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Kimberly Frazier is the author of Custom Package ( avg rating, 1 rating, 0 reviews Custom Package: An Erotic Body Swap Story of Life Extension & Female.
Table of contents

And her shed. Getting tied up and shagged silly is an unexpected bonus. What if she felt the same way?

One night it finally happens and, if you're lucky, you might get some action too! You get your turn too. You provide support and reassurance with your cock. Naughty girls deserve a good spanking. Little does she know that you're watching via a hidden camera. You choose to be the man or the woman, or just read about them. You can choose to be the man or the woman, or to read in third-person. Has she bitten off more than she can chew? You get down and dirty with a stud of your choice in a sleazy hotel room.

Be her or read about her.

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  • Skating on Thin Ice.

You can be the man or the woman. Then she is his forever. Most prominently, reminds of our own reckoning with mother nature, as we watch natural disasters swallow real world cities week by week. In the film, earth appears in revolt against man's instance on inhabiting the home it continues to exploit for resources.

As the film's timeline explains, in the three decades since the original Blade Runner was set, "climate change has caused the sea level to rise dramatically," leading to the need for a "massive Sea Wall Meanwhile, record-breaking fires rage on in IRL near Los Angeles , and Blade Runner imagines the climactic shift to when those fiery graves turn into a watery tomb. During the confrontation between K, Deckard, and Sylvia Hoeks' Luv in the third act, everyone struggles for air as wave after wave of mother nature's ire crashes against their pod, which resembles a sort of artificial embryonic sac in its circular design.

And, sure enough, our male heroes K and Deckard survive their harrowing rebirth from the ocean as changed men.

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The realize now, more than ever, that they are not the future, and are willing to sacrifice everything for the naturally-born female child who is. Meanwhile Luv, the physical embodiment of the patriarchal need to control female bodies and nature through increasingly sophisticated technological tools, suffocates in her man-made womb. You don't have to look far to see parallels between the exploitative oppression of women and the environment in the real world. Take our president, who not only ignores climate change and actively hinders research on it , but also happily enacts policies to strip women of control over their own bodies.

Trump has already undermined women's access to birth control , Planned Parenthood, and sex ed; revealing the fraught, frightened psychology of a white, patriarchal, capitalist system that fears its own irrelevance amid the changing tides of progressivism. The world of new capitalism — a term used by social scientists to describe how technology is taking over as the central pillar to our global economy — not only does unspeakable damage to our planet, but also fuels a culture that reduces all of natural life into a collection of consumable gadgets.

In , Joi commodifies domesticity and love.

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Pleasure models commodify female bodies and sexuality. Wallace commodifies sustenance. K is a commodification of justice and labor. The replicants as a whole commodify the full spectrum of human existence. But perhaps the film's most frightening aspect is the fact that these increasingly powerful tools don't just spring from the ether or womb fully formed: They are designed by people who imbue them with their own flaws, social constructs, and unconscious biases.

And despite the tech industry paying lip-service to diversity, it remains a field dominated by the design principles and labor of men. Who seem just fine with that. You will have to have about 5 treatments, give or take a few, as the hair starts growing from new places as soon as the old ones are removed. The laser would permanently kill the follicles, but no reason to alarm her at this stage.

She would be quite happy with her hairlessness, when she eventually found out it was permanent. Hopefully at a point, where she would be a fully trained slave. Much later she would blame herself for not having looked laser treatment up on the net, but believed what she was told: That the removal was temporary. She had been unusually gullible for an investigative journalist! We will need your looks and measurements to be able to select proper clothes for you.

Now they were at the dessert. Where is this club and what will you do to me there? John has told me, that you need him to be close to feel safe. I will of course see to that. So she accepted in silence. Peter rose, and told them he had another obligation, and that they were free to enjoy their dessert, have coffee and whatever they liked afterwards — the bill had been paid.

Again he held her hand a little longer than she felt necessary, and locked his eyes with hers. Hair removal? And not telling me where the place is located or what exactly goes on there? As for the other things, you will have to do it to get in. Apparently it is a preparation, they put all their girls through. Sounds like it, does it not? Knowing that she would not have any idea as to the location of the place — only that it was about one hour drive from the city. The first session to take place the next morning. They certainly did not waist any time.

Customizable sex stories let you change the characters

On the other hand, she thought, she would have done it exactly the same way. Not leaving much time to reflect on her the decision. She had told George she needed to do some research for her story, and he had given her the day off.

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It was located in a side street in the centre of the city. The front looked elegant and clean. Inside there was a small room with some chairs, and a desk behind which a very young, female receptionist with too much makeup, too much perfume and very long, very red nails resided. She gave her name, and was asked to sit and wait. She browsed through one of the glossy fashion magazines lying on the low table in front of her. She did not really register any of the contents but it gave her a chance to pretend to be occupying herself as she waited.

I presume. Please follow me. Her hair was scraped back in a ponytail. Cat got up and followed the woman. Behind the door was a long, neutral hallway with several more doors on each side. She was taken to the door furthest down the hall and escorted in. It was a small room. Much like her doctors examining room. No windows, three of the walls covered with white desks and cupboards with glass fronts on all of them.

Along the last wall there were a number of chairs without armrests parked. In the middle was a white table. It was supported by a shiny steel rod frame, and with small, lockable wheels. They were close together, and the bottoms of them were at level with the surface. You can undress here and put your clothes on one of the chairs. We will be with you shortly. Undressed and folded her clothes on the chair, then wound the very large, white, soft towel around her body and sat down.

It did not take long, before Susanne was back. This time followed by three other women — all similar white coats.

See a Problem?

Are you ready, Catherine? Laser treatment is not painful, but you will feel some discomfort, when the laser is activated. It gives a quick snap. Like being swapped with an elastic band. We will be as careful and gentle as we can. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, please let us now. We will stop while you pull yourself together before proceeding.

It is important that you are absolutely still. The laser can damage the skin if not used properly and with precision. Do you understand and do you have any questions? Then jump up and we will get started. The girls helped her sit on the shiny surface.

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It felt cold on her skin. A headrest was adjusted, so she had a round, padded holder on each side of her head. She looked up, and saw herself in a full sized mirror covering most of the ceiling above her. A leather belt went over her stomach — not uncomfortable, but tight enough to keep her from moving.