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One touch of a red-hot stove is usually all we need to avoid that kind of discomfort in the future. The same is true as we experience the emotional sensation of stress from our first instances of social rejection or ridicule. We quickly learn to fear and thus automatically avoid potentially stressful situations of all kinds, including the most common of all: making mistakes. This response is important for our ability to learn from mistakes, but it also gives rise to self-criticism, because it is part of the threat-protection system.

In other words, what keeps us safe can go too far, and keep us too safe. In fact, it can trigger self-censoring. Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. Everything was interesting to her. She knew nothing. I knew everything…been there, done that. She was mindful. I was mindless.

Utopia Illustrated English Edition!

Part of the answer is something psychologists refer to it as self-distancing, a term coined by researchers Ethan Kross and Ozlem Ayduk. What spurred Ethan Kross to investigate the concept in the first place was an act of mindlessness: He accidentally ran a red light. Monks and nuns cavort freely. After prayers, the nuns throw their clothes off and jump into the lake:. When the young monks see that sport, Straightway thither they resort, And coming to the nuns anon, Each monk taketh to him one, And, swiftly bearing forth his prey, Carries her to the Abbey grey, And teaches her an orison, Jigging up and jigging down.

Monkish life itself was under attack from the forces of the Reformation, and was soon to reach a climax with the dissolution of the monasteries in His vision of a perfect society was a long way from the sensual self-indulgence dreamt of by the peasants in Cockagyne. Forget free love and lying around doing nothing. Instead, in Utopia, there is a class of bosses — called the Syphograuntes — who look out for work-shy slackers.

And citizens are constantly being watched. There are also no wine-taverns, no ale-houses, no brothels, no opportunities for seduction, no secret meeting-places. Utopia has communistic elements too. They live in perfect liberty, and have neither king nor lord. They observe no laws. They have their habitations in common, as many as six hundred sharing one building. They observe no laws — Amerigo Vespucci.

Utopia illustrated

In Utopia, private property is abolished. Every three months, the people pile up loads of stuff in the market place; anyone can come along and take what they need — like a recycling centre. Above all, Utopia was the earnest attempt to create a fair society, not one which benefited only the rich. Most of these visions looked either backward or forward: they celebrated an old-fashioned ideal of community or envisioned a future paradise where the machines did all the work.

Then in , polymath and Lord Chancellor of England Francis Bacon produced a book called New Atlantis , proclaiming science as saviour. His was a tech-based utopia and featured aeroplanes and submarines. In the 17th Century, some attempted to move beyond theory and create living, breathing alternative societies. This was a turbulent period. But rather like later communist governments, the natural tendency of the ordinary people to buy and sell products, celebrate pagan rituals and try to enjoy themselves overcame.

The Diggers advocated a communistic philosophy: 'The earth ought to be a common treasury to all'.

Eunjoo Lee challenges the idea of utopia in her illustrated zine

In the middle of all this ferment, a farmer called Gerrard Winstanley attempted to create an ideal colony. His followers were called Diggers — and they were the Occupy movement of their day. The Diggers were attacked by both local men and landlords. Undeterred, Winstanley and his 20 or so followers moved to nearby Cobham Manor where they built four wooden houses. But the local vicar paid a bunch of men — rather like when security guards are paid to remove protestors from road-building projects — to roust them and pull down any more houses or tents they made.

The Diggers gave up that particular battle. But Winstanley went on to write books of utopian schemes and to join another movement with socialist overtones: the Quakers. View image of The Quaker movement emphasised the importance of charity. The charismatic George Fox was the leader of the Quakers.

He believed that he and his followers were returning to a pure form of Christianity based on the importance of charity. Unlike some utopian movements, therefore, he did not create a colony of like-minded individuals and escape to it. Instead, Quaker efforts were based around projects to help the poor and to educate people on the arts of self-sufficiency. In fact, handicrafts and small-scale husbandry have been an enduring feature of utopian schemes to this day.

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I myself attempted to create a little utopia, too: I lived on a farmhouse in Devon for 12 years and attempted some basic carpentry, kept chickens and pigs and grew vegetables, with varying degrees of success. Another charming production of this period was a book called The Isle of Pines by republican wit Henry Neville.

Published in , it was the Robinson Crusoe of its day: the hero is stranded on a beautiful island. This utopia is more Land of Cockaygne than tightly controlled socialist system. That the bulk of our People was forced to live miserably by labouring every day for small wages to make a few live plentifully.

The later s saw a marked decline in utopian writings and utopian experiments. But toward the end of the century came both a revolution in France and a Romantic backlash against the Industrial Revolution. He imagined a utopia called Jerusalem:. The Romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, for his part, hatched plans to sail away from England to America and create what he called a Pantisocracy: a place on the banks of the Susquehanna, Pennsylvania where he and his friends would combine buffalo hunting with philosophising. All property would be in common.

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One significant, and more successful, utopian figure of the 19th Century was Robert Owen. Eight hours recreation. Eight hours rest.

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Owen launched a more ambitious scheme, though, in , buying a school and ballroom with a group of Quakers in New Lanark, Scotland. The Victorian period was filled with earnest discussion among do-gooders and intellectuals on how to alleviate the conditions of the poor.

Utopia by Sir Thomas More - Summary & Analysis

View image of New Harmony, Indiana. Most of these schemes failed — or at least did not last long. Also still with us are the model communities of Bournville near Birmingham and Port Sunlight near Liverpool, the first built with chocolate money by the Cadbury family, the second with soap money by Lord Leverhulme, founder of Sunlight Soap now owned by Unilever. Both were capitalist attempts to build comfortable environments for workers. Less successful was a town called Pullman near Chicago, Illinois.

In , railroad entrepreneur George Pullman of Pullman Palace Car fame launched the ambitious model village, named after himself. He aimed for the town to run as a business and return a profit to investors. Second, there were no public gatherings of any size. Third, workers had to buy goods in the over-priced Pullman shops.

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  • Eunjoo Lee challenges the idea of utopia in her illustrated zine.