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Lion Heart was killed when the other chiefs forced him to fight a wild lion who had been drawn to the village by the scent; he proved to be, in actuality, a craven coward.

The Lip: , Golden Lad Spark. Wearing a bushy wig and eyebrows, and make-up to protrude his lower lip, the Lip sells beef on the black market. Swiftarrow exposed him. A crook and a killer, he escaped from a squad car and hid out at a circus, killing the animal trainer as well as a clown whose costume he put on in order to escape.

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He was captured by the Woman in Red. A diminutive German about the size of a young teenager, the little Fuhrer grafted the brain cells of a German strongman named Hans into his own making him a genius and making Hans obey his every command. They were stopped by the American Eagle. Professor Books has found a way to temporarily produce living torches they die shortly after, all burnt up and fires them through a special cannon at armored cars and such.

His plans are discovered by Fire-man and Nancy and he and his henchmen are killed by their latest Torch who breaks free before he dies. The Lizard: , Lightning Comics v3 1 Ace?. The Lizard is able to climb walls with webbed gloves and boots and carries pet gila monsters which he has trained to go for people's throats and kill them.

In the story I've read, no origin is given for the Lizard nor any indication if his look is a costume or not. He's apparently killed by a combination of a bite from one of his pets and the multi-story fall it causes. His ill-gotten gains are taken by the Raven and used to build a playground for poor children.

Llaslo: , Amazing Man Comics 15 Centaur. This turbaned leader is approached by a scientist friend who has hit upon a plan to capture the Iron Skull and use his blood to create an invincible army of living robots. First phase goes off perfectly, they draw and capture the Skull via a powerful magnet that reaches across countries and then inject a formula that spreads the iron effect through his whole body.

However, this makes the Iron Skull even more invincible and he quickly mops the floor with them, wreck the magnet and heads back to the ole USA. Lodar: Anthony Durrant writes: Lodar was a bandit who rose up in protest against the peace treaty between the Atlanteans and the Miro Men, two undersea races. He abducted Queen Maureen Marine in order to kill her and bring war to both the Miro Men and Atlantis; unfortunately for him, he was killed by Romko, one of his own men, who had once been an Atlantean.

Mortally wounded, Romko himself died shortly afterward. Loki: Fox Anthony Durrant gives us: Loki was an African native who was capturing women of the tribe ruled by Rulah, the Jungle Goddess, and forcing them to dig for gold at a site where he had found a large amount of gold. Later, he split the gold with Rulah herself, intending to locate Rulah's stash and replace her own share wiith fool's gold, to besmirch her reputation.

He was killed by Rulah, who got to keep the gold for herself! Lone Leopard : , Wings Comics 12 Fiction. German ace who wears a leopard skin aviator's cap and gloves. He challenges Grease-monkey Griffin to a duel and ends up being captured by Griffin thanks to his pluck and inordinate amount of luck. Lone Wolf: ,Wonderworld Comics 22 Fox. A dark cloaked and suited villain that opposed the Flame. He was resourceful and outfitted his house into a series of flame-proof deathtraps. He made at least two appearances and at the end of issue 23, his house was destroyed but he was still seen by the reader getting away.

Lonna: , Crash Comics 1 Holyoke. Her year old great, great, great grandfather is the ruler. When reporters Jack Flynn and Joan Joyce crash, Lonna seeks to make Jack her husband and the new king as the old man wishes to retire. The two royals are willing to go to any lengths to make this happen, the one hitch being Jack and Joan love each other. Jealous of the attention she shows Reef Kinkaid after he is marooned there, he turns to murder and treason. He attempts to kill Reef and secretly forms an army of real frog-men to overthrow the kingdom.

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However, Reef Kincaid and Princess Deila are able to commandeer an undersea tank and rout the frogmen. However, Duke Loran not only remains free but his perfidy is left undiscovered. Atlantia was the first city of a lost continent years ago. When a tidal wave destroyed and sank much of the land, there were survivors who had fled to some caves in the hills.

The cataclysm had expanded the cave but also put the only entrance beneath sea level and they rebuilt their civilization there. The issue uncertainty arises from the GCD lists it as 15, but Anthony Durrant who wrote me about the character says Anyway, with the history that Durrant provides: The Lost Pharaoh was an Egyptian monarch who had been banished, along with his queen, Akhet, into the Sahara desert.

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An enterprising criminal disguised himself as the Lost Pharaoh and made his curse come true for the local Bedouin by kidnapping their women. Capturing Ayesha, the ladylove of Dagar the Desert Hawk, he hypnotized her into believing she was the long-dead Akhet and made her appear to come alive in front of the Bedouin. Once hypnotized, she followed the man's commands until Dagar knocked him out, breaking the hypnotic trance. He then left the man who had impersonated the Pharaoh to the Bedouins' mercy.

Lucifer: , Fantastic Comics 6 Fox. In his first appearance, he just seems a one-off villain facing against Flip Falcon who is trapped by Flip. Later issue 15 , he and his demons become recurring foes for Falcon when he travels through the 4th Dimension. He is able to speak backwards magic. Roy and Jane Drake are in possession of a treasure map belonging to their ancestor Sir Francis Drake.

However, Roy is kidnapped with the map by the mysterious being known as Lucifer. Despite Lucifer throwing obstacles in their way the whole adventure, with the aid of his sacred hood, Doc and his men ultimately foil him and reveal the devilish villain to be Roger Hale, Roy and Jane's guardian. Lugi: , Lightning Comics v2 1 Ace.

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Lugi is a green-skinned Mole man in an underground realm. When the surface man Congo Jack ends up in their realm and earning the loyalty of the beautiful albeit green-skinned queen Moletta, Jack earns the enmity of the jealous and ambitious Lugi. Lugi makes allies with the Blue Dwarfs and their King Bobo in order to seize power for himself and force Moletta to marry him. Ultimately, Bobo is killed and Lugi imprisoned while Jack returns to the surface world. Luko: , Man of War Comics 1 Centaur. On the coast of Mexico, Luko is a self-styled dictator with an underground base hosting a huge army.

He is goaded into preparing to attack the US by an invisible Mars; however, he and his army are stopped by Man of War. Lunar : , Blue Beetle 40, Fox.

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After serving his time in prison, Mr. Lunar decides to get revenge on the DA and witness that put him there. To distract the police from his target, he created masks that drive their wearers into murderous deeds. Once the masks are taken off, they dissolve into a bitter gas leaving their wearers with no memories of their deeds. Stilton enjoys collecting antique cheese rinds, playing golf, and telling stories to his nephew Benjamin. Visit Geronimo online at www. In this book, a series of thrilling, exciting and interesting travel adventure stories are narrated by the rat reporter Arcangelo Nemo.

In the book, small readers can follow the "mouse reporter" for a wonderful trip, can travel around the world, can see many strange customs, you can experience the witches, pirates, ghosts, vampires, snow monster, devil and so on brought about by the tension and thrilling and unforgettable feelings.

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In these fantastic journeys full of exotic sentiments, small readers can not only feel a cultural atmosphere, but also learn a lot of worldwide knowledge of human geography and get great satisfaction in reading. In addition, the Geronimo Stilton series is full of humorous and vivid illustrations and creative layout design. Looking at every book will be attracted not only by the beautiful illustrations, but also by the dull and uninteresting arrangement of the characters in the book, but the richness and charm of the picture.

Such typesetting design undoubtedly provides more reading pleasure for children readers whose image thinking is dominant.