e-book Tribulation Of A Ghetto Kid book volume 1: The Street Bible (Ghetto Boy trilogy)

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The occurrence of these events precisely as prophesied could not possibly have happened by chance. Absorption by those among whom they found themselves would have seemed inevitable, so that little trace of the Jews as a distinct people should have remained today. After all, these despised exiles have been scattered to every corner of the world for years since the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in B.

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The Jews had every reason to intermarry, to change their names and hide their identity by any possible means in order to escape persecution. Against all odds, the Jews remained an identifiable people after all those centuries. That fact is an astonishing phenomenon without parallel in history and absolutely unique to the Jews. We have already noted [2] what is probably the most important of these end-time prophecies, namely, the re-establishment of Israel as a nation in its ancient homeland. It is almost impossible that a nation could survive as a distinct nationality, regain its homeland and be recognized as a viable nation once more after being completely destroyed as an organized entity by an invading army as Israel was by the Romans, in A.

Its people were either slaughtered or scattered from one end of the world to the other; its land occupied and ruled by aliens for over years. Amazingly, this has been true of the Jews all down through history, as even the present generation knows full well. History stands as eloquent witness to the fact that this is precisely what has happened to the Jews century after century wherever they were found.

That this happened is, again, an indisputable fact of history. God described how He would scatter His unfaithful but chosen people of destiny from the promised land.

And so it happened. The maligning, the slurs and jokes, the naked hatred known as anti-Semitism, not only among Muslims, but even among those who call themselves Christians, is a unique and persistent fact of history peculiar to the Jewish people.

Meredith Sue Willis's

Looking at the rather tragic history of the Jewish people, one is not inclined to think there has been any advantage in being a Jew. In spite of the reality that they are such a noble strain of humanity and chosen by God, their history has been a saga of slavery, hardship, warfare, persecution, slander, captivity, dispersion, and humiliation. Under Roman rule they fared no better. Tens of thousands of Jewish rebels were publicly crucified, and under Herod the Great scores of male Jewish babies were slaughtered because of his insane jealousy of the Christ child.

Jewish citizens protested, so Jerusalem authorities ended all foreign sacrifices in the temple — including those to Caesar. Governor Florus, who lived in Caesarea, then raided the temple treasury in Jerusalem. When protesters gathered, Florus unleashed his troops on innocent civilians. More than 3, people were killed, including women and children. Hundreds of women were raped, whipped, and crucified.

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In response, Jewish mobs drove the outnumbered Roman soldiers out of Jerusalem, stormed the Antonia the Roman fort , and burned records of debts kept there. Zealots surprised the Roman garrison at Masada, occupied it, and then distributed its weapons to the Jews. One Zealot leader in Jerusalem was assassinated by another, who then ordered the slaughter of all Roman prisoners left in Jerusalem.

August 6: Sacrifices ceased in the temple. End of august the ninth of Ab : Roman troops burned and destroyed the temple — on the same day of the year that the Babylonians destroyed it more than six hundred years earlier. August The lower city fell. September: The upper city fell. All the citizens of Jerusalem were executed, sold into slavery, or saved for games in the arena. Alleys were choked with corpses. Babies were thrown off walls. People were burned alive. Eleven thousand prisoners died of starvation while awaiting their execution.

Josephus records that more than one million Jews died, and nearly one hundred thousand were sold into slavery or sent to Rome to die in the gladiator games. Two years previously, Gentiles in Caesarea had killed 20, Jews and sold many more into slavery. His Word Pictures, His Style in Other Respects; His Illustrations from Familiar Objects, His Use of the Parable,. William R. Underlining on first 39 of pages.

Books for Readers # 157

Williams, Charles B. Williams has succeeded in surpassing all other translators of the New Testament in bringing out the tense significance of the Greek verbs. Since nearly every sentence in the Greek New Testament has a verb in it, such a contribution is indeed significant. His close association with the Evangelical Revivals of the Nineteenth Century especially that associated with D.

Moody brought him into touch with the outstanding Bible students of his day. He lived a most active, practical Christian life. In his combination of gifts as a Bible expositor, open-air preacher, and worker among young people, his retentive memory, musical talent, his power of telling a story well all made him welcome in public-school camps student gatherings and children's services. Williams, H. Here is a brief but beefy little book written for men only.

Its message, delivered with good humor, will transform troubled homes into vibrant and exciting places and make stagnant marriages come alive truly A Manual for Men who want to become what God intended. Price: 8. Williams, J.

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It appears reliably orthodox. They accept the Bible as literally inspired by God, and their claim to be "the greatest loving ministry in the world" is not without evidence. But appearances can be deceiving. In this thoroughly documented work, J. Williams presents the background of the Way's founder, Victor Paul Wierwille, and searches the origins, purposes, and beliefs of the Way, analyzing them in the light of the truth of God's Word.

Williams, James B. A mass of misinformation fuels the debate. Scores of men realize the enormous errors being popularized but hesitate to engender further debate by speaking out. The confusion, however is now so pervasive within Fundamentalism that the true, biblical and historical facts on the text, transmission, and translations of Scripture must be related in layman's terms.

These facts argue eloquently for the unity, not the division of God's people on these issues. Williams, Leewin B. The most seductive kind of idolatry is the good works that tempt the most dedicated and sincere Christians. These become our "lesser gods'. With disarming personal testimony and examples from life and literature, Leslie Williams helps us discern the fine line between proper devotion and idolatry, and nudges us gently toward putting Christ back where he belongs, in the very center of our lives.

Who Controls America? Has our Republic been seduced? A Republic, Democracy, Autocracy, or Bureaucracy? Williams, M. Table of Contents: Chapter 1. Opinions; 2.

It's History; 3. It's Structure; 4. A Book Within the Book; 5. Brief Sketches of the Books; 6. The New Testament; 7.

Children`s Book

Thoughts on the Great Controversy; 8. The Great ControversyContinued; 9. Williams, R. Experience in the General Superintendency of the Church of the Nazarene through many years has revealed to me the vital importance of a right relationship between the pastor and the people. The mere fact that no rift or division has ever occurred in any local church that did not find cause or occasion in this relationship is my chief reason for writing this little book. Price: 5.

Also it would be an excellent booklet to put in the hands of Sunday School pupils and seekers after God who are serious-minded and who desire to understand the wiles of the devil and the meaning of temptation and the possibility involved in it. IT's object is two-fold. First, it is an endeavor to answer some uncharitable and also some honest criticisms against those who profess the experience of full salvation. Second, it is written with a sincere desire to aid those who possess a pure heart and are trying to live a life consistent with their testimony. This book examines why Jesus said anyone who follows HIm must hate his own life.

This book is not for those easily offended by the message of the cross. Indeed, insight and revelation from the Holy Spirit awaits anyone who can get past the "offense of the cross," Gal. The powerful delusion manifests itself through: Money madness; Number Madness; Pleasure Madness; Authority Madness; and many other insanities. We live in "terrible times" 2 Tim.