between the lymphoid follicles in mucous membrane of pharynx and mucosal associated lymphoid tissues MALT. Ten folliculi obtained from 10 patients of follicular pharyngitis and mucosa taken form 10 patients of paranasal sinusitis were fixed in neutral formalin and embedded in paraffin. Sections were prepared, stained by H. E and by immunohistochemical method staining with S,and observe by light microscopy. We observed the morphology of lymphoid follicles in mucous membrane of pharynx with MALT in mucosa of paranasal sinusitis as the contrast.

Lymphoid follicles in mucosa of pharynx compared with MALT in the mucosa of paranasal sinuses, there was no mantle zone, no typical germinal center and no mucosal epithelium, immunological staining with S was week. The lymphoid follicles in mucosa of pharynx does not belong to the MALT. CT and MRI appearances. Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging. A year-old man with history of ischaemic heart disease and coronary artery bypass graft surgery, but no history o peptic ulcer or liver disease, presented with retrosternal pain and coffee-ground vomitus.

Endoscopy revealed a lone column of bluish discolouration with normal mucosa interpreted as a grade IV oesophageal varix. Computed tomography showed a non-enhancing low-density submucosal columnar lesion in the mid- and lower oesophagus consistent with a submucosal haematoma.

This resolved on follow-up at 10 days. The magnetic resonance features o intermediate signal intensity on T1 -weighted images and hyperintense signal on T2-weighted images of this lesion are also highlighted. Copyright Blackwell Science Pty Ltd 11 refs. Copyright Blackwell Science Pty Ltd. Low dose preoperative radiotherapy for carcinoma of the oesophagus. Patients with potentially operable squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma of middle or lower thirds of oesophagus were randomly assigned to preoperative radiotherapy or surgery alone.

Patients assigned to the radiotherapy arm received 20 Gy in 10 treatments over 2 weeks, using parallel opposed 4 MV beams. The preoperative radiotherapy was not associated with any significant acute morbidity or any increase in operative complications. There was no significant difference in the survival of the 90 patients who received preoperative radiotherapy and the 86 who were managed by surgery alone.

Proportional hazards analysis identified lymph node involvement, high tumor grade and male sex as significant adverse prognostic features, but the treatment option assigned had no prognostic significance. It was concluded that low dose preoperative radiotherapy offered no advantage over surgery alone. Emerging optical methods for surveillance of Barrett's oesophagus. The rapid rise in incidence of oesophageal adenocarcinoma has motivated the need for improved methods for surveillance of Barrett's oesophagus.

Early neoplasia is flat in morphology and patchy in distribution and is difficult to detect with conventional white light endoscopy WLE. Light offers numerous advantages for rapidly visualising the oesophagus , and advanced optical methods are being developed for wide-field and cross-sectional imaging to guide tissue biopsy and stage early neoplasia, respectively.

We review key features of these promising methods and address their potential to improve detection of Barrett's neoplasia. The clinical performance of key advanced imaging technologies is reviewed, including 1 wide-field methods, such as high-definition WLE, chromoendoscopy, narrow-band imaging, autofluorescence and trimodal imaging and 2 cross-sectional techniques, such as optical coherence tomography, optical frequency domain imaging and confocal laser endomicroscopy. Some of these instruments are being adapted for molecular imaging to detect specific biological targets that are overexpressed in Barrett's neoplasia.

Gene expression profiles are being used to identify early targets that appear before morphological changes can be visualised with white light. These targets are detected in vivo using exogenous probes, such as lectins, peptides, antibodies, affibodies and activatable enzymes that are labelled with fluorescence dyes to produce high contrast images. This emerging approach has potential to provide a 'red flag' to identify regions of premalignant mucosa, outline disease margins and guide therapy based on the underlying molecular mechanisms of cancer progression.

For permission to use where not already granted under a licence please go to http: Vervanging van de cervicale oesophagus door een gerevasculariseerd ileumsegment: Different techniques have been used to bridgedefectsin this area. Recently revascularised small bowel transplants have been succesfully employed. Ahistological and histochemical study of the oesophagus and oesogaster of the Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis.

Full Text Available A histological and histochemical study was performed in the buccal cavity and papillae, which were around the teeth, as well as in the oesophagus and oesogaster of the Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis adult specimens. The oesophagus and oesogaster were made up of four distinct layers: Two morphological types of epithelial cells were distinguishable in the oesophageal mucosa: Mucussecreting cells were the dominant feature of the epithelium throughout the oesophagus.

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These goblet cells were filled with numerous mucous droplets of low electron-density. The oesophagus was devoid of taste buds. Radiological imaging of the upper gastrointestinal tract. The esophagus; Radiologische Bildgebung des oberen Gastrointestinaltrakts. In the diagnosis of diseases of the esophagus, conventional x-ray evaluation still plays a more important role than endoscopy in the visualization of stenoses.

CT plays a major role in the staging of malignancies of the esophagus, while MRI plays does not play a major part in the diagnostic evaluation of the upper GI-tract but is equal to CT for the staging and evaluation of the extent of local infiltration. The main indication for the radiological examination of the esophagus by barium studies is dysphagia. The use of barium allows a functional examination of esophageal motility. Swallow motility disorders can be diagnosed by videofluorography using high frame rate imaging.

Zenker's diverticulum and other pulsion diverticula should also be investigated by functional esophageal imaging. Candida esophagitis can be identified by its characteristic ulcerations using barium swallow. The extension of gastroesophageal hernias are more accurately evaluated with barium studies than with endoscopy. The diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease should be made by barium studies, but discrete inflammation as well as epithelial dysplasia are best investigated by classic endoscopy and modern endoscopic techniques.

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In cases of esophageal carcinoma, radiology adds to the findings of endoscopy and endosonography. Mit konventionellem Roentgen kann die Funktion des Oesophagus untersucht werden, zudem sind Stenosen besser darstellbar als in der Endoskopie. Die MRT wird im oberen Gastrointestinaltrakt kaum mehr diagnostisch verwendet, ist aber im Umfeldstaging und fuer die lokale Infiltrationsausdehnung dem CT gleichwertig. Hauptindikation zur radiologischen Oesophagusdiagnostik ist die Dysphagie.

Der Oesophagusbreischluck dient der morphologischen Diagnostik, die Motilitaet kann in Bauchlage mit Barium untersucht werden. Schluckstoerungen werden mit der Roentgenkinematographie abgeklaert. Mortality rate of lip, oral cavity and pharynx malignant tumors in Serbia within a period Lip, oral cavity and pharynx malignant tumors account for 3. The aim of this descriptive epidemiologic study was to analyze the mortality rate of lip, oral cavity and pharynx malignant tumors in Serbia proper within a period Mortality rates standardized directly using the world population as the standard were used in data analysis.

Linear trend and regression analyses were used to analyze rate trends in mortality. Mortality rates for lip, oral cavity and pharynx cancer increased with age in both genders, with rates being the highest in the population aged 85 and older. The increasing trend in lip, oral cavity and pharynx cancer mortality points to the necessity to investigate etiology and improve primary and secondary prevention measures. Lymphogranuloma venereum detected from the pharynx in four London men who have sex with men. Currently in the UK, testing for pharyngeal Chlamydia trachomatis CT is not routine, and LGV typing is usually only performed in patients with anorectal symptoms.

These cases also highlight other possible routes of infection for LGV, and add to the broad spectrum of clinical presentations associated with this infection. Full Text Available Invasive head and neck squamous carcinomas are among the cytogenetically most complex tumors. Perhaps for this reason, there is little consensus on the prognostic value of specific chromosomal aberrations. Here we present Results of CGH analysis of 56 clinically well-characterized set of head and neck cancers, consisting of larynx and pharynx only.

The aim was to find possible associations with clinical outcome. The major chromosome arms showing gains were in decreasing order: The segments most frequently amplified were 3qqter, 11q13, 11q22, 3q12—13, 18p Surprisingly, no specific chromosomal abnormality correlated with disease-free survival. The only aberration that correlated to one of the clinico-pathological parameters was amplification 11q13, that occurred solely in lymph node positive, stage IV tumors.

However 11q13 amplification did not correlate with disease-free survival. These Results seem to indicate that genetic alterations at the level of chromosomes have limited prognostic value in patients with invasive larynx and pharynx squamous cell carcinomas. Functional imaging of the pharynx used to be the domain of cineradiography, CT and ultrafast CT. The development of modern MRI techniques led to new access to functional disorders of the pharynx. The aim of this study was to implement a new MRI technique to examine oropharyngeal obstructive mechanisms in patients with obstructive sleep apnea OSA.

Sixteen patients suffering from OSA and 6 healthy volunteers were examined on a 1. Imaging was performed with 2D flash sequences in midsagittal and axial planes. JUNG — um nur einige wenige Beispiele zu nennen. Ethnografie wird einerseits als sozialwissenschaftliche, methodenplurale und kontextbezogene Feldforschungsstrategie gefasst s. Hierauf haben alleine im Jahr zwei Tagungen reagiert: Der hier zu rezensierende Sammelband ist im Kontext dieser "Standortbestimmungen" zur Ethnografie als Forschungsmethode innerhalb der Erziehungswissenschaften zu verorten.

Diese Scheu sehen sie vor allem immanent in der "forschungsmethodischen Offenheit ethnografischer Strategien" S. Entsprechend markieren die Herausgeber einen Bedarf an reflexiven Vergewisserungen zur ethnografischen Forschung in der Erziehungswissenschaft, welche bisher "nur vereinzelt stattfinden und wenn dann weitestgehend entkoppelt von der sozialwissenschaftlichen Methodendiskussion" S. Gleichzeitig sollen "vor dem Hintergrund und entlang der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse insbesondere auch forschungsmethodische und methodologische Fragestellungen" S.

So ist nicht ersichtlich, warum die Herausgeber in der Einleitung Ethnografie zum einen vor allem als methodenplurale Feldforschungsstrategie fassen und zum anderen dann in der Klassifizierung von Zugangsweisen jedoch zwischen "methodenpluralen" und "dezidiert ethnografischen" Zugangsweisen unterscheiden. Teil 3 widmet sich noch einmal dezidiert der Methoden- und Forschungsreflexion:. Sie arbeitet auf Basis von videografiertem Datenmaterial heraus, wie der Einsatz von Fallarbeit in der Hochschullehre "Unterricht zum kommunizierbaren Geschehen" S. An ihrer ausgesprochen methodenreflexiven Darstellung des Forschungsprozesses zeigt sich zudem besonders gut die facettenreiche Bedeutung der teilnehmenden Beobachtung als Kern der ethnografischen Feldforschungsmethode.

Ausgangspunkt ihrer Untersuchung ist die Frage, "wie unter Bedingungen befriedigender Lebenslagen zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement entsteht — oder auch nicht" S. Zudem arbeitet der Autor in Lebensverlaufsperspektive die wandelnde Bedeutung der Einrichtungen im Sinne "partieller institutioneller Begleiter" heraus.