Unite My Heart

Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you. English Standard Version Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your.
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But I still remember the precise moment in time when I realized:. The Lord had to bring me through fire to show me that it was a decision; but when He did, there came a point where I had to make that decision. If I had not, I believe He would have taken me back around that mountain one more time, wandering in the wilderness. But, by His grace and help, I did make that decision and breakthrough came soon afterward. I spent a lot of time feeling sorry for myself.

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I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I spent a lot of time whining and being discouraged and depressed. Some days, my heart was after God and set on Him. Some days, I believed Him. Other days, I was just mad at Him. He prayed a prayer one day that I believe will help us today as we struggle with the ups and downs of life. This is what David prayed:. We know David was a musician and a psalmist. We know he had strong emotions from reading his poetry, the psalms.

We know he felt melancholy sometimes, discouraged sometimes, depressed sometimes, and angry sometimes. Some days he was strong in God, and other days … not so much. Instead, he asked God for help to manage his emotions. And finally, he asked God to do the big work—the work that was the crux of the matter. He was asking God to bring all the pieces of his emotions back together into one heart that would run fiercely after God. He asked God to change his heart so much that he, David, would stay solely focused on God in faith.

I know I do. I need His help in everything. Father, thank You for giving me Your holy Scriptures to learn from.

Unite My Heart | Hallelujah

Thank You that You have a solution for everything, including my wild emotions. Take away my old, shattered heart, and give me a new heart—Your heart. Let Your heart beat in my chest, Father, and help me be wholly devoted to You. Help me to cast down every imagination and every high and lofty thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ.

Help me to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, Lord, and to stand firm in faith without wavering. Help me to dwell in the secret place with You, and please keep me stable and fixed under the shadow of Your wings.

Thinking about all the reasons we have for praising our LORD.

Teach me how awesome You are: Show me Your glory so strongly that I am gripped by the wonder of You. Help me to fall more in love with Jesus every day. Give me a heart that is wholly devoted to You. Help me to make the decision every moment of every day to keep my eyes on You and trust You, no matter how I feel. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer.

Thank You for uniting my heart to fear Your name. Does this word and prayer from the Psalms minister to your heart today?

Aaron Keyes: "Unite My Heart to Fear Your Name"

Did you pray the prayer and ask Father to unite your heart to fear His name? If so, leave a comment below! Would you help me with my work of reaching people for Jesus as a domestic missionary? I need you; we are in this together! This blog, and all of the Kingdom work we do in this community together, are made possible through your partnerships, donations, and product purchases.

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Secrets Misty Edwards Best of the Prayerroom Psalm 86:11

And, thank you in advance for helping make this blog and everything we do together for the Kingdom possible! Your feedback means the world to me. It keeps me going when writing gets hard. So, please keep your comments coming. However, because there are so many Presence seekers in this community and only one of me, I am not always able to respond to comments like I used to. You all told me in a recent survey that you'd rather I write new blog posts than respond to comments. So, please, dear Presence seekers Please feel free to respond to one another's comments! Encourage and pray for one another!

Let's build relationships with each other in this community! All I ask is that you keep your comments sweet and encouraging. No counseling; don't give anybody instructions; just help people and pray for them, the same way you would want them to do for you, okay? Thank you so much, family! And thank you for being part of this awesome Presence-seeking community!

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Yes, I seem to be up and down on an emotional roller coaster. I read Psalms because it does calm my heart. I am glad that Papa God understands and will help me to be more stable!! You are right about it being a faith decision to trust God. So, we can rest assured that when He has instructed us, we have been given truth.

Unite My Heart

The only decision to make then is whether or not we will walk in that truth. To the contrary, after our initial commitment to the Lord, our sin struggle will intensify because for the first time we will be resisting what is wrong. David recognized that his own heart was divided—he held contrary loves right inside himself.

I think all of us can relate to this feeling of war and division that dwells within. We must do what David did and ask God to unite the heart that constantly wants to remain divided. Our greatest struggles often come from our desire to follow God and a simultaneous desire to sin. If we are honest with ourselves, we will admit that we often like sin while we hate it at the same time. That is why our heart constantly feels divided.

We must ask God to be the heart surgeon that He is, clearing the arteries of our spiritual veins that clog with unrepented sin. Only he can make our hearts whole and united.

It was a decision.

He alone can show us the truth that comes solely from Him and that replaces the areas where we suffered from sin-sludge-buildup. God is the one to reveal to us the way in which we should go with our united heart. But what about the confusion that arises when we are inundated with multiple ways, multiple truths, and multiple things to devote our hearts to? My next blog will look at what I have called errors of multiplicity, in part two of this study on Psalm