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1: The Red Thumb Mark, The Eye of Osiris and The Mystery of 31 New Inn (The to announce the return of Dr. Thorndyke in a collection of omnibus editions, Dr. Thorndyke - Volume 2: Short Stories (Part I): John Thorndyke's Cases The In this story, Doctor Thorndyke, and his trusted laboratory assistant Polton is.
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Fell was modelled on G. When it comes to figuring out locked room mysteries, nobody does it better than Gideon Fell. And then, in books like the intriguing and original zoo-based mystery Antidote to Venom , we watch French remorselessly pursue his prey until justice is done.

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French is a good man, but an implacable adversary for any criminal. Georges Simenon is not generally associated with Golden Age detective fiction, because his literary concerns lay much more with people than plot. His fellow Belgian, the regrettably forgotten S. A Steeman, was much closer in spirit to Agatha Christie. Maigret is a splendidly rounded character, a reliable family man admired and respected by his close colleagues. His potential was recognised as early as by the legendary film-maker Jean Renoir, who cast his brother as Maigret in Night at the Crossroads , and he was brought to life once again on television this year by Rowan Atkinson.

Many thanks, Martin, for a most enjoyable and informative post! And check back tomorrow for my review of Sergeant Cluff Stands Firm — spoiler alert! I thought it was…. What a wonderful post. And those are the ones I will be looking into! Thank you! Thank you for the suggestions. Oh dear! Thanks for hosting Martin! Bradley, or Dr.

Gideon Fell! So thank you for the introduction!

What a lovely guest post! Thank very much to both of you. An intelligent, interesting and informative post not that I expected anything else! This list is definitely something designed to pad my TBR as if the thing needs to be any weightier!

New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors

Thanks for many interesting suggestions here. And yet they all sound so good! Thanks for your concern! Definitely more chocolate! An interesting post about old favorites! I had to google Sir Henry Merrivale — another one for the list! Oh, dear — stop adding!! I used to love her, then decided she was a bit snobbish. Maybe the BL will take up the challenge…. The first volume concludes with A Silent Witness ; considered by many the finest of the Thorndyke novels, it incorporates a scene around a furnace, upstairs at No.

The year after this novel's appearance, our author — and, incidentally, his two sons — were called away to war, and Thorndyke went into retirement for almost a decade. Bound blue cloth, No Dustjacket, folio size, pages. Volume II. Because the first of the Thorndyke short stories, " The Blue Sequin ," first appeared in December and was included a few months later in the first collection, John Thorndyke's Cases , the chronological series of novels is interrupted to present here in a single volume every one of the forty short tales that feature the outstanding medical jurist.

Included are the three stories left out of the well-known London Thorndyke Omnibus , among them the unusually long tale " The Man with the Nailed Shoes. In these, the reader sees the crime being committed and believes no tell-tale clues have been left, only to watch Thorndyke, in the second part, uncover them one by one. In this volume, the inverted short stories appear ahead of the rest. Bound blue cloth, folio size, pages.

Thorndyke reappeared after World War I, but only when the lukewarm reception of Freeman's foray into sociology and eugenics see Vol. VIII below caused him to turn back to the stories of which he was such a master. Helen Vardon's Confession , never published in America, is probably the most difficult Thorndyke title to track down nowadays. Helen, very much the author's ideal young woman, an amateur worker in precious metals, is eager to make her own way in the world after a disastrous marriage and the sudden death of her father.

Thorndyke's appearances are few — but significant — and he clears her of suspicion of murdering her estranged husband. Thorndyke comes back into full flower in The Cat's Eye , in which his partner is his independent-minded friend Robert Anstey, K. At one point, Thorndyke leads him into an underground chamber where they risk being engulfed at any moment with poison gas. While his friend coolly examines the mechanism of the device, Anstey — the narrator — "cursed his inquiring spirit, for I wanted to get out of this horrible trap. The Shadow of the Wolf is one of Freeman's pair of inverted novels.

As a Thief in the Night

It began life years earlier as the two-installment magazine story " The Dead Hand " see Vol. IX below. As in the case of "31 New Inn," the reader has the opportunity to compare the methods by which our author was able to enlarge and enrich the shorter version to produce a thoroughly enjoyable novel about a murder committed near the Wolf Rock lighthouse, southwest of Land's End.

Bound blue cloth, folio, pages. Volume IV. The Thorndyke novels published between and '31 include at least two of Freeman's finest. The D'Arblay Mystery is largely set in the waxwork studio of the attractive Marion D'Arblay, whose father's murder opens the story. A Certain Dr. Thorndyke is presented in two parts, the first of which is an adventure story set in West Africa. In the second part, Thorndyke is called in to solve a jewel robbery and thereby clear the hero of Part 1, the athletic John Osmond, of suspicion and allow him to return home and marry his true love.

As a Thief in the Night is that rarity among this author's mysteries: a genuine whodunit, with the criminal's identity well hidden and containing a horrifying scene in Highgate Cemetery in which the young lawyer-narrator spies at midnight on the exhumation of his dead beloved. Pottermack's Oversight , the other inverted novel in the Thorndyke canon, is perhaps the best known of all Freeman's books. He produces an apparently foolproof track of his victim's footprints that lead past his garden gate to a distant woodland.

But Thorndyke detects a crucial oversight; what could this possibly be? The more serious portion of the story concerns the disappearance of Sir Edward Hardcastle from his London club and the subsequent discovery of his body in a remote suburb. Volume V. Thorndyke's Discovery in which Inspector Badger of Scotland Yard is found murdered in a railway tunnel.

R. Austin Freeman - by Michael E. Grost

But I do not believe anything of the kind; and therefore, though it did actually happen that the appearance of the Cat's Eye was coincident with a radical change in the course and manner of my life, and even, as it seemed, with my very personality; and though with the Cat's Eye the unfolding of the new life seemed constantly associated; still I would have it understood that I use the name merely as a label to docket together a succession of events that form a consistent and natural group.

The particular train of events with which this history deals began on a certain evening near the end of the long vacation. It was a cloudy evening, I remember, and very dark, for it was past eight o'clock and the days were drawing in rapidly. I was returning across Hampstead Heath towards my lodgings in the village, and was crossing the broken, gorse-covered and wooded hollow to the west of the Spaniards Road, when I heard the footsteps of some one running, and running swiftly, as I could judge by the rapid rhythm of the footfalls and the sound of scattering gravel.

The Red Thumb Mark (1907) by R. Austin Freeman

I halted to listen, noting that the rhythm of the footsteps was slightly irregular, like the ticking of an ill-adjusted clock; and even as I halted, I saw the runner. But only for a moment, and then but dimly. The vague shape of a man came out of the gloom, passed swiftly across my field of vision, and was gone. I could not see what he was like. The dim shape appeared and vanished into the darkness, leaving me standing motionless, listening with vague suspicion to the now faint footfalls and wondering what I ought to do.

Suddenly the silence was rent by a piercing cry, the cry of a woman calling for help. And, strangely enough, it came from the opposite direction to that towards which the fugitive was running.

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  • R. Austin Freeman: Classic Mystery Creator of Dr. Thorndike.

In an instant I turned and raced across the rugged hollow towards the spot from whence the sound seemed to come, and as I scrambled up a gravelly hillock I saw, faintly silhouetted on the murky skyline of some rising ground ahead, the figures of a man and a woman struggling together; and I had just noted that the man seemed to be trying to escape when I saw him deal the woman a blow, on which she uttered a shriek and fell, while the man, having wrenched himself free, darted down the farther slope and vanished into the encompassing darkness.

When I reached the woman she was sitting up with her right hand pressed to her side, and as I approached she called out sharply: 'Follow him! Follow that man! Never mind me! But as I hesitated, she repeated: 'Follow him!

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  7. Don't let him escape! He has just committed a. But it was a hopeless pursuit. The man had vanished utterly, and from the dark heath not a sound came to give a hint as to the direction in which he had gone. There was no definite path, nor was it likely that he would have followed one; and as I ran forward, tripping over roots and sandy hummocks, the futility of the pursuit became every moment more obvious, while I felt a growing uneasiness as to the condition of the woman I had left sitting on the ground and apparently bleeding from a wound.

    At length I gave up the chase and began to retrace my steps, now full of anxiety lest I should be unable to find the spot where I had left her, and speculating on the possibility that the victim of the murder of which she had spoken might yet be alive and in urgent need of help. I returned as quickly as I could, watching the direction anxiously and trying vainly to pick up landmarks.