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Here's another American opinion: I would say that uptight is normally used to describe a person's personality. Yes, I would say it is an attitude. She's so uptight she'll probably give you the wrong information on purpose. She doesn't give information to just anybody who wants it. You need to be careful when you approach her. Uptight means inflexible, rigid and controlling, not giving in to another person's ideas. I don't use the term very much.

Uptight #3

It is fairly colloquial. Silvia, I agree with rogelio. I think someone who's "uptight" is simply not able to relax and "go with the flow", they can't enjoy a party, they won't get up and dance! Hey Walnut - thanks for the Stevie Wonder lyrics!

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I've not heard that song in years!!! Oh the memories. A great day to all! Tomas Robinson said:.

this comes out once every couple years or so

I guess that's what I was looking for. If you say someone's uptight, could that imply that the person in question is not willing to give personal information? Reserved, stiff, distant? Thank you rogelio.

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By the way, what's a parent specialist? Silviap, I have heard "uptight" to describe states of nervousness, and anger. He's been uptight ever since his team lost the game last week. Possibly also a snob. In my opinion, people who follow a stricter code of behavior than most are considered "uptight. Religious people are sometimes thought to be uptight. Rich people are thought to be uptight.

Words and Phrases That Rhyme With "Uptight": bite, blight, bright, brite, byte, ci

If your neighbor knocks on your front door, and tells you which parking spot is theirs, and which is yours, and you DON'T have assigned parking, chances are they're uptight. If your neighbor watches your every move so that they can pass down moral judgement on you, they're uptight. I can say anything I want around my friend Sue, but I have to curb my tongue when I'm around Mary - she's a little uptight.

Does any of that help? Or is that more confusing? Walnut, it looks like this uptight word includes too many nuances, 'tirato' is just one of them. Inexplicably, it looks like 'uptight' is also used to mean 'quick-tempered, among others. Thank you Sharon Thank you Cuchu, your examples were fun! Thanks for the explanation, it's a nice job!

And very useful. About me I can't tell you in here, I'm here incognito! Oh my, don't say I'm uptight now! Silviap, sorry it took so long to get back to you - had to go home and sleep So, I translate for the families of about kids.

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It's a fun job. Thanks for asking, Rogelio P. What do you do for a living? Maybe she was right. Maybe I am a strict mom, maybe I am uptight.

Because what she saw as strict and uptight, I see as just being a good mom. Parenting is a balancing act, a constant struggle between right and wrong, fair and unfair, and reasoning with the unreasonable. First of all — eeeeewww! And the money for the car? And he chose to trade it in for something he liked better, plow into the back end of another car, replace the second car, modify it and basically fuck it up.

Uptight (Everything's Alright) [#][*]

Not my problem! If he chose to spend his money souping it up, he can spend his money fixing it. These are the things that grown ups do. Again, this is what grown ups do. I have an obligation to the younger two to provide them food and shelter, not the oldest. And if that makes me a strict mom so be it. Not only do I have to live with the decisions, I have to live with these kids. And you know what, my kids are great.