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It got off to an inauspicious start. It was While they waited for a working computer, the people in court were kept under heavy security.

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To use the bathroom, each was escorted by security guards, there and back. With little money, these asylum seekers are forced to live in shelters, in abandoned properties or sometimes on the streets just south of the US border, in cities where immigrants have been sexually assaulted, kidnapped and murdered. Many were terrified of returning. One year-old woman, wearing a grey T-shirt with her dark hair pulled back into a ponytail, sobbed as she pleaded with the judge to let her stay in the US.

She, too, was in tears as she told the judge she was in danger in Mexico. The interviews are not open to the press. Despite the well-documented , appalling conditions in some government detention centers north of the border, there was a stream of people pleading to taken into US custody.

Two men had been killed two blocks away from where she was staying. A Cuban man said five of his countrymen had been kidnapped in recent weeks. But some of the most harrowing stories coming to light were of the people who had not made it to court.

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On Wednesday, the attorney for a year-old Honduran told Judge Nathan Herbert that the teenager was unable to make her court date because she had gone missing. They have readily subscribed to and reinforced the idea that refugees die in the seas because of the smugglers. The truth is elsewhere. They die because the rich countries of Europe don't want them.

They have militarised the sea borders. They have not only denied safe passage to the refugees, such as the ferries, but they have made their clandestine journeys more dangerous. The refugees who come across to Samos from Turkey do so at night, often when there is no moon and when the weather is bad and the sea is rough. The risks are multiplied. And why? Because they need to evade the patrol boats of Frontex and the Greek coastguards.

During the past 3 days May 12 boats with refugees were arrested coming to Samos. Over the same period landed in Lesbos, in Chios, in Oinousess, in Kos and 64 in Farmakonisi. Summer is coming and with the better weather more and more refugees will be seeking entry to Europe through these islands. Last summer was horrendous for the refugees on Samos.

The detention centre here designed for people was at times filled with up to 1, people. An inadequate water supply made the situation intolerable. Following an incident in April where a 16 year old unaccompanied minor from Afghanistan slashed his arms and set fire to the minors' dormitory in the camp, the police union here issued a press statement to say that they were completely overwhelmed and that incidents like this were likely to become commonplace.

These small indignities and minor cruelties take a toll. They add to ...

At that time there were around people locked in the camp. And today May 4th we have just heard that there are in the camp and that it is utter chaos. Of course there are not enough beds but there are also not enough sleeping bags and blankets.

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The recently elected Syriza government has made some difference. We have found that the police in the camp as well as the coastguards have been more co-operative when we have visited them. They have been prepared to let us meet and talk with some of the unaccompanied minors in the camp.

They have also modified their language. Syriza has insisted that refugees are no longer to be called illegal immigrants.

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They are now in the process of releasing refugees from police stations and camps where some of have been detained for up to 18 months without reason. They have declared that push backs to Turkey will not be tolerated. The effectiveness of this measure is not clear as refugees are still reporting push backs. For example, a group of five refugees landing in Lesbos in the middle of April reported that they had been pushed back by coastguards from Samos prior to their journey to Lesbos.

There are many local variations. On Chios for example, we learnt yesterday that you will see refugees out in the main town, some staying in hotels, and many gathering in the coffee bars. The Syriza government is now attempting to prepare for the increased flow this summer and has asked the mayors of the country to make contingency plans identifying empty hotels, vacant military camps and other public buildings which could be used as makeshift refuges. On Samos we have no sense that such contingency plans have been drawn up.

Although an emergency meeting has been called with all interested parties for Wednesday of this week to discuss what might be done. It looks too familiar; too little too late.

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This is so often the Samos way. The mayors as a whole in Greece have said that whilst they are sympathetic to the government's proposals they simply have no money to do anything and that without additional funding nothing can be done. What many activists working with refugees expect is that the main response to the unfolding crisis in the camps all along the frontier will be more rapid processing of the refugees. On Chios this is already the norm. Many of the refugees are 'processed' within one or two days and then given the papers they need to move onto Athens. There are many on the Left in Greece who are now demanding that Syriza closes all the detention centres and camps.

But precipitate action and rapid processing without any services being put in their place is not without problems for the refugees and seems more like a policy of abandonment rather than liberation. Pushing them on to Athens means leaving many of them on the streets to manage as best they can.

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The fascist Golden Dawn is more than likely to benefit most from such practices should they be implemented. Much better would be the utter transformation of the camps into proper, humane reception centres where those who choose can stay and take some early steps in recovery. Sadly, irrespective of Syriza's undoubtedly sincere concern for refugee welfare which is in massive contrast to previous administrations, there has been little improvement in the Samos camp.

The razor wire and dual fencing around the camp remains in place as do the locks on the gate. The refugees are still under the authority of the police and public prosecutor. They are processed as prisoners.

So for example when we went to the camp to meet a 15 year old Afghani boy travelling with his 14 year old sister who had become separated from their mother and 2 younger siblings at the end of last year we had to remove the laces from the shoes we took them and we couldn't give them a pencil sharpener because of its integral blade.

Neither were we allowed to take them out into the town.

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It is almost impossible to imagine what these children have been through yet it is of no account to the authorities. They are prisoners. It's cruel and evil. What other words can be used to describe such practices? Why are they locked in at all? What crime have they committed to warrant such denial of liberty. Why are we buying pampas for the babies and basic hygiene materials when many of those in the camp have the means to buy these things for themselves if they were allowed to go out and shop.

Why are there no activities organised in the camp? We were told that we could not bring balls into the camp as it might lead to injuries. Anyway, as the head of the reception service told us last week, there is no need for any activities as the refugees only spend a little time in the camp before moving on to Athens. But this is simply not true. Many of the unaccompanied minors spend over 4 weeks in the camp. From what we can see the professional staff-nurse, social worker, psychologist — in the camp seem paralysed and fearful to take any initiative.

They talk of being afraid of the police, of losing their job if they step out of line.