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Alliance of Therapy Dogs, the premier therapy dog organization in the US, discusses why dogs with depression and anxiety follow their owners.
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This, in turn, can cause her distinct odor an odor her dog knows intimately to change. Remember, the amazing canine sense of smell can detect even the slightest change in odor. Imagine what a loyal, loving dog must think when the woman of the house suddenly begins to smell different.

Why Does My Dog Follow Me Everywhere?

Dogs can easily notice when his owner has a difficult time standing up, or when she waddles instead of taking big, fast strides. Changes in mood and behavior— As a dog owner, you've come to realize over the years that your dog can read your moods. When it comes to moods, you simply cannot fool your dog. So it seems only natural that dogs will sense the mood and behavior changes that the woman of the house undergoes when she is pregnant.

The changes that occur in a pregnant woman affect everyone in her home. And that includes her steadfast canine companion. Once a sensitive dog realizes that change is happening, he may react with some changes in behavior. Most dogs will eventually become accustomed to the changes in his pregnant owner and return to a more "normal" behavior pattern.

There are many trainers and behaviourists who might suggest that a dog who follows its owner around is a nervous or insecure dog and while that may be true of some, it is also possible that the reason why others will stick to their owners like Velcro, is because they really do enjoy being close to them. Scientists have already found that dogs have particular brain responses to the sound of human voices, especially happy sounds which light up specific brain areas in dogs, as they do in humans.

The Street Dogs of Huanchaco, Peru - Otra Cosa Network

If you chat and talk to your dog a lot, this may well account for why he likes to spend so much time with you — and rightly so! As well as this, dogs communicate mostly when they are up close and personal and they depend very much on their social group for food and protection by sticking together. Dogs bred specifically as lap dogs often have a huge attachment to their owners and a strong desire to stay close.

Likewise, older dogs with declining eyesight and hearing can sometimes develop a deeper attachment with their owners. Sometimes a dog that follows you around constantly may also be susceptible to separation anxiety and without the closeness of an owner, may lose the plot the minute the owner leaves the house. However, not all clingy dogs will show signs of separation anxiety and broadly speaking dogs that follow their owners about the house are displaying pretty normal behaviour — even though sometimes it may be a little tiresome to have Fido constantly under your feet every time you move.

Start the stay exercises with you in the same room as the dog and gradually increase your distance.

Dogs are clingy for three basic reasons. Your dog may have great anxiety about being left alone. Various illnesses may cause the dog to seek comfort from your companionship. And a female dog about to be in heat may tend to stick closer to her owner.

How Does Following Me Benefit My Dog?

The dog may even demand to be next to its owner at all times when they are together. Aging, while not an illness in itself, can weaken a dog, making it more susceptible to illness. When an older dog begins to lose its vision and hearing, it becomes more vulnerable, and less able to care for itself. Epileptic dogs often cling to their owners when they sense that they are about to have a seizure.

Why does my dog keep following me?

The seizure episode typically lasts for seconds. Beagles, Keeshonds, and Golden and Labrador Retrievers are more likely to be genetically predisposed to seizures. Seizures can be caused by many things, including trauma, toxins, a brain tumor, infection, or may even have no identifiable cause.

This happens about twice a year, starting before the dog is one year old, and lasts from between three to four weeks. When the dog is in proestrus, just before she is ready to breed, her vulva will look swollen, she is likely to bleed from her vagina, and she may become clingy.

When the dog is ready to breed, she has entered the state of estrus. If you suspect your dog is suffering from separation anxiety, you should have your dog evaluated by a veterinarian, as similar symptoms can be exhibited by dogs suffering from physical disorders. Separation anxiety is best treated by behavior modification exercises and anti-anxiety medication. You might reward the dog with a treat for staying calm and relaxed on its own, as well as giving a treat several minutes before you leave the house.

Long-lasting treats, such as a toy that requires problem-solving to extract a treat, can keep your dog busy and focused on something other than your departure.