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Play the fun card game Four Colors. Play against your friends or the computer. Rules included.
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Placeholder scans. Unsorted Files. Contact Us Copyright digitalcomicmuseum. Follow on Twitter. Dell Comics D.


Here are a variety of collections or 'archives' of individual characters or popular artists. Not specific to any one publisher or theme but popular enough to warrant extra attention from fandom.

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  • Ben Bowie and his Mountain Men- Four Color Comics # VG/F: Dell - DTA Collectibles;
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Risk Our Flag Comics Penalty! This period, which witnessed an explosion of English-Canadian comic book publishing, is now described as the Canadian Golden Age of Comics. Anglo-American Pub Com Ltd. He operated a packaging studio more or less continuously from the mids through , and at times also operated as a publisher.

In Chesler published with Dynamic Publications, Inc. From this point on, most of Chesler's comics would be branded with a logo proclaiming them the "World's Greatest Comics". In , this also identified each issue as "A Dynamic Publication". After just over half a year, Dynamic ceased publishing, he continued producing a few books through surrogates. The surrogate activity picks up dramatically in , leading into Chesler's third major wave of publishing.

Four Colors - Card Game

Junior, however, was the son of Chesler the publisher, a point of much confusion for latter-day comics researchers. This period lasted through , after which the ongoing titles were continued in Canada by Superior Publishers through early Chesler continued to run his art shop, but no longer published his own comics after Their major competitor in books of comic strip reprints was Frederick A.

Stokes, who died in To reprint comic strips, the company offered, for 25 cents, a square-bound paperback format of 52 pages of black-and-white strips between flexible cardboard covers. Dell Publishing Co. Dell was founded in and first published comics with 's "The Funnies", which looked like a newspaper insert but was distributed on newsstands.

Eastern Color Printing Company was involved with several of Dell's earliest comic book ventures, although the exact nature of each partnership is not always clear. The company's comic book division folded in , although Dell continued to publish the occasional book with comics content, including newspaper strip collections.

Dell became part of Bantam Doubleday Dell in , ceasing to exist as an independent company. Unlike most comic book series of the day, which were either devoted to one character, or were anthologies with collections of stories starring the cartoon characters of a particular studio, Four Color instead devoted each individual issue to different characters. One issue might feature a popular cartoon character, while the next might be an adaptation of a popular movie or TV series. Most Four Color titles featured licensed properties; relatively few original characters were created for the line.

The first Four Color comic featured comic strip and movie serial hero Dick Tracy ; the last issue number 1,, series 2, dated April—June was based upon the TV series Calvin and the Colonel. Issue 13 featured an adaptation of The Reluctant Dragon , [8] and a Dumbo adaptation was the focus of issue The comic strip reprints continued well into the second series.

But the focus of the series moved to original comic book stories, and soon the primary purpose behind Four Color was as a try-out showcase for potential new Dell Comics series. However, during the s, the transition was not always so prompt, as a number of prominent funny animal characters starred in 20—30 issues of Four Color these include Mickey Mouse , Donald Duck and Porky Pig.

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At one point in , some issues of Four Color were double-numbered, reflecting the issuances for particular characters; thus issues and , featuring Donald Duck, carried the notation "nos. This may indicate thought at that point was being given to the eventual transition of these characters from one-shots to their own titles. Indeed, beginning in the early s, it became more prevalent than previously for Four Color titles, if they proved popular enough, to become ongoing, independent series. In some cases, the issue numbering of these spin-offs took into account any previous Four Color issues albeit sometimes miscounting the one-shots; Donald Duck started with 26 despite the publication of twenty-nine Four Color issues with the character preceding it.

Identifying Four Color comics can be a challenge, as only issues published between c. Skip to content. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required.

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