Eppur si muove. Come cambia la sanità in Europa (Policy Vol. 4) (Italian Edition)

Eppur si muove. Come cambia la sanità in Europa (Policy Vol. 4) (Italian Edition) - Kindle edition by Alberto Mingardi, Gabriele Pelissero. Download it once and.
Table of contents

Lo scarso ricorso alla mediazione penale. Le manifestazioni indirette di apertura alla giustizia riparativa. Le mancanze intrinseche del diritto francese. Uno stato dei luoghi insoddisfacente. Il rinnovamento della giustizia riparativa nel diritto francese. Una questione di fini. Evitare la compassione eccessiva per le vittime di reati. Una questione di mezzi.

La creazione di misure di giustizia riparativa. Sviluppare la formazione professionale.

I segreti del Nord (Voci di Origami 8)

Lezahne van Wyk Restorative justice in South Africa: An attitude survey among legal professionals http: Twenty-five participants 5 individuals from each of the 5 subgroups, namely; judges, magistrates, prosecutors, advocates and lawyers were approached to respond to 10 questions which simply required a yes or no answer with a short motivation. Thematic analysis was used to identify emerging themes from the data, which revealed a generally positive disposition by South African legal professionals towards restorative justice. Carmen Cuadrado Salinas La mediacion: In addition, there is a question of how well RJ can be integrated with these programs to promote greater success.

Lorenzo Pulito Messa alla prova per adulti: Yet, little is known about the experience of students in classrooms utilizing restorative practices RP. This study draws on student surveys in 29 high school classrooms. Hierarchical linear modeling and regression analyses show that high RPimplementing teachers had more positive relationships with their diverse students. Students perceived them as more respectful and they issued fewer exclusionary discipline referrals compared with low RP implementers.

Best practice examples between increasing mutual understanding and awareness of specific protection needs www. Restorative justice is focused on reparation of harm in the aftermath of a crime or conflict. Sometimes conferencing is used. Idealised Rhetoric or Practical Reality? Studi sono in corso, promossi anche da raccomandazioni internazionali.

Si tratta di una prospettiva nuova e antichissima al tempo stesso che potrebbe modificare profondamente le coordinate con le quali concepiamo il crimine e il criminale: Qualcosa si muove, nella giustizia minorile, nei reati punibili a querela. Ma molto resterebbe da fare. Giuseppe Luigi Fanuli L'istituto della messa alla prova ex lege 28 aprile , n.

Inquadramento e problematiche applicative www. I tempi della procedura e il decorso della prescrizione. Le pronunzie del giudice sulla richiesta di messa alla prova; Gli effetti processuali della ordinanza di rigetto e di quella di accoglimento. I possibili esiti della messa alla prova e le relative implicazioni di natura sostanziale e processuale. Considerazioni a partire dai risultati intermedi di un progetto di ricerca europeo sulla protezione della vittima www.

La RJ tra approccio olistico e dimensione reparative. La definizione di Marshall. Le definizioni "normative" - 3. Il progetto europeo di ricerca Yo. Legal framework della RJ nei paesi oggetto di studio. Tipologia dei servizi di RJ e loro diffusione sul territorio. Condizioni richieste per lo svolgimento dei programmi. Rapporti tra associazioni delle vittime e uffici di RJ. Restorative Justice e protezione della vittima: Quali possibili tutele formalizzate in una giustizia de-formalizzata?

Le ricerche empiriche sulla soddisfazione della vittima: Un particolare caso problematico: A New Perspective http: Proposte in materia di risoluzione stragiudiziale dei conflitti e delle controversie www. Matteo Murgia La mediazione del conflitto interno al carcere. The authors argue that while RAP patently did not succeed in abolishing prisons, it did contribute to significant changes in the debate over crime and punishment. Moreover, abolitionism or perhaps more accurately, neo-abolitionism remains highly relevant to practice including that of restorative justice and as a critical theory of criminal justice.

Nova Science, The relationship between violence and shame is complex, bidirectional, and interactive, although research has tended to emphasize certain aspects of this association and to deemphasize others. In particular, much has been written about shame as a consequence of violence victimization, suggesting that victims of interpersonal violence are at greater risk for developing global self-devaluations.

However, for the purposes of this Directive, it also refers to a suspected or accused person before any acknowledgement of guilt or conviction, and it is without prejudice to the presumption of innocence preamble, point Such an assumption can be found in both the preliminary provisions of European codes of criminal procedure and in amendments introducing new rights for victims into these codes The proposed judicial option, Restorative Student Judicial Circles RSJC , incorporates principles of restorative justice to address issues of higher education student misconduct through inclusive student practices.

Topics reviewed consist of the definition of effectiveness within student judicial processes, including recidivism rates and personal development, procedural rights within such processes as well as innovative student judicial boards. Lastly, this article provides a detailed description of the proposed Restorative Student Judicial Circles and outlines how such processes may operate upon implementation within higher education settings. Stephane Jasmin Kirven Isolation to empowerment: A review of the campus rape adjudication process Journal of International Criminal Justice Research, Volume 2 — September, This article highlights the state of sexual assaults on colleges and university campuses today and reviews the campus adjudication system under the standards of Title IX.

In light of these findings, this article introduces restorative justice as an alternative form of justice to reform the adjudicatory process in campus sexual assault cases while complying with the mandates of Title IX. John Braitwaite Evidence for Restorative Justice. A Review and Critique http: A request does not guarantee that a dialogue will take place: Sometimes victims are seen as too angry to become involved in a dialogue.

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This process takes from six months to a year. The dialogue is a one-time only event. It takes place in a correctional facility where the offender is incarcerated. There is a facilitator present, and at times also support people for the victim and the offender. I have argued that The Unreceptive Wrongdoer gives us a reason to reject communicative, but not all expressive, theories.

Punishment can succeed in expressing condemnation even when the punished is unreceptive to the message of condemnation. Thus, expressive theories can account for our conviction that those serious criminals who are unlikely to be receptive to the message of their punishment should nevertheless be punished. Daryl Higgins, Kristen Davis Law and justice: An example of a mainstream diversionary program for car theft is U- urn, an automotive training course aimed at promoting behavioural change, giving positive life skills, and reducing recidivism.

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Utopia or a Developing Reality? We will try to corroborate our ideas through the penal abolitionism theory and the subsequent birth of new forms of Criminal Politics, namely the restorative justice. So, it is our intent to question if the criminal punishment is inevitable or if it is possible to avoid it, especially as far as incarceration is concerned.

All three of these practices have a shared set of goals. They seek to hold offenders accountable; empower victims; allow for the expression of feelings; clarify facts about the crime; provide an opportunity to address the impact of the crime on the victims and those around them; and come to an agreement about how the offender can make amends. Jenni Ward Are problem-solving courts the way forward for justice? The concepts and practices of therapeutic jurisprudence and restorative justice have significantly influenced the development of court and legal practice associated with these programs.

Alessandra Dal Moro A che punto siamo con la giustizia riparativa www. Real Power or Empty Ritual? It affords a valuable opportunity for homeowners and lenders to consider mutually beneficial alternatives to foreclosure. The FDP continues to see a high level of activity. In , the FDP conducted 2, mediation sessions in 1, foreclosure cases. A total of 4, foreclosure cases were filed in Maine in , an increase from the 4, cases filed in The FDP has achieved positive results Sonia Chiaravalloti La mediazione familiare come strumento alternativo di risoluzione dei conflitti: V I n.

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The completion status of participating offenders is tracked by noting whether the offender has fulfilled the expectations of their restorative justice agreement, by the completion date established in the restorative justice process. When the agreement is completed by the assigned completion date the process is considered successful.

At the time of this survey there were also many processes that were pending completion. Some processes do not have a written agreement as an outcome or do not reach an agreement within the process. These processes are not considered in the completion rates below. The aim of this paper is to analyse the approaches used in Mauritius to combatdomestic violence. It shows that in a first instance Mauritius had established coordinated community response initiatives CCRIs together with the implementation of a restitutive approach to deal with the issue.

However, with the implementation of the Victim Empowerment and Abuser Rehabilitation Policy VEARP framework in the workplace, stakeholders have operationalised the concurrent use of the retributive and the restorative approaches to combat domestic violence. Alternative models have been proposed. These approaches bring together people who have been affected by criminal activity and aim to achieve a reintegration of the offender into the broader community. Restorative justice processes take a large number of forms with widely varying relationships to usual criminal justice processes Stubbs, Restorative Justice in Prisons: A Literature Review The International Journal of Bahamian Studies, Can restorative justice be integrated into the criminal justice system and prison regime without losing its characteristic elements of respect, engagement and collaboration?

So returning to whether the dichotomy between restorative and retributive justice is a false one, perhaps it is helpful to avoid confusion between particular conceptions of punishment with the concept of punishment itself. Seen this way, restorative justice is not an alternative to punishment, but an alternative form of punishment. Giovanni Rossi Esperienze di giustizia riparativa http: A Restorative Justice Success Story www.

By addressing the underlying mental illness and helping the participants deal with it appropriately, the expectation is that participants will be more apt to develop a sense of personal and social responsibility and move gradually toward self-sufficiency and integration into the community. Lorenzo Passerini Glazel Il perdono come atto nomotrofico boa. Centro per la mediazione di Trento e Bolzano Carta dei servizi www. By contrast, retribution as just deserts is mainly predicted by a value restoration motive and by rightwing authoritarianism.

After controlling for revenge, retribution as just deserts predicts support for procedural justice in the criminal courts The following is a consideration of how mainstream criminal sentencing can be reimagined to integrate restorative justice, and suggests that South Australia adopt legislation based on the Crimes Restorative Justice Act ACT in order to mandate restorative justice considerations as a compulsory part of the criminal sentencing process.

Don Weatherburn, Megan Macadam A review of restorative justice responses to offending journal. The review finds little reliable evidence that RJ reduces re-offending. Victims who participate in RJ are generally satisfied with the experience but it is unclear whether they are more satisfied than victims in similar cases that are dealt with in court. It appears to be a less expensive and more efficient way of finalizing criminal cases involving young people but, once again, the evidence on this issue at this stage is rather limited.

Rachlinski, Chris Guthrie, Andrew J. Wistrich Contrition in the Courtroom: Do Apologies Affect Adjudication? Cornell Law Faculty Publications, Paper , Apologies usually help to repair social relationships and appease aggrieved parties. Previous research has demonstrated that in legal settings, apologies influence how litigants and juries evaluate both civil and criminal defendants.

Judges, however, routinely encounter apologies offered for instrumental reasons, such as to reduce a civil damage award or fine, or to shorten a criminal sentence. Frequent exposure to insincere apologies might make judges suspicious of or impervious to apologies. In a series of experimental studies with judges as research participants, we find that in some criminal settings, apologies can induce judges to be more lenient, but overall, apologizing to a judge is often unhelpful and can even be harmful.

Effects on Offender Recidivism and Victim Satisfaction. A Systematic Review www. This definition covers a homogenous group of programs inspired by the work of the Australian theorist John Braithwaite and the Australian trainer John McDonald, whose dialogue spread both the idea of RJCs and the opportunity for rigorous evaluations of them from Canberra to the US and UK from through Bracken Restorative Justice with Inmates in a Canadian Penitentiary Faculty of Social Work - University of Manitoba Institute of Criminology University College Dublin March From the perspective of legal thought and jurisprudence, however, there have also been developments in Canada in which restorative principles have, for example, been adopted into sentencing principles contained in the Canadian criminal code.

Although it would be difficult to say that restorative justice as a broad concept has become the major focus of the Canadian criminal justice system, it has at least grown to be an accepted set of principles that can be applied in a variety of settings. Such a paradigm has in practice provided, while in need of further epistemological clarification, a solid account of itself in relation to the needs of the victim and the offender.

Participation in mediation is suggested here as functional to the accountability of the minor, a critical step to attaining the activation of rehabilitation pathways, otherwise difficult to achieve. Such considerations may induce the legislature towards non-deferrable regulatory interventions and the juvenile judiciary towards reflecting on its own legal culture, marked by paternalistic attitudes, at the expense of choices simply made in terms of lenience.

Restorative justice approaches seek to prevent negative outcomes for juveniles by giving offender s , victim s , mediator s , and the broader community a voice in a dialogue and negotiation that determines reparative resolutions that heal harm and do not retributively exclude A study in New Zealand explored non-reporting of IPV, and the extent to which using restorative justice RJ could increase reporting of this type of crime. La prospettiva in cui si pone il paradigma della giustizia riparativa ha, dunque, una rilevanza di carattere integrativo e, pertanto, merita di essere armonizzata e collocata negli spazi processuali idonei senza perdere di vista la tutela delle garanzie fondamentali.

Elena Mattevi La giustizia riparativa ed il sistema del giudice di pace. A review of effectiveness and costs www. Given the difficulties offenders may have with impulse control and with taking account of the impact of their behaviour, it may prove effective to show individuals the harm they have caused, and, as in some cases of restorative justice programmes, to require them to compensate for that harm by repairing damage or by engaging in community service.

Thus, restorative justice is a form of intervention that merits further evaluation. As capacity for restorative justice improves, we would want to see the duty to inform victims about the availability of restorative justice amended to become a duty to offer restorative justice, as soon as the capacity to deliver this exists in every area. Rebecca Brooks Is Restorative Justice the way forward to repair the harm experienced by crime victims?

It occurs in the aftermath of a crime in a secure environment and allows the offender to have the opportunity to recognise the physical and psychological harm that has been caused, to the victim and their families, because of their actions. The aim is to highlight the impact of the crime, to offer resolution by helping to deal with the situation created, and to discuss any implications for the future.

Restorative justice is a philosophy that may inform how individuals and organizations relate to one another. It can also be a specific process used for a specific reason. Thus, it can be argued that restorative justice does not necessarily exist in a pure form. Restorative justice philosophies and practices typically have many moving pieces and variables, which provide challenges for program evaluation and delivering evidence-based practices. Despite almost universal agreement of the claimed economic advantage, little research has been conducted validating such a claim.

The following study examines contemporary restorative justice in the United States and provides a cost-effectiveness CE analysis comparing restorative practice with traditional criminal justice TCJ methods in Massachusetts. Furthermore, this economic analysis intends to provide the information necessary to promote broader policy changes introducing more restorative practice into the criminal justice system across Massachusetts.

Marco Venturoli La tutela della vittima nelle fonti europee www. Le ragioni di una tutela della vittima in sede europea. Le fonti europee in materia di tutela della vittima. Le fonti a carattere generale. Le fonti a carattere particolare. Rilievi in margine alla politica criminale europea in materia di protezione delle vittime.

Il potenziamento degli strumenti della restorative justice quale via da privilegiare per la tutela delle vittime. L'opportuno potenziamento della tutela c. La vittima nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia. Penso soprattutto al fatto che simili tentativi tendono ad annacquare la fondamentale e classica distinzione tra diritto penale e diritto civile quando ritengono che la migliore risposta al delitto sia la riparazione nei confronti delle vittime.

Roberto Flor, Elena Mattevi a cura di Giustizia riparativa e mediazione penale in materie penali in Europa Greifswald, Germania, maggio - www. Essa ha rappresentato il primo momento di incontro e di scambio tra gli autori dei 36 rapporti nazionali sul tema, chiamati a descrivere le strategie, le procedure e gli interventi di giustizia riparativa sviluppati nei diversi paesi di provenienza, come supporto o alternativa alla giustizia penale tradizionale.

Josh Bowers, Paul H. Robinson Perceptions of Fairness and Justice: Specifically, in this Article, we aim to isolate and define the parameters of each dynamic, to compare and examine their similarities and differences, and to explore the settings in which the two run together or more rarely cross-wise. Davide Bianchi Sull'efficacia extrapenale della sentenza di proscioglimento per avvenuta riparazione del danno ex art. Nota a Tribunale di Pisa, sez. Tribunale di Sorveglianza di Venezia, Ordinanza 7 gennaio , n.

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Comparing Greece and The United Kingdom www. There is general consensus among feminists and victim advocates that RJ is not appropriate for such cases, particularly when it comes to intimate partner violence. Consequently, this area of practice remains under-researched and in the shadow of the law. Nevertheless, this does not hinder passionate practitioners from piloting conferences, mediation and other RJ programmes, most of the time without any government support.

Eur J Crim Policy Res The general picture emerges that there is a huge variation in levels of victim protection across the EU. An Answer to the Call of the Gospel of St. In a functional justice system, due process and equal protection are the very foundations. And while Restorative Justice focuses on a more humanistic view and implementation of justice, it too would be flawed without the procedural protections afforded by a formal and functional justice system.

Restorative Justice should therefore be viewed as a parallel or tandem process to the institutionalized justice industry Shadd Maruna Lessons for justice reinvestment from restorative justice and the justice model experience: A Working Guide for Our Schools Alameda County School Health Services Coalition, Brenda Morrison illustrates ways in which restorative practices can be applied — from prevention to intense intervention — with a pyramid. The pyramid is adapted from a public health model where the base affects the whole population; the second tier affects a moderate portion of the population; and the top tier affects a small portion of the population.

The idea is that if preventive issues are addressed at the base, and difficulties are managed at the second tier, there will be fewer in need of intensive intervention at the top tier. Giovanna Fanci La vittimizzazione secondaria: Should It Be Protective or Proactive? Arianna Silvestri ed Lessons for the Coalition: Tommaso Edoardo Frosini Un diverso paradigma di giustizia: Si tratta, quindi, di fenomeni eterogenei, caratterizzati dal fatto di essere volti a risolvere i conflitti senza pervenire alla decisione del giudice ordinario, in quanto basati sul potere riconosciuto alle parti di disporre delle loro controversie.

Impact, Opportunities, and Challenges in the Global Community. Rooted in the juvenile justice systems of North America, with a focus on non-violent property crimes, restorative justice policy and practice are now present at virtually all levels of adult and juvenile justice systems, even handling severely violent crimes. Restorative justice and dialogue have now moved far beyond the justice systems of the world and are found in school settings, workplaces, faith communities, and even in the context of deeply-entrenched political violence, such as in Israel and Palestine, and in post-conflict societies such as Northern Ireland, South Africa, Liberia, and Rwanda.

Thomas Journal of Law and Public Policy, Spring The modem restorative justice movement has extended retributivist theory to include practical ways of determining what type of punishment is deserved in a particular situation. Generally, three distinct models have emerged: Additionally, restorative justice interventions have been associated with reductions in recidivism for an average of seven percent of participants across all models. Marco Bouchard La giustizia riparativa — un panorama europeo Corso di Formazione CSM 7 marzo E' vero che, in generale e anche in Italia, la riparazione penale ha meglio attecchito nella giustizia minorile piuttosto che nel sistema penale degli adulti.

International organizations have recently issued statements and recommendations endorsing a restorative approach to offending. At first glance, this expansion alone suggests that restorative justice practices are indeed a feasible response to crime, and that they are attractive to an increasing proportion of the general population, justice officials, and policymakers.

March During the past 30 years, a restorative justice movement has emerged in Canada. It is a movement that finds the current justice system inadequate in terms of dealing with offenders, victims and communities in the aftermath of crime. The current criminal justice system is seen as retributive, concentrating solely on fixing blame and guilt.

Restorative justice asserts that victims are forgotten entities in the current justice process and should have a greater role in determining the outcome of their case. Restorative Justice RJ is not a program, but a way of looking at crime. It can be defined as a response to crime that focuses on restoring the losses suffered by victims, holding offenders accountable for the harm they have caused, and building peace within communities.

Prospettive internazionali, europee e nazionali. Maria Chiara Di Gangi La mediazione penale quale metodo alternativo di soluzione del conflitto nella prospettiva comparatistica www. Il dibattito italiano sugli scopi della pena. La mediazione penale in Austria, Germania ed in Francia. La mediazione penale quale metodo A. Anne Hayden Why Rock the Boat? This study critically examines the reasons for non-reporting of intimate partner violence IPV.

It explores the thesis that the use of restorative justice processes could impact on the rate of reporting and victims seeking early interventions for this form of offending, or giving victims more choice, and therefore power This paper examines the opportunities for forgiveness provided through the integration of restorative justice within the Western criminal justice system. Additionally, the effects such integration would have on increasing forgiveness as a probable outcome are also discussed.

It critiques existing debates regarding its implementation, supplementing these interpretations with empirical data collected from victims participating in an extensive restorative justice programme currently operating within the United Kingdom. ADR processes may, for example, lead to a meeting between parties where an apology is offered. They can also facilitate an aggrieved party to participate in the creation of new arrangements or procedures to prevent a recurrence of the incident in dispute. This underlines a key element of ADR — that it has the potential to enhance the empowerment of those involved in its processes.

A memorial to victims of a perceived wrong can also emerge from a mediated agreement. The flexibility offered by ADR processes is an important aspect of a civil justice system in its widest sense. The term is however often used loosely, inconsistently and in apparently different senses.

The three bodies of work are that of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, criminal justice theorists and accounts of African Traditional Justice Mechanisms. With a clearer picture of what these respective sources mean when referring to restorative justice, the discussion then turns to the potential relevance and significance of these conceptions of restorative justice for transitional justice. To the extent that restorative justice conferencing approaches are included in the management of criminal cases, they tend to be confined to the post-adjudicative phase.

Increasingly, courts are adopting criminal conferencing approaches in the pre-trial, pre-adjudicatory phase of the management of a criminal case as dispute resolution tools. The paper considers whether the distinction between the pre and post adjudicative phases is compelling. It can be argued, however, that the idea is to empower victims and offenders to resolve matters themselves, so what is right for them is right.

The best solution is probably that of the New Zealand juvenile system: Within and Cross Partner Effects Univ. Do forgiveness and conflict tactics compromise, aggression, and avoidance in response to conflicts instigated by a romantic partner's offence uniquely predict effective arguing and relationship quality? Using 92 Italian couples we tested a mediational model in which each partner's responses to conflict predicted bothe partners' perceived effective arguing that, in turn, predict their own relationship quality.

For both men and women, negative responses to conflict unforgiveness, aggression, and avoidance overlapped and jointly predicted self-reported and partner-reported relationship quality, directly and indirectly via effective arguing. Positive responses investigated benevolence and compromise did not overlap for either men or women.

Men's positive positive responses to conflict uniquely predicted self-reported and partner-reported relationship quality via effective arguing, whereas women's positive responses did not predict them independently of their male partner's tactics. European best practices of restorative justice in the criminal procedure Budapest Nevertheless there are places in the world where restorative processes have worked successfully and been well received by victims.

This report includes as many of these projects as the authors could find in a limited time House of Commons Justice Committee Cutting crime: First Report of Session —10 www. Moral Agency and the Role of Victims in Reparations Programs Florida International University, Legal Studies Research Paper Series, December When past injustices resist material redress, symbolic acts provide past violators with an opportunity to show their remorse and commitment not to repeat the unjust behavior.

These actions can take a variety of forms including individual compensation awards, community memorial funds, the creation of monuments and museums, the development and support of educational and cultural awareness programs, the establishment of national holidays, and the national commemoration of victims. Realizing Contemporary Indigenous Visions of Justice in Canada Through the Culturally Sensitive Interpretations of Legal Rights The University of British Columbia Vancouver , October Restorative justice is often presented as a more constructive approach to dealing with crime than adversarial and punitive approaches.

This provides considerable impetus behind Indigenous demands for jurisdiction over justice as Indigenous communities often portray their own justice practices, many of which parallel restorative justice, as effective alternatives Of particular significance to proponents of restorative justice is Christie's assertion that conflict is the "property" of the victim. Normatively then, victims should assume a central role in justice responses to crime and anti-social behavior. But empirically, have they? Elias rather emphatically makes the case that they have not: Humphrey, Gale Burford, Meredith P.

Huey Reparative versus Standard Probation: Community Justice Outcomes http: Data provided by the Vermont Department of Corrections, which included information from all fourteen Vermont District Courts, formed the basis for the analysis. Leonardo Carpentieri Restorative Justice in France: Restorative justice is not a well known concept in France today.

Although mediation between victims and offenders is favoured and encouraged, restoration is not yet a leading principle for conflict resolution. Nonetheless, Restorative justice is slowly developing and getting a foothold into the French legal system. Restorative justice is largely based on social and community-oriented initiatives, which clashes with major French legal principles.

More strikingly, French law professionals and policy makers have a hard time integrating restorative approaches mainly because of the lack of legal basis for Restorative justice as an autonomous alternative tool for dispute resolution. Michelle Funk Comparative Justice Reform: What Are the Lessons for British Columbia? University of Manitoba, Currently in England and Wales, restorative justice initiatives are encouraged and supported through significant research and development at the levels of government, community NGOs and university research.

For example, at the government level in a Green Paper, Breaking the Cycle: Effective Punishment Rehabilitation and Sentencing of Offenders, called for considerable changes in the way justice is delivered for victims, offenders and the community along with advancements in the implementation, development and continuation of restorative justice processes. Michele Riondino Giustizia riparativa e mediazione minorile www.

Talvolta essa sembra addirittura gridare al vento e rassegnarsi ad appoggiare una visione repressiva della giustizia. Crediamo ancora che la pietra scagliata sia chiamata a diventare la pietra angolare del Regno? David Polizzi, Bruce A. A Conversational Critique Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, , Vol 1 2 , Instead, I see an affirmative postmodernism, informed by phenomenology, but extended into chaos theory, cultural criminology, post-structuralism, critical theory, constitutive thought, and psychoanalytic semiotics. Can we Punish the Perpetrators of Atrocities?

Brudholm Thomas, Cushman Thomas ed. The Religious in Responses to Mass Atrocity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. If all that we do to the offender is to express our anger; or threaten him with sanctions to deter him or others from future crimes; or subject him to restraints to incapacitate him from future crimes; or impose on him some quantum of suffering that is meant to match, in some cosmic balance, the wrong he committed: Damaska The International Criminal Court Between Aspiration and Achievement Yale Law School Legal Scholarship Repository, We saw that in criminal proceedings-in the retributive part of the process-judges are authorized to give redress only to victims of crimes which they have tried.

Reparation claims of victims can thus often be processed on an individual, piecemeal basis, with an eye toward the ideal of full restitution. Later, Latin America once again helped reshape the terms of the truth v. Il diritto come mediazione. Teoria, prassi e critica della giustizia riparativa www. Creating Paths for Offender Reintegration www. Prison confinement dehumanizes and diminishes individuals, resulting in former inmates being less capable of effectively reintegrating into society Restorative justice principles must be incorporated into programmes offered to inmates.

Programmes are also designed to achieve behavioural change A Theoretical Analysis www. Our research extends the existing literature by showing that reducing litigation rate is not always socially efficient. Using this framework, we derive policy implications for access to justice and judicial economy. Risk models, effective interventions and risk management www.

The reduction in overall criminal recidivism for participants was Interestingly, the reduction in specifically violent recidivism was more dramatic, at The fourth report from the evaluation of three schemes www. A key aim for the restorative justice schemes was that those who received restorative justice should be reconvicted less often or less frequently, or for offences of lower seriousness than those who did not experience restorative justice, represented by the control group. However, one has to be realistic in expectations for reconviction Ministere de la Justice Service des Affaires Europeennes et Internationales Paris Inventaire des dispositifs et des procedures favorisant les rencontres entre les victimes et les auteurs dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre de la Justice Restaurative.

Le cas du Canada www. Le cas du Belgique www. Supporting the implementation of restorative justice in the South of Europe http: In , more than programmes existed in Europe. Since then, restorative justice practices have further evolved and victim-offender mediation legislation has already been passed in many countries.

Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo holds a Ph. Bavetta holds a B. In particular, he has worked on liberalism, on the role of the state, on the measurement of freedom — both at the theoretical and empirical level — on the concept of autonomy, on the determinants of economic dynamism, prosperity and happiness, and on the role of interest groups in the democratic decision process. He has published four monographs and many articles in international journals as well as in volumes of collected papers, at the international level.

In his research activity he defends the idea of the open society and argues for its policy and political effects, on the one hand, and for its consequences on material and immaterial prosperity, on the other. Bavetta has been a visiting fellow in many Italian and international institutions: Bavetta has extensive political and administrative experience. He has also been non executive president of the local airport authority, from to , and a member of the board of the Fondazione Teatro Massimo, the local opera house.

He has also been in the board of a number of foundations and research centers, in Italy. Bavetta has extensively consulted on issues in public policy and local government. He has also written for the public at large, in a number of Italian weekly and cultural magazines as well as in daily newspapers where he has contributed opinions on issues on freedom, public policy and local public finance.

He has directed and participated in colloquia organized by the Liberty Fund. In particular, he is working on the mechanisms that facilitate social change and the conditions that must be realized for a society to flourish. He is also engaged in the construction of an index of social change amenable to public policy applications.

Via Columbia, 2 Roma Tel.: Monday, September 17, Publications Blog Villa Mondragone. Filippo Bencardino, responsabile del workgroup Prof. International Federation for Housing and Planning coordinatore prof. However, in reality the statistics are not that encouraging. The fight against youth unemployment is indeed a top priority for the Commission. This involves, inter alia , technical assistance to Member States; monitoring and analysing the impact of policies in place — in the context of the European Semester; supporting the exchange of good practices between Member States; and helping Member States to make the best possible use of European Structural and Investment Funds, in particular the European Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative.

L-elezzjonijiet tal u t-tkabbir ekonomiku. What plans are there to make this proposal reality? The European Commission hopes for an active electoral campaign in which the European political groups will engage with voters to explain their vision for the future EU in particular with respect to promoting more sustainable growth, jobs and economic stability. The European Parliament has an important role as co-legislator at EU level and in ensuring democratic legitimacy, accountability and scrutiny of decisions taken at the EU-level. The Commission will continue to work closely with the newly elected Parliament in strengthening the economic recovery, promoting growth and ensuring sustainable financial systems.

The Commission fully supports the active role of the European Parliament in the economic dialogue, as well as its reports on, for instance, the European Semester. It in these areas strongly encourages the new European Parliament to continue taking its active role forward. Quand le texte de cette consultation sera disponible dans les langues officielles del'Union? The EU has had an exclusive competence in the sphere of investment policy since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.

How will the Commission ensure that the opening of this consultation is sufficiently publicised, in order to obtain replies from as many interested parties as possible? Will it be possible for the results of this consultation also to be taken into account in the context of other negotiations currently under way particularly with Canada if they prove not to be in line with the chapter as negotiated?

Has the Court of Justice of the European Union yet had the opportunity to rule on the desirability of this mechanism, and on the right of the Union and its Member States to legislate in the public interest? The Commission has publicised the launch of the public consultation in several ways.

It held a press conference and a technical briefing for journalists on the day of the launch of the consultation and will hold a stakeholder event on the 13 of May in Brussels. The Commission is further reaching out to a large number of European citizens via its fully informative webpage and tweet activities. The Commission is also encouraging Member States and the European Parliament to play a role in the process.

Other EU investment negotiations all carry their own specificities. The Commission will however give due consideration to all the general comments and views expressed by EU citizens and does not exclude refining its approach in other negotiations accordingly. Aumento delle esecuzioni di condanne a morte nel Una nota ONG internazionale attiva nel settore dei diritti umani ha registrato come tra il e il vi sia stata un nuovo aumento delle esecuzioni capitali nel mondo.

L'Unione utilizza costantemente tutti gli strumenti disponibili per promuovere la propria politica abolizionista, secondo le sue linee guida in materia che sono state recentemente aggiornate e rivedute. In questo contesto, l'Unione si adopera attivamente per reagire all'aumento delle esecuzioni in tutto il mondo per mezzo di a dichiarazioni, b iniziative a livello diplomatico nei confronti dei paesi interessati, c sanzioni, come nel caso dell'Iran, d dialoghi sui diritti umani, durante i quali la questione della pena di morte viene costantemente sollevata, e finanziamento di progetti in favore dell'abolizione della pena di morte attraverso lo strumento europeo per la democrazia e i diritti umani EIDHR e f un'azione nei consessi multilaterali, in particolare le Nazioni Unite.

A famous international NGO, which works in the human rights sector, has noted that there was a further increase in the number of executions around the world between and The data collected show that executions were carried out during , almost more than in , in twenty-two different countries one more than the previous year. However, the organisation explained that its data are, in fact, incomplete, since it believes that China has executed thousands of people: Furthermore, the report lacks data from countries which are currently undergoing dramatic upheaval, caused by instability or civil wars, such as Syria and Egypt; such data could raise the number of executions to a much higher total.

There are some positive trends in Europe, where no executions took place in , with Belarus, the only country in the region where the death penalty has not been abolished, not carrying out a single execution for the first time since The fight against the death penalty is at the heart of the EU's Human Rights policy. The EU constantly uses all tools available in order to promote its abolitionist policy, according to the relevant EU guidelines, which were recently updated and revised. Controffensiva russa in seguito alle sanzioni e risposta europea. In seguito al crollo della borsa di Mosca e del rublo e in seguito alle sanzioni economiche di UE e USA contro la Russia, pare che Mosca stia implementando una controstrategia di acquisizione di imprese chiave in Europa.

Aumentare la produzione interna di energia nel territorio dell'UE, come la produzione di gas naturale dalle formazioni di scisto, potrebbe contribuire a diversificare l'approvvigionamento energetico dell'UE. Per continuare a favorire la diversificazione delle fonti di approvvigionamento dell'UE non cessa di essere fondamentale intensificare l'uso delle tecnologie a basse emissioni di carbonio, in particolare le energie rinnovabili. A few days ago, a Russian state-owned giant purchased a major stake in two Italian companies in order to influence their purchases, making oil extracted by the Russian giant itself their raw material of choice.

A similar case has occurred in Germany, where, a few days ago, another Russian oligarch revealed details of the oil-related activities of a famous German electric company. The risk which seems to be emerging is that the European and American economic offensive could fail, without forcing Russia to reconsider its strategy. Member States are required to use energy more efficiently at all stages of the energy chain, and increasing energy efficiency is a way to ensure continued reduction of energy demand in Member States, which would lead to decreasing dependency on external suppliers.

Increased uptake of low carbon technologies, in particular renewable energies, remains essential to further foster EU diversification of supplies and reach its decarbonisation objectives. Norme in materia di sicurezza sportiva. I tre medici sociali intervenuti in soccorso del giovane sono stati ieri rinviati a giudizio con l'accusa di omicidio colposo, per non aver utilizzato il defibrillatore semiautomatico disponibile allo stadio. Non esistono norme a livello di UE in tema di pronto soccorso durante le manifestazioni sportive, compreso l'uso di defibrillatori.

The three club doctors who gave the young man first aid appeared in court yesterday, accused of manslaughter because they failed to use the semiautomatic defibrillator that was available at the stadium. Can the Commission clarify whether there are any European regulations governing first aid at sporting events, or concerning the statutory presence and use, when necessary, of defibrillators at sporting events?

There is no EU legislation governing first aid at sporting events, including the use of defibrillators. Ricadute dei social network in termini di trasparenza e offerta di lavoro. La ricerca ha inoltre fatto emergere un altro dato: Se dispone di dati relativi alla presenza e all'uso dei social network da parte di altri poli universitari europei?

Se dispone di dati, a livello europeo, riguardo l'emersione della figura professionale esplicitamente ed esclusivamente dedicata alla comunicazione tramite social network? Improving the entrepreneurs' skills through the serious games supported on social networks. The assessment was based on a mapping of good practices and the main gaps in the field.

The research also revealed another fact: Does it have any figures on the social network presence and usage of other European universities? Does it have any figures, at European level, concerning the emergence of professionals explicitly and exclusively dedicated to communications via social networks? Does it think social networks can make a positive contribution in terms of improving the transparency of university institutions and, by extension, other public and private institutions?

The Commission does not collect data on the social network presence and usage of European universities, nor on the emergence of professionals dedicated to communications via social networks. In addition to its potential for communicating with the public, social media can also be used constructively inside institutions to support learning.

A High Level Group on the Modernisation of Higher Education is currently looking into how to maximise the impact of new methods of delivering quality higher education, including social media, and is due to report in June this year. Rischi per i consumatori e le PMI legati all'avanzamento delle nuove tecnologie digitali.

La Commissione ritiene che tali timori possano essere fondati? This type of technology already exists to a degree: It would also put small businesses at a competitive disadvantage because they will not have immediate access to this type of tool, mainly for financial reasons.

Does the Commission think there are grounds for these fears? Would current European legislation on unfair commercial practices and misleading advertising provide a sufficient response to these fears, in the light of technological progress? Based on the information available, the Commission is not in a position to asses to what extent, if at all, this type of business use of new technologies could have a negative impact on small-and-medium-sized enterprises SMEs.

Sei ufficiali ucraini prigionieri delle forze armate russe. Il viceministro della Difesa ucraino ha denunciato il fatto che le forze armate russe abbiano preso prigionieri sei alti ufficiali ucraini, tra cui un generale. Ha motivo di ritenere che i timori espressi dal viceministro ucraino siano fondati? The deputy minister has also said that the government and army have lost track of the six officers but are sure they are in the hands of the Russians, not least because they include the colonel who was head of the last Ukrainian military base to be evacuated in Crimea.

Can the Commission clarify whether it has any further information on this situation? Does it have reason to believe there are grounds for the fears voiced by the Ukrainian deputy minister? The EU deplores and condemns such incidents. It will continue to follow the investigations. Soglie di presenza di vera frutta nelle bevande analcoliche. L'organizzazione italiana di rappresentanza dei coltivatori diretti ha aspramente criticato il risultato, accusando le lobby di grandi multinazionali di andare contro le PMI italiane di settore e contro una maggiore tutela della salute derivante dall'aumento della percentuale.

L'emendamento in questione avrebbe violato tale legislazione dell'Unione? Ritiene che la modifica di queste soglie possa avere effetti distorsivi della concorrenza nel mercato interno dell'UE? La Commissione sta attualmente esaminando le disposizioni nazionali italiane in merito al livello minimo di succo di frutta genuino contenuto nelle bibite per vedere se sono in linea con le disposizioni unionali sulla libera circolazione delle merci, in particolare con gli articoli da 34 a 36 del TFUE.

Le disposizioni dell'UE sulla libera circolazione delle merci non ostano a che gli Stati membri trattino i loro prodotti domestici meno favorevolmente di quelli importati. L'applicazione delle regole unionali in materia di concorrenza prescrive che si identifichino le distorsioni della concorrenza risultanti dalle azioni di:. Dalle informazioni esposte nell'interrogazione non risulta che si diano tali elementi. Soft drinks producers, meanwhile, had feared that, if the amendment were to be adopted, it could have led to serious distortions of competition because it would have applied only to Italian producers and not to other European or non-European producers.

Does any European legislation currently exist which regulates the minimum genuine fruit content of soft drinks? Would the amendment in question have infringed such Union legislation? There is no EU specific legislation regulating the minimum fruit juice content of soft drinks. The EU provisions on the free movement of goods do not prevent Member States from treating their domestic products less favourably than imports.

The application of EU competition rules requires the identification of a distortion of competition resulting from actions of:. Presence of such elements does not follow from the information available in the question. Irrespective of the amount, does the Commission, in principle, consider this charge to be legitimate, bearing in mind that a boarding pass is not an optional, but rather a mandatory, document required to gain access to an aircraft seat for which payment has already been made.

If the Commission considers this charge to be unfair or illegal, what does it intend to do about it? Under EU consumer legislation the charging of passengers for printing boarding passes at the check-in counter is not, per se , illegal. However, the final price to be paid by the consumer i. Furthermore, the conditions attached need to be communicated in a clear and transparent manner to the passenger. A significant imbalance may consist, for instance, in requiring a consumer who fails to fulfill his contractual obligations to pay a disproportionately high sum in compensation.

It is for national authorities and courts to assess whether a given practice infringes upon consumer law. So far, the Spanish Court of appeal has considered that such terms were not unfair as the cost was foreseeable, did not produce substantial detriment to the consumer, could be avoided and was not excessive. With a view to promoting the necessary transparency in relation to this issue, could the Commission please answer the following questions:.

What role has the European Food Safety Authority played in the assessment of equivalence? If the Commission does not have a clear answer to the questions regarding the stunning standards for poultry applied in third countries, does it agree that it is better to actively question the third countries concerned rather than wait for the results of inspections by the Food and Veterinary Office?

What steps will the Commission take if it does not receive a satisfactory answer within a reasonable time? The EU requires third countries to provide equivalent provisions to EU standards on the protection of animals in slaughterhouses for the importation of meat. It does not oblige third countries to adopt the same or identical requirements, rather ones that are equivalent in achieving the same objectives. These standards are referred to in the regulation as a tool for establishing equivalency with EU requirements for the purpose of imports.

The FVO verifies that the guarantees given by the country are reliable, by auditing the competent authority during regular missions. Ampliamento della rete ferroviaria turca.

Herbert Spencer (Major Conservative and Libertarian Thinkers)

L'UE ha inoltre finanziato due studi nell'ambito dell'assistenza tecnica e ha assistito la Turchia per l'adozione della legge sulla liberalizzazione del trasporto ferroviario e la creazione di un organismo di regolamentazione del settore ferroviario. One of the scheduled works is the construction of a high-speed rail line to link the Black Sea region with south-east Turkey, as part of a much larger plan to extend these links to Syria and Iraq. Can it indicate whether Turkey has benefited from European financing for the aforementioned works and, if so, the amounts allocated?

The Commission is aware of this announcement. However, so far there are no basic technical studies or budget to support this stated intention. Samsun — Kalin Railway Line under appraisal: The EU also financed two technical assistance studies and assisted Turkey in the adoption of rail liberalisation law and establishment of a rail regulatory body. La direttiva servizi fa obbligo agli Stati membri articolo 39 di rivedere e valutare la loro legislazione nazionale vigente nel settore dei servizi coperti dalla direttiva e di riferire alla Commissione i risultati di tale esercizio di valutazione.

How does the Commission assess the impact of applying the Services Directive to the Croatian internal market? In , the Commission invited Croatia to carry out such a screening and reporting exercise. The Commission is now in the process of translating and assessing the reported legislation. Tali restrizioni devono essere trasparenti, non discriminatorie e proporzionate. La proposta contiene inoltre regole sul modo in cui applicare una gestione ragionevole del traffico, le quali includerebbero misure necessarie e proporzionate per prevenire o impedire gravi reati.

The European Commission condemns all forms of offensive and harmful behaviour online. It would like to refer to its response given to Written Question In addition, any limitation on the exercise of the freedom of expression may only be made if it is necessary and genuinely meets the objectives of general interest recognised by the European Union or the need to protect the rights and freedoms of others. It has to be transparent, non-discriminatory and proportionate. It also contains rules on what reasonable traffic management can be applied, which would include measures that are necessary and proportionate to prevent or impede serious crimes.

These draft provisions would also be without prejudice to Union or national legislation related to the lawfulness of the information, content, application or services transmitted. Secondo alcune fonti, l'ex Vicepresidente sunnita iracheno Tareq al-Hashemi, condannato a morte dal tribunale di Bagdad per crimini commessi mentre era in carica, sarebbe stato accolto in Turchia. La questione sollevata dall'onorevole deputato deve essere gestita a livello bilaterale dalla Turchia e dall'Iraq.

La Commissione, comunque, segue con attenzione le relazioni fra i due paesi. Le relazioni della Turchia con il governo regionale curdo di Erbil sono in costante miglioramento da qualche anno a questa parte. According to some sources, the former Sunni Vice-President of Iraq, Tareq al-Hashemi, sentenced to death by a court in Baghdad for crimes committed while he was in office, has been granted residence by Turkey.

The issue to which the Honourable Member is referring to is a bilateral issue between Turkey and Iraq. In general, the Commission is following closely relations between the two countries. In this context, the recent rapprochement and high level visits between Ankara and Baghdad are a welcome development that could help strengthen regional stability. Contributori e beneficiari netti del bilancio europeo: The Commission will indeed prepare these data for the year Nel bilancio votato per il , il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio hanno approvato senza modifiche i contributi dell'UE a ciascuna delle sei agenzie esecutive che la Commissione ha proposto nella lettera rettificativa n.

Can the Commission indicate the total amounts allocated to European agencies in the latest approved EU budget? Costo del Servizio europeo per l'azione esterna. Can it indicate the percentage increase in funding allocated to the EEAS since it was established? This represents a Fondi strutturali — risorse destinate all'Italia. Si riporta in allegato una tabella con il dettaglio degli stanziamenti per i due periodi. Can the Commission indicate how much will be allocated to Italy over the next seven years in the way of Structural Funds, and whether there will be any reductions compared with the previous seven-year period?

A table with detailed allocations for the two periods is provided in the annex. Fondo europeo per sostenere le operazioni di bonifica di eventuali ordigni rinvenuti risalenti alle due guerre mondiali. A quale livello si collocano i finanziamenti destinati alle delegazioni nell'ultimo bilancio approvato? A quale livello si collocano le stime sul costo previsionale dello stanziamento necessario per il prossimo bilancio in base agli aumenti dettati negli anni passati?

La Commissione contribuisce inoltre a coprire queste spese in ragione di ,7 milioni di EUR ,4 milioni di EUR provenienti dalla rubrica 5 e ,3 milioni di EUR provenienti da altre rubriche. L'importo totale disponibile quest'anno per coprire le spese amministrative delle delegazioni dell'UE ammonta quindi a ,4 milioni di EUR. How much funding has been allocated to the delegations in the latest approved budget? How much funding is expected to be allocated in the next budget, based on the increases imposed over previous years? Figures to be included are still being worked on.

Disciplina comunitaria dei fondi pensione. Il Commissario Barnier ha reso noto che in Europa si contano fondi pensione che raccolgono un asset di circa 2,5 triliardi di euro. La proposta apporta i seguenti principali miglioramenti:. The proposal introduces the following main improvements:. It modernizes investment rules in order to reinforce the capacity of IORPs to invest in financial assets with a long-term economic profile and thereby support the financing of growth in the real economy.

Altogether, these rules will improve the functioning and enhance the stability of IORPs, to the benefit of pension scheme members and the economy at large. Could the Commission explain why some of Europe's micro-states, such as Andorra, Vatican City State, San Marino and the Principality of Monaco, have the euro as their currency but do not follow the same rules and regulations as are imposed on other countries belonging to the euro area?

They nevertheless apply relevant EU legislation on statistical reporting, fight against money laundering, fraud and counterfeiting of the euro, and, where applicable, EU banking and financial legislation, as stated in the agreements. Fondi erogati all'ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia in quanto paese in fase di preadesione. Could the Commission say how much money the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has received in pre-accession funding since being granted the status of candidate country?

Il Centro per il controllo e la prevenzione delle malattie greco KEELPNO ha reso noto che sono almeno le persone morte dopo aver contratto l'influenza stagionale. Secondo l'Istituto la virulenza dell'influenza H1N1 e la mancanza di vaccini adeguati nel paese sarebbero le cause principali dell'aumento del numero delle vittime rispetto all'anno precedente. Ritiene che esistano pericoli per gli altri cittadini europei che si recano per lavoro o per turismo in quelle zone?

Come intende intervenire per aiutare i cittadini ellenici a fronteggiare questa emergenza? The Hellenic Centre for Disease Control and Prevention Keelpno has announced that at least people have died after contracting seasonal influenza. Keelpno say that the main reasons for the rise in the number of victims compared to the previous year are the virulence of H1N1 influenza and the lack of suitable vaccines in Greece. Does it believe other EU citizens travelling to this area for work or leisure are in any danger?

The Commission is aware of the epidemiological situation of seasonal influenza in Greece. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ECDC there is no indication that in Greece in the current season more people are affected than in previous seasons, nor that seasonal influenza in Greece is more intense than in other Member States. Impiego di alluminio nel settore alimentare.

Il regolamento CE n. Tuttavia la legislazione dell'Unione non prevede un limite specifico per la migrazione dell'alluminio dai materiali a contatto con gli alimenti. I materiali in metallo a contatto con gli alimenti sono disciplinati dalla legislazione nazionale.

Al momento la Commissione sta valutando se sia necessario definire un limite specifico per l'alluminio sulla base della dose settimanale tollerabile fissata dall'EFSA per proteggere la salute umana. Aluminium is used a great deal at every stage of food preparation, from cooking to canning. Given that a number of studies have found that aluminium, like other heavy metals, can be very harmful to the central nervous system of people whose bodies are unable to excrete it, as is the case with people suffering from severe kidney diseases, has the Commission carried out any specific checks which make it possible to state unequivocally that the use of aluminium in food preparation does not cause health problems?

The intake of aluminium does not pose a health risk if it remains below this limit. Union legislation however does not provide a specific limit for the migration of aluminium from food contact materials. Food contact materials made out of metal are regulated under national legislation. The Commission is currently assessing whether defining a specific limit for aluminium on the basis of the TWI established by the EFSA would be required to protect human health. I gruppi fondamentalisti islamici della provincia di Aceh, in Indonesia, hanno chiesto per esempio di mettere al bando i programmi di intrattenimento o gli spettacoli dal vivo per i propri ospiti e per il pubblico esterno nelle strutture turistiche.

Fra le decisioni contestate dai cittadini di Aceh, vi sono tutta una serie di divieti rivolti in particolare alle donne: La delegazione dell'UE a Giacarta sta seguendo da vicino la situazione delle minoranze religiose in Indonesia. In Giava occidentale, un progetto finanziato dall'EIDHR ha fornito a funzionari, predicatori e insegnanti nelle moschee una formazione sulla tolleranza religiosa. Islamic fundamentalist groups in the province of Aceh have called for entertainment programmes and live performances for both locals and foreign tourists to be banned.

Not Found (#404)

What does it intend to do to tackle the rise of radical Islam which, in addition torestricting religious freedom and the rights of women, is likely to have an extremelydamaging economic impact? The EU is aware of issues over the implementation of Sharia law in Aceh as well as Sharia inspired regulations in certain districts. In West Java, an EIDHR funded project has provided training on religious tolerance for mosque officials, preachers and senior teachers.

Fondo Sociale Europeo Il QFP ha uno stanziamento complessivo per gli impegni di spesa di miliardi di euro. Il regolamento recante disposizioni comuni stabilisce una percentuale minima che ogni Stato membro deve destinare all'FSE. Si tratta tuttavia dell'importo minimo, e le risorse effettivamente assegnate all'FSE dovrebbero tener conto delle problematiche specifiche cui fa fronte l'Italia.

Can the Commission state what financing has been allocated to Italy for the next seven years under the European Social Fund? The percentage for Italy is However, that is a minimum, and the actual resources allocated to the ESF should reflect the specific challenges facing Italy. Frutti di bosco e trasmissione dell'epatite A. In pochi mesi il virus ha colpito oltre persone in Italia e numerose all'estero. Le aziende coinvolte sono state una decina, 15 i lotti ritirati dagli scaffali.

Di fronte a questa emergenza, il Ministero della salute italiano lo scorso dicembre — trascorsi 9 mesi dopo i primi casi — ha diffuso un avviso rivolto alla cittadinanza invitando a non consumare i frutti di bosco surgelati senza cuocerli prima del consumo. In caso di risposta negativa, intende raccogliere informazioni a tale proposito? Ritiene che la scelta di richiamare solo i lotti con la contaminazione confermata sia sufficiente a fermare l'epidemia?

Nell'ottobre la Commissione ha chiesto all'EFSA di effettuare una ricerca dei vettori sospetti di contaminazione. Gli Stati membri interessati hanno messo in atto ulteriori provvedimenti, come la raccomandazione di bollire le bacche prima di consumarle e raccomandazioni in materia di vaccinazione. Within the space of a few months, the virus struck over people in Italy and many others elsewhere. A dozen enterprises were involved and 15 batches of berries were recalled.

Is it aware of the events described above? If it is, has it been notified of the cause of the contamination and the origin of the berries contaminated with the virus? If it is not, does it plan to gather the relevant information? Does it consider that only recalling batches confirmed to be contaminated will be sufficient to halt the epidemic?

The Italian authorities have furthermore given updates on the epidemiologic situation on the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health as well as other affected Member States. To date however, the original source causing this multinational spread of the contamination with Hepatitis A virus was not found. A sole recall of the contaminated batches is not effective to prevent further human cases, but a better understanding of the epidemiologic situation is needed.

Additional measures have been implemented by the affected Members States, such as recommendations to boil berries before consumption and recommendations for vaccination. Il gasdotto Nabucco era stato pianificato come progetto a finanziamento privato che avrebbe potuto contribuire a un'ulteriore estensione del corridoio meridionale del gas; quest'ultimo ha l'obiettivo di garantire le forniture di gas proveniente dall'Asia centrale, dal Medio Oriente e dal Mediterraneo orientale, al fine di diversificare gli approvvigionamenti e migliorare la sicurezza dell'approvvigionamento di gas nell'Unione europea.

Il consorzio di produttori Shah Deniz in Azerbaigian ha deciso di utilizzare il gasdotto transanatolico in Turchia e il gasdotto transadriatico verso l'Italia per il trasporto del gas e l'apertura del corridoio meridionale del gas. Tuttavia, altre infrastrutture saranno necessarie in futuro per sostenere l'ampliamento del corridoio. I progetti nell'ambito del gas che sostengono l'apertura e l'ulteriore estensione del corridoio sono stati definiti progetti di interesse comune a dimostrazione della loro continua importanza per l'attuazione della politica di diversificazione energetica dell'UE.

In the light of this important development in the industry, can the Commission answer the following questions:. Is this project going to be marginalised in favour of the development of new trajectories to the west, or will it still have the strategic role originally announced? The Nabucco pipeline was planned as a privately-sponsored project that could underpin the further extension of the Southern Gas Corridor.

The objective of this Corridor is to deliver gas from Central Asian, the Middle East and the East Mediterranean in order to diversify gas supplies and improve the security of gas supply in the European Union. Nonetheless, additional infrastructures will be needed in the future to support its future extension. The Southern Gas Corridor has been identified as one of the EU's highest energy security priorities in the Second Strategic Energy Review in and as one of the twelve priority corridors in the recently adopted Regulation on Guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure.

Gas projects supporting its opening and further extension have been identified as Projects of Common Interest PCIs , demonstrating their continued importance for the implementation of EU energy diversification policy. The access to new LNG resources is just another element of the energy diversification policy and does not reduce the strategic importance of the Southern Gas Corridor.

Indicare una tempistica delle tappe restanti che porteranno all'effettiva applicazione della nuova PAC? Le due istituzioni non hanno sollevato obiezioni. Oltre agli atti delegati, saranno adottati diversi atti di esecuzione per completare la riforma. Provide a full picture as regards the state of progress of the new common agricultural policy ?

Indicate the timing of the remaining stages leading to actual implementation of the new CAP? No objections were raised by the two institutions on the acts transmitted. This is to be followed by procedural steps over the next months eventually leading to an amendment of one of the acts. In addition to the Delegated Acts, a number of Implementing Acts will be adopted to complete the reform. The publication of these secondary legislative acts i.

Overall, this will be the envisaged end date for the preparation of the legal framework for the CAP implementation at the European level. With regard to Direct Payments, Member States will be able to adapt the instruments to their specific needs on the basis of an enhanced flexibility. This means making important choices e. The majority of these documents will be adopted before the end of the year. Con questi accordi politici, approvati in via definitiva nel mese di novembre , l'UE ha decretato quindi l'avvio della nuova programmazione , sia per la PAC che per tutte le altre politiche europee.

Can it indicate the amount allocated to Italy under the new CAP for the next seven years? These amounts are before taking into account possible flexibility between the two CAP pillars, which would result, following a decision of Italy to apply such flexibility, in a transfer between direct aids and rural development. Personale delle delegazioni dell'UE.

Can the Commission provide data about the personnel currently working in its delegations, indicating the number of staff employed and the percentage of women? Recentemente, a Jakarta, il tribunale ha ceduto alle intimidazioni dei gruppi estremisti islamici locali e ha bloccato il progetto di costruzione della chiesa cattolica di San Stanislao Kostka a Cibubur, nella reggenza di Bekasi, avviato con regolare permesso nel Fenomeni che si sono moltiplicati negli ultimi anni della presidenza di Yudhoyono, capo di Stato accusato di mantenere una linea fin troppo morbida con l'ala estremista islamica.

La Commissione segue attentamente la situazione di tutte le minoranze religiose in Indonesia. Indonesia, the most populous Muslim nation in the world, is witnessing more and more attacks and incidents of intolerance against minorities, whether Christians, Ahmadi Muslims or other faiths. Aceh is the only province in the Indonesian Archipelago where Islamic Law Sharia is in force following a peace agreement between the central government and the Free Aceh Movement Gam , yet in many other areas such as Bekasi and Bogor in West Java an increasingly radicalised and extreme vision of Islam is spreading among the citizens.

Recently, a court in Jakarta gave into intimidation by local Islamic extremist groups and blocked the construction of the Catholic church of San Stanislao Kostka in Cibubur, in the regency of Bekasi, which had begun, with a legal permit, in This is just the latest episode in a long series of violations and abuses of religious freedom, which have blighted the recent history of Indonesia since the end of the Suharto regime. The phenomena have increased in recent years under the leadership of President Yudhoyono, who is accused of being overly soft with Islamic extremists.

Does it intend to suspend projects financed in these areas, at least until the local authorities ensure pluralism and religious freedom by all available means? Does it also intend to intervene through the External Action Service in order to guarantee the religious freedom of Catholics present in these areas?