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May 31, - A small space occupied by low income residents is more likely to be poorly designed, lack comfortable amenities, and located in neighborhoods without libraries and public green spaces, which accentuate all the problems of living as a family in a tight space, Cross said.
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The Health Risks of Small Apartments

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  • Can Living Small Be Good for Mental Health?.

Plan for Resilience. Self-Assessment Tools.

The psychological benefits behind an organized space

Stress Management Tool. Approaches to Wellness. Being a Health Advocate. Depression, Anxiety and Other Conditions. Mental Health First Aid. Post-Secondary Student Resilience.

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Significant Life Stressors. Job-specific strategies. Frequently requested resources by role. Promote a psychologically safe workplace. Manage employees with mental illness. Address workplace issues. Mental health concerns. Developing insight and skills. Senior Leaders. The Business Case. Psychologically safe work environments. Small Business Owners. Increase mental health awareness.

Improve psychological health and safety.

Can Living Small Be Good for Mental Health? – Find a Psychologist

Human Resource Professionals. Accommodation and return to work. Change, conflict and performance. Policy, prevention and response. Occupational Health Professionals. Respond to critical incidents. Promote psychological health and safety. Disability Management. Accommodation for mental illness. Return to work planning. Resilience and Well-being. Health and Wellness Resources. Free training and tools.

From avoiding crowds to fearing them

Printable Resources, Research and Reports. Mental Health Awareness. Reports and Research Findings. Yes, these resources really are free! Accommodation Strategies. Developing sustainable solutions is more likely to happen by engaging employees to help determine what will work for them. The strategies shared here can help support the discussion with an employee with a mental health related disability. Play video. News from the Centre - Email newsletters and email bulletins as news happens.

Sign up to be among the first to learn about our latest information, resources, tools, training and events related to workplace mental health.

Take Your Break - Weekly emails with break activity ideas for individuals and teams at work. No cost or low cost break activity ideas that can help you and your co-workers rest or recharge at work. Mental Health Awareness emails. More broadly, an agoraphobe is afraid of what could happen to him or her if they were suddenly in danger within a crowd, or any other place without a means of escape or rescue. Situations that crystallize fears related to agoraphobia are therefore extremely varied. Interestingly, while it may seem paradoxical, agoraphobes are also afraid of large spaces without human presence, such as desert plains, snowy tundras or winding bridges and tunnels.

Claustrophobia , or the fear of confined spaces, is a form of agoraphobia. Agoraphobia must be distinguished from social phobias which, although able to generate the same type of behaviors e. When it starts, agoraphobia is limited to certain circumstances: long trips in a New York subway, an extended queue at supermarket checkouts et cetera. However, dreaded situations can multiply and agoraphobia can become truly debilitating, forcing agoraphobes to isolate themselves socially. Agoraphobic symptoms commonly manifest themselves as a choking sensation. Other agoraphobes have flailing legs, dizziness, sweating, palpitations or abdominal pains.

They are afraid of any situation that heightens the possibility of falling, having a heart attack, a stroke, or even a nervous breakdown.


In short, their fear is primarily rooted in the prospect of losing control. When physical agoraphobic reactions are aggravated, they can give rise to actual panic attacks. These narrow homes tend to have a kitchen, bathroom and sitting area, and usually a loft bedroom. Tiny houses appeal to home buyers who are not interested in "living large" and would never give a McMansion a second thought.

For some young people, the realities of home ownership in this economy are bleak, and tiny homes allow for entry into the market and the chance to claim something as their own, said Dak Kopec, an environmental psychologist and architect who directs the Design for Human Health graduate program at The Boston Architectural College. The affordability of tiny homes is one reason for their current popularity, but another reason for their appeal is that they satisfy young people's need for mobility , but also some roots, Kopec said.

So such homes fill a need, especially for young, single people, that gives them some freedom and flexibility as they bounce between cities pursuing their career goals and personal aspirations, he said. Whether tiny homes will turn out to be a fad or not hinges in large part on the economy, Kopec said.

If the middle class continues to dwindle, the tiny homes will likely become more popular because people will need affordable housing, he said. The tiny house movement began as a small grassroots effort, but the concept has intrigued so many people that it now has its own TV shows like "Tiny House Hunters" and "Tiny House Nation.