PDF Making Music Together

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Music Lessons & Instruction School in Toronto, Ontario.​ Toronto's Best-Loved family music & movement classes for children birth - 5yrs and the Grown Ups W ​ take 90 seconds and listen to why SHARED music making is such a critical developmental asset.
Table of contents

Register Here. Current Families. What is Music Together? Our Teachers. Our Locations. What Parents Are Saying.

  1. How to Become a Music Together Teacher;
  2. Instruction?
  3. Music Together of Montclair, Mommy & me music classes for babies-age 4!

Learning Life Skills Through Music. Bond With Your Baby.

Making Music Together

Class Policies. Research and Articles.

  • The Boy Scout;
  • Music Together!
  • Music Together of Kitchener-Waterloo.
  • A Man Called Stone!
  • Making Music Together?
  • Try a Class. Music Classes for Babies. Music Classes for Toddlers. Music Classes for Preschoolers. Children with Special Needs. Spanish Music Classes. And indeed, interbrain networks do emerge when making music together -- this has now been demonstrated by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin. The scientists used electrodes to trace the brain waves of guitarists playing in duets.

    They also observed substantial differences in the musicians' brain activity, depending upon whether musicians were leading or following their companion. When guitarists play a duet, the activity of their brain waves synchronises. Now they have gone one step further, examining the brain activity of various pairs of guitar players performing a piece of music with two different parts.

    Their aim was to find out whether synchronisation of the brain waves would still occur when two guitarists are not playing exactly the same notes.

    Music Together® Classes

    If it did, this would be inconsistent with the assumption that similarities in brain activity between the two guitarists are entirely due to perceiving the same stimuli or performing the same movements. Instead, it would suggest something more spectacular: that the two brains synchronize to support interpersonal action coordination. To test this hypothesis, the psychologists assigned 32 experienced guitarists to 16 duet pairs and attached 64 electrodes to each of the musicians' heads.

    This enabled the scientists to record the activity of the brain waves over different regions across the entire head.

    Our Classes

    Then, the musicians were asked to play a rondo sequence from the Sonata in G major by Christian Gottlieb Scheidler a total of 60 times. Making Music Together? Latest News. We will return emails and phone calls within 24 business hours. Winter Classes start Jan 11th!

    Making Music Together: Building Connections in Mind, Body, and Soul

    We've got the perfect class for your family! Free Trial Classes Experience first-hand why everyone raves about this incredible program. Did you know? Contact Us. Music Together is a registered trademark.

    Fun With Music Together - Our Classes

    For more locations: www. Hosting and online registration services provided by Main Street Sites. Family Portal. About Us.
