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The 44 songs in the download were taken from various Kalimba Magic collections and modified for use with the Note "Treble" Kalimba in the key of C, which is sold under a great many brand names at this time - Donner, Walter, Heart, and Gecko, among others. The collections that went into this download include: African American Spirituals, traditional African karimba tunes, classical pieces, folk and pop music, Americana and patriotic, and some children's songs.

Is your kalimba tuned like this tuning chart? If so, this download is the right one for you. If the tines are unpainted, you can paint them with enamel paint, or mark them with decals or Sharpie markers. If your kalimba's tuning is the same as the chart but is not painted like it, try for a redo on the paint job. Correctly marked tines are indispensable in learning to play and in reading tablature.

My customers had a hard time trying to download the old "66 Song" Zip file to their cell phones and such, so we are replacing the old product with "44 Beginners Songs for the Note Kalimba in C" - a single PDF file that can be downloaded to cell phones, tablets, iBooks, and your desktop computer available Jan 8 We have added ten more Level 1 songs to the original collection and simplified many of the arrangements, focusing on Level 1, 2, and 3 songs.

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Now, this download really is oriented toward the beginning kalimba player. Look for "33 Intermediate Songs for the Note" in days. If your kalimba has 5 painted tines, including the center tine, and its low note is a B, and it has F notes, then you have the Hugh Tracey Treble kalimba in standard G tuning.

Which means that there is a different 66 Songs download for the Treble Kalimba that will work for your instrument.. If you are in the key of C with a lowest note of C, but you have 5 painted notes, then you are in between.

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You could retune to the standard G tuning with low note of B a standard G major Treble Kalimba , or you could remove the paint or decals and repaint as a C Treble with six painted tines as above. By the way, the song that plays in the media viewer below, "Deck the Halls," is a Level 4 arrangement that is no longer in this collection. A hard copy page book with downloadable MP3 files for each song! This is the exact same material as the 44 Songs download. This is a great way to learn to play the Note Kalimba in C.

Visit Product Page. An page, PDF eBook with live links. A page, PDF eBook with live links. This is a great collection of music in the traditions of American folk, Spirituals, and Patriotic music. Songs rated between Level 0 and Level 4. Of the 29 songs, 18 are Level 0, 1, or 2, making this a good option for beginning kalimba players. It starts out with simple melodies and progresses by adding more harmony notes as you make your way through the book. This eBook is a PDF file with live links to the sound files that will illustrate how each song is supposed to sound, for the Note, the Note, and for the two kalimbas together.

This book of duets gives you several great ideas for how two kalimbas can fit together to make music, from unison and simple thirds harmony to continuo, counterpoint, hocket, kushaura and kitsinhira parts Great fun, with an emphasis on how to create beautiful music with mostly simple parts working together. Each of 12 songs are presented in both a basic version and an advanced version. The basic versions tend to be melody-only, or with a little bit of harmony. The advanced versions have full harmony, counterpoint, multiple melody lines, etc - that is, enough to keep you busy for many Easters to come.

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Mark Holdaway has been playing kalimba for over 30 years. He invented his kalimba tablature in , and has been writing books and instructional materials for kalimba ever since. His business, Kalimba Magic, is based on the simple proposition that the kalimba is a real musical instrument capable of greatness. Mark's kalimba books are a down payment on this proposition. Contact My Account Log In. Kalimba Musicians Kalimba Makers. Studying for a few minutes in the morning can give you a feeling of accomplishment and confidence for the rest of your day.

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Currently, she teaches Mandarin through video lessons on Yoyo Chinese, and can also be found hosting educational shows on popular channels like the Discovery Channel. Thu, 05 Sep GMT. Type tone numbers after each pinyin syllable then click the convert button to change them in tone marks.

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