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The Feast of the Goat book. Read reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Haunted all her life by feelings of terror and emptiness.
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Four men will end three decades of dictatorship of the Generalissimo of the Dominican Republic. A country, which he and his family have a great deal of wealth, a country still living in Four men will end three decades of dictatorship of the Generalissimo of the Dominican Republic. A country, which he and his family have a great deal of wealth, a country still living in fear of arbitrary arrests, torture and summary executions. At the time of his death, the one who stole the childhood of Augustin Cabral's daughter is not afraid.

He is convinced that he made the greatness of Santo Domingo. View all 12 comments. Jan 10, Fabian rated it it was amazing Shelves: favorites. As a reader you cannot ask for more. This dense and complex novel about the Trujillo Era in the D. A sturdy and sure classic. Read THIS! View all 3 comments. But what if Caesar thought he was God?

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And so goes the story of Rafael Trujillo, power hungry dictator of the Dominican Republic for a period of thirty years until his brutal assassination in Varied narratives blend together seemlessly to give us a portrait of three decades of corruption, violence and terror. In alternating chapters, the story is told through memories of the men who banded together to take down The Goat, as well as through the voice of The Goat himself on the day of his assassination.

Vargas Llosa also allows the reader to peek into the mind of the Generalissimo himself. Through the inner thoughts of Trujillo, now seventy years old, incontinent, impotent, yet still revered and feared, we learn how devious and evil the man truly was. Captivating, intense and gruesome, this novel will keep your attention throughout and haunt you long after you've finished its final pages. View all 29 comments. Mr Llosa can write. I won't dispute that. But this is not a good novel for me for the following reasons.

The scope of the book is vast and too much feels rushed. He might have narrowed his scope, but alas he wants it all. Because of the enormous narrative breadth, this reader never got the level of satisfaction in the area of character development that he would have liked; there are so many characters and after a while Mr Llosa can write. Because of the enormous narrative breadth, this reader never got the level of satisfaction in the area of character development that he would have liked; there are so many characters and after a while they all seem to blur.

For these and other reasons I did not finish the book and give it two stars. The book breaks into three stories: 1 that of Urania Cabral, set in the present day, when she returns to a now democratized Dominican Republic years after Trujillo's assassination to confront torment her father who was a "senator" read crony under the Benefactor; 2 that of Trujillo himself in the weeks before his assassination; and 3 that of the group of men, mostly young men, who will kill him.

The story Urania tells to her incapacitated father, who is now in a wheelchair, is most unsettling.

Urania is visiting from New York City where she now lives. She has done extensive reading on the subject, now knows much about those dark mysterious years of her youth. For example, how Trujillo, habitually cuckolded his ministers. Urania spares her mute father none of it. She is so cruel.

The Feast of the Goat

Dictator Trujillo is a megalomaniac on the model of Stalin. He terrorized his own people for 31 years. In October he ordered the slaughter of about 20, Haitians in what came to be known as the Parsley Massacre. Typically, the US backed him as a bulwark against Communism. Now where have we seen that pattern before? Chile, Iran, Vietnam, Cuba, and Korea spring to mind, to mention a few.

Trujillo's a compulsive neat freak who seeks through personal cleanliness and punctilio a semblance of the moral standing he can never command.

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We first come across him undergoing his daily toilette with great care. Trujillo's story begins in some 16 months after a Pastoral Letter has been sent by the Vatican to the Catholic community in the Dominican Republic. Since then the Church has, Trujillo feels, harassed him from the pulpit for his flagrant human rights violations and turned the people against him. The two Catholic leaders responsible for this he imagines feeding alive to sharks, as he has so many other opponents. The assassins's storyline is set on May 30, , as they await the Generalissimo's car on a stretch of road.

There are 4 of them in the car and as they wait there are flashbacks outlining the motivations of each.

"The Feast of the Goat" by Mario Vargas Llosa

This is tedious. That excellent book--set in Haiti on the other side of Hispaniola in the s when the corrupt Duvaliers were in power--is a model of narrative pacing and economy. View all 10 comments. One thing I learned from The Feast of the Goat is that short memory is a universal characteristic of people of all times.

Dictators turn from tyrants to saviors in no time and villains become heroes when the new political situation demands it. People simply accept the regimes like they accept the changes of the weather, with the only difference being the fact that, many times, they're under the illusion that they had the choice. Which I guess they had but not in the way they think they had it. Disillusionment is a bitch and has to be avoided, as it seems.

Another thing I learned is that in order to finally beat a dictator, you have to have him stand naked in front of the crowd.

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However, to be able to do such a thing, first you have to see him naked yourself, which means you have to see all of him. Accusing is easy. Seeing and understanding every side of a detestable person is what is hard and that's exactly what Llosa does here. I felt uncomfortable when I saw Trujillo standing naked in front of me. I felt uncomfortable when I felt sorry for him. I felt uncomfortable when I disliked the victim for being a victim her whole life and I felt uncomfortable when an ocean of excuses finally ran dry.

What it always comes down to is personal responsibility and that's where the majority of people seem to fail, and no dictator, no matter how bad, can take the blame for that. Five stars. Simple as that. This book tells us the story of Rafael Trujillo, who ruled Dominican Republic for 30 years. It tells us about the rise and fall of the man was brutal, power hungry, cruel, and would stop at nothing to remain in power. He was assassinated in Story is told by Rafael himself; Urania, daughter of very influential political figure, and the assassins.

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Author has merged all these PoV beautifully. With a right mix of reality and fiction we get to see the insecurities that Trujillo felt in his last This book tells us the story of Rafael Trujillo, who ruled Dominican Republic for 30 years. With a right mix of reality and fiction we get to see the insecurities that Trujillo felt in his last few days, Urania telling us how unsafe girls were in Trujillo regime, and last but certainly not least how the assassins few of whom were devout Trujilloists initially made up their mind to kill the man who was no less than a God in the country and what happened to them after the assassination.

Author has told us in explicit details about the torture that the assassins went through once they were caught. It was very repulsive and gut wrenching. I had to take few days off just to digest what I had read before coming back to it. This book is a prime example of how dirty politics can be.

Murder, rape, crime against minorities, fathers whoring out their own daughters to climb up the political ladders or just so that they can be in good graces of General. It is full of sadistic people who get a satisfaction by hurting others. Nov 24, Jim Fonseca rated it it was amazing Shelves: peruvian-authors. A political and historical novel of Rafael Trujillo, dictator of the Dominican Republic from This novel is a factually correct version of the events focused around his assassination in when Trujillo was 70 years old.

We see the life of this brutal and sadistic man who also loved his country and was politically brilliant, hard-working and fastidious.

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  • The Feast of the Goat.

He sent his cronies on overseas missions so he could visit their wives who could dare not refuse his attentions. Trujillo was A political and historical novel of Rafael Trujillo, dictator of the Dominican Republic from Trujillo was charismatic with a piercing gaze and high-pitched voice does that remind us of another brutal dictator in Europe? She has been absent for 35 years as a New York lawyer. She returns to confront her comatose father and aging relatives and to reveal a Horrible Secret to them that explains her year absence.

Bookforum called this one of the finest political novels ever written and I agree. This magnificent little book is page-turner. It is a plot driven work that analyzes the rule and the assassination and the consequences thereof of Rafael Trujillo, the dictator of the Dominican Republic from But the book is more than mere plot, for the plot functions as a vehicle for the analysis of a host of highly individuated characters — characters This magnificent little book is page-turner.

But the book is more than mere plot, for the plot functions as a vehicle for the analysis of a host of highly individuated characters — characters of great depth and intensity of feeling and of existential weight. But these characters are not there simply to function as pools of feeling or of self-absorption or of narcissism and the like — as is so often the case with modern literature.

For the characters in this work function quite explicitly as a vehicle for the analysis and anatomy of the modern pathologies of fascism and of authoritarian societies. There is thus a social or historical dimension that is fundamental.