College Success Begins at HOME

School Success Begins at Home academic performance drops. Why? First . Schools need to stay the course of raising academic standards. Parents need to.
Table of contents

Cost, Quality and Outcomes Study. University of North Carolina. The productivity argument for investing in young children Working Paper 5. Committee for Economic Development.

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Transforming the workforce for children birth through age 8: Improving the readiness of children for school: Recommendations for state policy. Center for the Study of Social Policy. Early child care and self-control, compliance, and problem behavior at twenty-four and thirty-six months. Child Development , 69, — Child outcomes when child care center classes meet recommended standards for quality.

American Journal of Public Health , 89, — The relation of child care to cognitive and language development.

New Education Initiative Aims to Help South Pacific Parents and Children Succeed

Child Development , 71, — Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy. What it is and why it matters in early childhood education. From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development. Early Learning, Later Success: The Region , suppl , 6— King has directed early learning programs in private, non-profit, and school district settings over the past 15 years.


She has delivered numerous regional and national presentations in the field of early learning. King brings expertise in best practices in early learning; early learning accreditation; strategic planning and quality assurance; data analysis; Head Start health, mental health, and disabilities services; home visitation and family support; and professional development and coaching. This article may be republished or reproduced in accordance with The Source Copyright Policy.

Spring Early Childhood Education: The Key to Success. Success in School and in Life: It Starts at Birth. High quality early learning has been consistently linked to positive outcomes for youth and adults.

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High quality early learning programs include the following components: References American Academy of Pediatrics. Learning the Way the Brain is Designed. A volunteer Latter-day Saint senior missionary couple, Reed and Nada Spencer, spent the past two years researching, compiling, and publishing the educational manual. Reed Spencer began his professional career as a primary teacher. He soon moved into administrative positions, ending his career at the Utah State Office of Education directing literacy instruction for the , public school students there.

In addition, he spent twenty years teaching graduate school, training teachers. Nada Spencer spent those years raising five children, taking an active part in their education and schools, and teaching and leading church youth groups. Since the home is the most important element for learning success, Mrs Spencer gained valuable experience as she coached their children to become successful students.

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With Mr Spencer's retirement and their children out on their own, the couple volunteered to serve a mission for the Church and received an assignment to Samoa. Their assignment was to raise the level of education in the families of the Church throughout the South Pacific. It was a big challenge, they say. They were the first couple called to be education coordinators. There was no manual for them to follow as they began to tackle the job.

When we got here, we knew two things: We were sure of that. And the other was, we were pretty sure the Lord did know what to do. The Spencers developed some literacy initiatives in the Church schools in Samoa, providing them additional experience in preparation for producing the Success in School manual. The evidence is real strong that parents just need to know that. In addition to compiling the Success in School Begins at Home manual, the Spencers produced four other guides relating to education: The leadership guide quotes senior Church leader Russell M.

Unfortunately, a five-year-old child who has not learned certain skills can already be as much as two or three years behind other children when they start school!

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Our goal is for every child entering the first year of school to be prepared and ready. The study buddy guide explains how small groups can help one another learn and gives examples of lessons and skills. The second purpose is to help anyone improve their skills in basic reading, writing, and math. Most people need extra teaching and practice on certain skills, and schools do not usually have the funding to provide that extra help.

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Private tutoring is very expensive, and not always effective. As members of the Church, we can and should help each other—not just go to school, but be successful in school!

More and more, English is the language of business, industry and employment, the language of tertiary education, and the language of technology—worldwide. The guide illustrates how becoming more proficient in English will help people provide for themselves and their families, serve and assist others, and realize their full potential. It will help [people] be more effective parents for example, helping children with schoolwork or employment , contribute more to their community and be more effective advocates for their nation and culture.

Many congregations have already organised groups and are working through the lessons and putting the instructions into practice. Richard and Mary Jarvis, self-reliance missionaries, have been actively assisting these groups get organised.