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Disruption: Emerging Technologies and the Future of Work Disruption explores the impact of emerging technologies in career paths, including technologies such as 3D printing, alternative energies, autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, biotech, Internet of Things, nanotechnology, space exploration, super.
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Dell technologies on emerging tech reshaping future of work 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings. Here are four ways to dispose electronic waste. Related Posts. DeepDives November 22, Read more. DeepDives September 23, DeepDives June 11, But are our places of higher learning doing everything we can to help society adapt? Unintended outcomes of technological change are causing adverse political, economic and human consequences, and inequality of health, wealth and security is growing.

We explore how these technologies work, lessons we can learn from their approaches and what the future holds. Learn more about our facilitators.

Navigating Policy in an Era of Disruption

Inclusive Design is about involving users from a diverse range of backgrounds and environments, as designing upfront for these edge-user situations benefits everyone. Session 2 Creating the Conditions to Thrive Connie Henson Learning Quest The workshop will build on the morning presentation by giving participants the opportunity to discover how they can develop the mindsets and habits as well as cultivate the right environment to enhance their personal and professional growth in a world that is constantly changing.

From the amazing Chinese Zao App to hardcore Bespoke solutions, we cast a light on this rapidly advancing area of deep learning. Like this: Like Loading Imagining the Future with Digital Artefacts. Imagine that you could bring back something from the future, to inspire and provoke you in thinking about the impact of emerging technologies in the present.

Disruption: Emerging Technologies and the Future of Work by Victor del Rosal

Most enterprise social media and digital workplace advocates try to make their case to decision-makers and managers based on the classic narrative of improving productivity. This workshop focuses on introducing attendees to digital nomadism, remote working and location-independent workers. However, technology trajectories are rarely neutral — they tend to reflect and serve specific interests. Left to market forces alone, they are likely to exacerbate existing inequities in the world of work.

See a Problem?

Technology trajectories can and should be steered by societal choices and public policies. Speculating or building scenarios for a range of plausible and preferable futures allows us to identify the choices we need to make today to secure a better tomorrow. Large-scale adoption of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence results in the loss of jobs across numerous industries — from janitors and factory workers to flight attendants and animation artists.

Some people are able to adapt by re-skilling, but for most, particularly those towards the middle or end of their careers, the pace of change is too fast. Women are particularly susceptible to technological unemployment — many occupy entry-level positions, which are the most vulnerable to intelligent automation. Tremendous financial gains accrue to large technology companies and a highly educated elite; inequality is at its highest. The growing mismatch between the availability of work and those looking for jobs leads to the widespread use of AI based systems for hiring and performance review, and workplace surveillance becomes commonplace.

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Many workers turn to digital platforms to look for gig-work, but fierce competition drives down wages, and poor regulation leaves workers vulnerable to harsh customer-rating systems. Most young people are engaged in invisible and menial tasks such as image recognition and data categorisation for AI startups in industrialised economies. The availability of cheap digital labour has meant that the pace of innovation and invention is faster than ever before; as a result, a cure for most major lifestyle diseases has been found and space exploration has become easily accessible to the elite.

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The threat of large-scale technological unemployment leads governments to restrict foreign investment by large technology companies and levy high taxes on domestic businesses employing robotics and AI. Growth and innovation suffers, but anxiety about large-scale job displacement is alleviated.

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State investments in rural infrastructure, including basic digital infrastructure and quality education and healthcare, increase significantly. This not only reduces the stress on already saturated urban areas, but also creates new employment opportunities in these sectors. Perhaps the biggest game changer is the focus on women — care work is finally recognised and remunerated and this allows women to have financial independence as well as seek new education and employment opportunities.

Widespread internet connectivity enables hyper-local sharing economies to grow in urban and rural areas, and profits are shared equitably across workers. A four-day work week is introduced to distribute available jobs more evenly and enable greater time for leisure. Growing pressure from consumer groups also pushes business to commit to meet sustainability targets.

Many startups and entrepreneurs emigrate to foreign countries, and concerns about brain-drain are on the rise. Governments and citizens have collectively articulated national innovation policies that are linked to societal goals, and the development and deployment of advanced technologies is made to align with these goals.

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