Manual How GOD Leads & Guides!: 20 Ways God Speaks

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In the past He spoke in many different ways, and that is true today as well. God speaks to all men through creation (see Romans –20 and Psalm God leads you, and obey them, God will guide you in “paths of righteousness for his name's.
Table of contents

In other words, God took what was already written in the Bible and used those words to speak to John Piper. God does the same thing for me on a consistent basis, and he will for you too if you read the Bible. How does God speak to us? He speaks through his word. If you want to hear the voice of God, simply open up your Bible and read. God is waiting to speak to you. Scripture makes it clear that each of us is a temple of the Holy Spirit. In other words, the Holy Spirit actually dwells within us, just as he dwelled in the temple in the Old Testament.

2. How Does God Speak To Us? Through His Word

The Holy Spirit actually, truly dwells in you! The Holy Spirit speaks to us in a number of wonderfully specific ways. He hovers over the pages of sacred Scripture, setting our hearts ablaze as we read it. I also believe that the Spirit speaks to us in more subjective ways. Have you ever felt prompted to pray for something out of the blue? Have you ever been suddenly convicted of sin? Always respond to every impulse to pray. I would make an absolute law of this — always obey such an impulse. Where does it come from? He is infinitely more concerned with your life and your relationship with Him than you or I could possibly be.

Through the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. If you want to hear the voice of God, ask the Holy Spirit to work in you. Ask him to help you be more sensitive to his subtle promptings. God uses other believers to speak to us. Through the good, encouraging, upbuilding words of others.

God wants to speak to you through others. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is a real sense in which God speaks to us through his creation. The heavens and the earth, the galaxies and the supernovas all proclaim the glory of God. They tell us that there is a creator, that he is gloriously creative, and that he is overwhelmingly powerful.

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Have you ever looked up at a starry night sky and been so stunned that you felt compelled to praise God? Have you ever had your breath stolen by a pink-hued sunrise?

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Behold my splendor! Worship me, for I am worthy. Romans puts it this way:. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. In other words, creation loudly shouts forth certain things about God. It declares that there is a God who is eternally powerful and divine in nature. Through the glory of his creation.

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If you want to hear the voice of God, simply go outside. Take a meandering hike through the country and behold the glory of God. Savor his divine attributes. No, we serve a God who is constantly active, constantly speaking, constantly moving in our lives. So study and savor Jesus. Read the Bible. Respond to the Holy Spirit. Fellowship with others. Go outside. God is ready and willing to speak to you. You just need to be listening. I'm a husband, dad, writer.

I created The Blazing Center and have written some books which people seem to like. You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook. If you benefit from the site, would you consider being a supporter?

4 Things God Will Do When He’s Giving You a "Vision" for Your Future

I have been greatly encouraged by this article concerning how God speaks to us. I have learned how I should be sensitive to ways God actually speaks to me through five availed channels. I pray that from now on God will be able to remind me of His ways He speaks to me. May God God bless you as you continue listening to Him for more of His divine revelations.

I always need to be reminded of the amazing truth that God speaks to me. Thank you for the encouraging words they made me realise realise that I have neglected to read my bible. It encouraged me to pray constantly.

8 Ways God Speaks to Us Today

And I also need to be encouraged to read my Bible and pray consistently! This article is a real life situation it amazing when one is previllage to experiences outlined means through which God speaks to us.

The experience is such that you get carried away with joy, joy that when you even share the people you share with hardly understand the depth of your joy. Thanks Stephen for sharing what gives you daily. So glad the article was helpful Ruth!

Five Ways God Guides You

Yes, the fact that God speaks to us fills me with amazing joy as well! We have a GPS in our car.

Five Ways God Guides You

When we take a wrong turn, it reroutes us. But it never gives up until we reach our destination. You can ignore it or switch it off, but if you follow it, it makes your journey more enjoyable and peaceful. Of course, this is not a perfect analogy. God is not a machine but a person who is with us on the journey. God wants to communicate with you and has promised to guide you. God promises to guide us all the way through our lives. But how do we receive this guidance? The secret of guidance is a close relationship with God. Lord, thank you for your promise to be my guide.

Thank you that I am not on my own. Thank you that you guide me in the context of the community of your people. He did not shy away from controversy and confrontation.