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What Strange Stars and Skies is a collection of science fiction and fantasy short stories, written by Avram Davidson. It was first published in paperback by Ace Books in January An ebook edition was issued by Gateway/Orion in September
Table of contents

The discovery set off a flurry of investigations into the star. Yet despite its strange behavior, the star itself looked remarkably ordinary. It was a bit more massive than the Sun, a little younger, but the star showed no extra infrared radiation that would be expected if it hosted a large debris disk or planets. So Boyajian and collaborators proposed an unlikely but not impossible scenario: that something had kicked large amounts of dust, potentially from swarms of comets, into orbit around the star.

Some astronomers even proposed that the star itself could be misbehaving. One thing was clear: more data were necessary. Ground-based observations since Kepler had glimpsed the star only on good behavior. Moreover, the dips that Kepler had caught provided limited information, since they were only observed at a single wavelength band. So Boyajian set off on a first for astronomy: crowdfunding observations of a star. She used a Kickstarter campaign to secure the funding for observations using the Las Cumbres Observatory LCO , a network of robotic telescopes around the globe.

Tabetha Boyajian center and her students and research staff. Louisiana State University. The network began observing the star in March , and in May the team caught the first dip of the new campaign.

What Strange Stars and Skies by Avram Davidson

The telescope network observed three more dips, each separated by a few weeks, until the campaign ended in August When the dips began, Boyajian alerted the astronomical community, resulting in a deluge of data across the spectrum. Dozens of teams secured data at visible, infrared and even radio wavelengths.

One of the many robotic telescopes part of the Las Cumbres Observatory used to observe Boyajian's Star. Louisana State University. Before I was an author, I was a musician. When I create something—especially something as dear to my heart as Strange Stars —I feel this uncontrollable urge to hit the road and tell people about it. Melville House obligingly obliged.

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And so, on June 8, I embarked on a three-week book tour of the United States. Three days after Strange Stars was published, my tour kicked off at my hometown bookstore, Tattered Cover in Denver. It was heartwarming to see a lot of friendly faces in the audience, plus co-owner Len Vlahos—an author himself—came out to introduce me. I embarrassed my mom by calling her out from the lectern and explaining why I dedicated Strange Stars to her; she instilled a deep love of music in me when I was a kid, and she bought me a ticket to my very first concert , which aptly enough was David Bowie in It was a pretty disorienting experience, but I guess I pulled it off without embarrassing myself?

I went to sleep in my hotel that night hoping the rest of the tour might be so fun. Spoiler: It was. Another Pacific Northwest city… another TV interview! There I unexpectedly find another author friend of mine, Rhiannon Held, in the audience! No TV interviews this morning! Quite an epic backdrop! And yet another fellow author and comrade appears: Richard Kadrey, the creator of the bestselling Sandman Slim series.

Shameless plug: Richard is also going to appear with me at East Bay Booksellers in Oakland on August 15, along with author Nick Mamatas, for a roundtable discussion about the crossover between music and speculative fiction.

Kindle Editions

See my upcoming itinerary below! Not because the store has an abundance of C.

Light Pollution Hurts the Night Sky for Astronomy

I immediately spy Sam J. When I die, please bury me in Mysterious Galaxy. Future shoppers: Sorry about the smell. June Hollywood, California Book Soup. David Bowie tattoos. I get shown more than one of them after the event at Book Soup in Hollywood.

What to look for

As amazing as my first full week of book touring was, it was so nice to see some familiar faces. I have a couple days off! Which is good, because one of those days is entirely consumed by traveling from LA to New York. I also get to meet the whole Melville House crew, including my incredibly talented and tolerant publicist Stephanie DeLuca , and publishers Valerie Merians and Dennis Johnson. I finally get to put faces, voices, and handshakes behind all the emails, and I feel so lucky to be part of such an amazing team.

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In the middle of reciting a passage from the book, a fruit fly flits into my mouth and I swallow it. Pretty magical day, all in all.

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  2. Griffith Observatory - Weekly Sky Report.
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  6. Before catching my flight bound for Chapel Hill, I head over to Manhattan in the morning to tape an episode of the Big Think podcast. No such luck.

    Fast Company

    My plane is stuck on the tarmac for an hour. Flyleaf generously agrees. When I get to my hotel room in Chapel Hill, ten hours after leaving my hotel room in Brooklyn, I collapse on the bed. The tour has been going so well so far—but something had to go wrong at some point, right?

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    June Baltimore, Maryland Greedy Reads. The gem of a shop is owned by Julia Fleischaker , who previously had been the head of publicity at my publisher, Melville House.


    One of my favorite current writers of science fiction and fantasy, Sarah Pinsker, takes me out for some incredible sandwiches at Ekiben before the reading; Sarah and I hit it off a couple years ago after realizing we were both speculative fiction authors who also played and recorded music.