Careers for Persuasive Types & Others who Wont Take No for an Answer (Careers For Series)

What if you didn't choose a job based on your interests, but on the way you like to work?.
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I would love for us to get together in the very near future to talk and I am happy to come out to you. I will be in Texas at the end of March, so if you will still be down there I would love to come out to see you if you are available. Well, I guess Gary Vaynerchuck just blew your strategy out of the water. Did you see his offer? All you have to do is ask. Your post yesterday on thinking big was epic.

I do a similar thing except I focus on curiosity as a main driver for action. I think both of our audiences would benefit from a different angle on the subject, so I was wondering if we could do a podcast interview to share with our tribes. I just want to add that this applies to dating as well. I get tons of fb messages that just say hi how are you?

I will never respond not even if you say hi everyday. What does work is exactly what you state in this post, someone write a geniune message that shows they are paying attention to what you care about. And blocked many more ha. In fact, the review I did of your last book STILL, almost 3 years later, gets visitors every month and has received almost 4, total views. Hope it helped make some sales. I think my blog readers, who are primarily small to mid-size business owners and event management professionals, would enjoy hearing more about your new book… directly from you.

We can schedule this on a day and time that is convenient for you. I would prepare and share interview questions with you in advance. Marie Forleo introduced me to your work yesterday and I instantly fell in love. Your message, voice, and approach to wellness is so refreshing, right up there with some of my favorite bloggers like, Sam Johnson and Peter Smith, you bring energy to your content! As I was browsing your blog, I noticed that you have a passion for smoothies. Many of my most popular posts on my blog, some of which have received over 50, views in one day, are of dairy-free smoothies.

A post like this will surely enable us to get a healthy breakfast smoothie in the hands of everyone, no matter their dietary preference! I also suspect that the feature will easily convert into a couple thousand new visitors for you when I send my readers over to your blog for the new recipe. I use your blogs often in my classroom and assign the homework you recommend to my students.

You speak into the listening of my students. I never thought to interview people before, so this is great to offer expertise in areas that im lacking. My website gets maybe 70 visitors a day, so it might help to build readership in the first place. I had this crazy experience. Last year I created a decently valuable chart. It quickly fell off as the post aged, but wow was it exciting. Ive been trying to figure out how to approach other blogs with this same chart, or if its even a good idea. If anyone approaches bloggers with premade content like this, a chart, pdf or ebook, Id love to hear about it.

Without knowing your exact niche, I hope this will apply. I recently started contacting several WAHM and similar blogging sites to offer guest blogging, and approached them from the viewpoint of 19 years experience, author, speaker, and more specifically, how I share a common goal with their audience. So, regular guest blogging would work here, thanks! But I know I can crack out a killer article about it.

And now is the time, so I sure will give it a shot. Thanks for the push! One last question if anyone has a minute to answer. Would you create this article for more than one blog or would that just be cheesy? I wrote a detailed post on building your email list a few weeks back. I am surprised how few of the comments are pitching you directly, Derek. Jamie, you are of course correct in your own case and in the case of many other readers here. First of all, I wanted to say that I love your blog — not only the quality of the marketing advice you give, but that you focus on ethics.

Not enough people do that in our industry! I had an idea for how we might move it up to page 1. I also blog about internet marketing, with a focus on ethics, and my blog is also on page 2. If that sounds like an interesting idea, take a look at WhiteHatCrew. You are so informative.

I appreciate the homework challenge however, it would be quite ambitious of me to think I could complete this in one evening. My focus is to help churches make the most of the resources they have, get the most bang for the buck in the technology department, and produce an environment that is inviting and welcoming while remaining unobtrusive or overt.

I recently joined you in service and was blessed by your congregation. It is a wonderful thing to walk in to a building and feel like you are completely welcome. I would love to speak with you about how you are able to get so many people involved and on board. I am excited about the opportunities my church has been given in the community, and there are certainly things we have implemented that I think would be of benefit to other churches just like yours that have a congregation who is eager to step up and participate. One of the things I am trying to do is build relationships with pastors like yourself from all denominations and locations to discover what it is that they are doing that is successful, and why whatever it is they are doing works in their situation.

Pastors Tom Sterbens, Russell Mills, Kieth Murray, Buck Marshall, Jason McIntosh, and others all have growing, thriving ministries just like yours, and all have something unique that is helping to drive that growth. I have discovered some great things along the way that I am certainly willing to share with you. I believe that through this shared knowledge, we can all be more effective and help other churches to grow as well.

The first line in his reply: This is Paul from http: Many people have trouble with sticking to a new habit, especially one like learning to play guitar, because they feel overwhelmed by everything there is to know. Posts like this enable them to get an immediate success and help motive them to keep running with it. I could feature your information on my site, and post a link for my readers to follow.

I wanted to throw in 2 cents and an experience on what you shared about making the reader do more work ALA putting it on them to come up with some way you can help them. The first live event I was part of planning and facilitating, we were total rookies. We had great speakers, an all star line up and all was good.

Finally, someone said, if you would make it easy on your speakers and simply email them the copy that they can use to send to their list, they likely will. Derek, this was an EPIC post in several ways. Thanks for taking the time to give all of those sample emails. That was seriously helpful. In response to your tips: Since your readers are conscious of social triggers, we think they might be interested in learning about some of the ways these can be and often are used in residential real estate.

If I do a guest post on the subject for your readers, together we can cut down on the undesirable nonsense that occurs in the housing market by making your entire readership a little smarter, and save that select group a substantial sum in avoidable fees. My assumption is that the person would link back, but it feels insulting to ask.

I know that my previous reviews of two authors have strengthen my relationships with them. They retweet my comments and read my HuffPost blogs, but neither have mentioned me in their blog. Is this the best way to go? Or should I be asking to guest post? My blog targets a similar audience and I occasionally get questions from readers experiencing similar issues. I would love to do a review of the book and include a short interview with you on why you think this topic is so important.

Do you think this would be something we could do as part of your book promotion? If you have done other book reviews, would it be more powerful to include a link to your review of their book? Howell , I wanted to take the time out to commend you and your organization on the great work you are doing to boost the self-esteem of young African American women in the community. Would you be interested in an article helping women start their process of self acceptance and becoming emotionally liberated?

Please let me know if this interests you or your organization. I started my business to help women get to the core of their emotions and self-acceptance to lead happier and more fulfilled lives. But the one who can make good relationships is the one who prohibit himself from talking about himself. I stumbled on some research that proves mobile friendly websites increase customer purchases.

I used your template from the. I recently picked up your ebook about the perfect diet to lose those last and toughest 10 pounds. My readers and listeners would love your ebook and can make major strides in becoming healthier with your advice. My listeners over at The Become a Beast Podcast would love to hear how you achieved the results you have and some advice as to how they can start. I know my listeners would enjoy you dropping by the podcast and would be highly interested in your ebook after hearing direct from the source.

Looking forward to that in my driveway! Thanks for a great post Derek. I build Handcrafted Chicken Coops and recently discovered the Prepper movement people preparing for possible economic collapse. They are all stockpiling food and self sustaining products in case everything goes to shit. Hi T…, I always find great articles and information on your site that deepen my insights in being well prepared. I think our articles on raising chickens and living off the grid would really interest your readers.

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Our coops also offer an affordable way to maintain a constant food source independent of the grocery store. Best Regards, Drew … http: We emailed back and forth a couple of times and he sent me his site statistics which are very good. I agreed to the exchange and he put up the links. In this one exchange I just tripled my site traffic and it has been a constant stream of extra visitors everyday. There is now more traffic coming in from other homesteading and prepper sites who have found me through that site. Thanks for all your suggestions! Mr Derek you are doing a great job with you recent blog series.

I am applying a similar strategy for my blog and I have target to have different blogs accept my articles guest posting. That will pull in massive traffic for me. Once again keep it up. Some gold nuggets of tips with very powerful examples. I will be implementing some of your tactics in e-mails I will be sending out soon to blogs I am looking to guest post on and grow my own blog and entrepreneur newsletter.

The way you turn junk into widgets is great, and the fact that you are a local business gets me really excited. I am hosting an event for local entrepreneurs where we will be screening a documentary that follows the stories of some of the most successful startups across North America, including X, Y, and Z.

Psychometric tests: what they are and why graduates need to know

And then will be having a discussion panel afterwards with a handful of successful, local entrepreneurs such as yourself. The event is next Thursday at 6. If you are interested in speaking as part of the panel please let me know by tomorrow night so I can get you in. If not, hopefully I will still see you at the event and we can chat afterwards. I know spring is a busy season for students trying to get interviews set up for summer internships.

I have been in their shoes and I know how nerve wrecking interviews can be and I want to help you and them by holding free mock interview sessions with the students. I am scheduling to do the same at other universities in the area and wanted your school to have the opportunity to participate. I will follow up later on this week to discuss this with you. Derek, I am loving this blog series you have been doing.

I am still working on homework 1. I thought I had figured it out because I have been linked or tried hard by the people in my area… then you blew that out of the water with your second post. Now I am questioning my whole strategy about how to get people to my blog, which search terms I should be working on, even what to call my posts and books. I need to be appealing to what people who are not in my niche would call things, … not the common lingo.

Expert Perspective

I pitched my book idea as a book missing in the publishers current collection and the fact that the topic homeschooling was a growing market. What do you think of this format….? Thanks again for your stuff! No other blog I RSS subscribe to adds even half the value to my writing business! I have to write a couple of emails to prospective clients and I needed a little more focus.

Listing the three incentives helped to keep my emails succinct. Hi Derek, This is quite a coincidence. I believe that it can make the difference between getting your proposal read or not. Any take on that? My readers will find very inspiring to hear what objections people had for you when you decided to start your own business and how you overcame them.

Please let me know if you would be interested in participating, I will feature your comment in one or several posts, with your name, photo and link to your site. That first ones my email! I appreciate it and all I can do is be honest and work hard to achieve success. Gutsy to own it! Edward, I really admire your transparency here in admitting that was your email! You seem to take it as a learning opportunity, rather than a stab at you as a person. We need more people like you in the world. Thanks for the compliment!

Nothing to hide here. Definitely a learning experience. I hope you like the site! Instead, focus on creating high quality content that truly helps people, and use methods like I discuss in this blog post to get their attention. My main focus IS quality content. What I do think I am doing is looking for readers in the wrong places read through your last post about this and I need to work on that. Your blog is very engaging and educating and as a recent subscriber, I am enjoying and learning at the same time.

I host a weekly free call on various topics of Blogging, and using Social Media for Direct Sales Professionals and was wondering, would you be interested in doing a quick 30 minute interview? You should be able to find it with that search term. This is awesome; thanks for all the tips and info. I am actually going through this very process right now, as I try to get more followers on my blog, AND as I try to get crafting companies to send me free products to use for making projects to feature on my blog, AND for give-aways to my followers for my blog.

I am a nutritionist for sporty types and I know thet would love to hear from a bona fide coach. Together we can get the world fit n healthy with food! This is a great start. Brilliant — thanks for the feeback Derek — so useful to actually see if what I am writing is pure twaddle or at least has a little bit of good in there! I think my favorite is the carrot pumpkin spice muffin recipe! Healthy desserts are always coveted. I know your insight will help my readers with their goals this year. Do you believe shortcuts exist to becoming healthy?

If so, can you share one? This is a good start. It starts to get weak towards the end, where oyu mention ou have 1, subscribers and hundreds of visitors. Right now the opening is very generic. Why do you want them to do this? So here goes attempt 2…. I regularly read your blog and refer it to my own audience — the straightforward, no-BS style and the relevance of the content is so refreshing among the millions of business blogs that rehash the same content again and again. I recently launched a guide to business planning http: This looks like a good start, but your last paragraph starts to fade.

Your last paragraph talks about how what you do will benefit the readers. Not how it will benefit me. Remember, if you want to create an irresistible offer, you should appeal to all three incentives. Thanks for your comments Derek — I agree. I think I rushed my response to your blog post.

This is exactly what I thought while reading the post… hwat if it is even less than ? Hey Derek, I had the same question. My blog is very new and all I have is just content. I have very few under subscribers and very less traffic to my blog. Another precept, which is probably related, involves attending events or contributing pro-bono work, or volunteering. To wit, bringing something valuable to the table is more likely to induce return invitations. I am SO tired of getting requests from people trying to get something from me and my audience that have no idea how poorly they come across.

Thanks for breaking it down so simply and clearly. Jamie — thank you so much for re-posting! We want so much to be heard or read , that we basically spill our resume. When I see those types of proposals, though, it turns me off. How will this provide value to me, to you, and to the reader? Great to see it quantified and broken down. Now on to the homework… watch this space! Will post here if they get back to us. Let me know what you think! I noticed your Kickstarter is ending in a couple of few weeks, and I believe that the listeners on my podcast and readers at my blog would really get behind it.

Would you be interested in doing a 30 minute interview where we talk about your project… and end with a pitch for people to pledge? We can have it up in no time, leaving plenty of time for backers to support you. I started this podcast as a way to promote innovative projects by leading Kickstarters like you, so I hope you have 30 minutes where I can highlight Gamestick. Thanks for your consideration and all the best with the last 9 days of the campaign.

While your follow-up is great and certainly warrants response — I would suggest that in another one of your efforts at reaching out you could be even more concise. What better way to test if your methods work… right? I very much enjoy your webinars, thank you so much. Start Here Blog About.

How to persuade people you don't know to help you This is the secret to getting links. Download this free eBook to get the word-for-word scripts you can use to do exactly that. Yes, send me the free ebook. Online Nighties Ravishing and interesting article this is really very awesome and brilliant content thanks. Yair Hi Derek, I just read your article on how believing in a higher power can improve all of your social relationships. Patrick Hi Derek and social triggers team. Alex Homework Challenge, accepted! Dear Derek, I see you are in the process of anvailing another priceless course to your readers, Seven Figure Courses, and I believe my audience will benefit from this a lot.

Aleander, Founder of TheLoveMethod. Toni I am a struggling photographer who just discovered your blog and now trying to figure out how to apply your tips to my business. Ellen Lin Dear Derek, This is a great info! I look forward to hear from you. Gabriel Great stuff Derek. Thank you for your time, Gabriel. Thank you again ghayda. Dear Jenni, I was first attracted to your blog after I had spent about 6 to 7 trips to the craft store trying to stamp silk flowers. Then I would put the link Personally if I liked an article, I would be happy to post the work of someone else, but I have 0 readers, so what do I know.

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Jacob Fields Derek, Signed up for your email, reading your ebook to get 5k Subscribers, and I am eating up all of your content. Lets change the way people in ministry use the internet. Swati Chauhan Hi, Loved the post and especially the part about the three types of Incentives to get people to do what you want them to, I think it really does works. Angelina Your strategy of stacking incentives is excellent. Keep up the great tips and resources! Heidi Carlson Derek, You seem to have the magic that works!

Please share your expertise, as you have helped so many others here. Thank you in advance, Heidi. Lindsey Matre Hello Derek, Wonderful work! I will make a long story short. We meet tomorrow and I owe a big thank you to you Derek! Jessica Hello Lindsey, I was wondering if I could see the email you sent. Trisha My name is Trisha from Singapore. Jacqueline Thanks for sharing your expertise.

Erik Krause Hi Derek I appreciate you sharing your expertise with me … much of it without asking for a thing in return. Brandon I did the home work — yay me! Chris Mayhew This is a really great piece. Sandra I just want to clarify: Daniel Law Love the article Derek. Trevor Batson Strange but true. Randy Selzer Hi Derek, I have a real estate site where I post original content, and it produces leads almost every day, the problem has been to convert them….

Best regards, What do you think, is this on the right track? This blog has already helped me land two HUGE teleseminars this year!!! Kenneth Vogt Ok Derek, here is my letter. Pleas let me know if this guide is something that could benefit your followers. Regards, Kenneth Vogt veraclaritas. BAM got a lovely response and she agreed to an interview! Daniel Moskowitz Derek, Thanks for the article…really well laid out and the examples are perfect. Dj Berges Thank you for sharing this with us.

Top 10 Job Interview Questions & Answers (for 1st & 2nd Interviews)

What was being leveraged in my case? Taswir Haider Thank for a great article. Casey Harrison Dear Derek and Social Triggers Readers, I noticed you have a knack for networking and marketing, and I believe you would be amazing in my business. Carol Speake Thank for a great article. Trisha Harner Dear Derek, You truly inspire me to take action. Andrew hey Derek, another inspiring blog post! I aim to put this to good use with getting guest blog posts for my site.

Sean Mysel Nicely done D! Maxwell Ivey Thanks for the thorough discussion of using insentives to ask for help. Lauren Derek, I have often found in life the right things happen at the right time if it is exactly what you are supposed to be doing when you are doing it.

Dear Carolyn, It has been a few years since we last saw each other so I am hoping you remember who I am. You do have some good stuff here. Are you up for it? Kristie Wolfe Love this post!

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Leanne Healthful Pursuit Hi Derek — great post. I finally feel like my homework is ready to release to the masses! Hi blogger , Marie Forleo introduced me to your work yesterday and I instantly fell in love. Looking forward to working with you! Burt Binner Hey Derek Another awesome blog. Bookmarked this post for life! TreenMedia Spot on dude! Totally worth the read! Trisha I never thought to interview people before, so this is great to offer expertise in areas that im lacking. Jackie Ulmer Hey Trisha!

Kenneth Vogt I am surprised how few of the comments are pitching you directly, Derek. Kenneth Vogt Jamie, you are of course correct in your own case and in the case of many other readers here. Antone Roundy Okay, homework time: Hi Joe, First of all, I wanted to say that I love your blog — not only the quality of the marketing advice you give, but that you focus on ethics. Susan VonAchen You are so informative. Stephen hoffman Awesome post. I look forward to speaking with you.

Hi Brett, This is Paul from http: Jackie Ulmer I wanted to throw in 2 cents and an experience on what you shared about making the reader do more work ALA putting it on them to come up with some way you can help them. Well, no shocker, ticket sales shot up immediately as everyone started contacting their list. Suzanne In response to your tips: Ray Schmitz Derek, FeeWise shows people how to be smarted about buying or selling a home. Thank you, Ray Schmitz. Kenneth Vogt Hi Walker, If you have done other book reviews, would it be more powerful to include a link to your review of their book?

Walker Thornton Good suggestion. Yassin Hives an Ultimate rule about psychology is that people love to talk about themselves, I love to talk about myself, You love to talk about yourself But the one who can make good relationships is the one who prohibit himself from talking about himself.

Alan Smith I just sent an email to several blogs last night. Here is the message I sent: How did I do? You nailed it dude! Jackie Ulmer That is good! You want all of that in a Tweet? Walker Thornton Pretty clever come-back. Drew Thanks for a great post Derek. Chad Fullerton Fantastic post Derek! Looking forward to meeting some of the best and brightest entrepreneurs in our city! Ramon Dear Career Services: Lorilee Derek, I am loving this blog series you have been doing. Geri Kabala Derek, Perfect timing!

Pablo Hi Derek, This is quite a coincidence. Edward Glassman Derek, That first ones my email! Jackie Ulmer I also give huge kudos and props to you Edward! Well done- You Rock! Edward Glassman Thanks, Jackie! Jackie Ulmer Aww, thanks SO much! Glad you found it helpful! Alyssa Gutsy to own it!

Edward Glassman Thanks, Alyssa! Situational judgement and critical thinking assessments measure suitability rather than ability, so applicants who don't get through to the next stage of the recruitment process have not failed; rather, they have succeeded in avoiding a job and employer that would not have been a good match. Personality tests assess your typical behaviour when presented with different situations and your preferred way of going about things.

They examine how likely you are to fit into the role and company culture. Assessors may match your responses with those of a sample of successful managers or graduate recruits. Employers look for people with certain characteristics for particular jobs. For a sales role they may want someone who is very forward, sociable, and persuasive. Don't try to second guess what you think the employer wants to see — personality questionnaires assess consistency in responses.

Our employer hubs include in-depth reports on individual graduate employers that provide information about how to get hired and give insights about what to expect from the recruitment process. The best way to approach graduate psychometric tests is to practise so that you become familiar with the typical formats they take and the way questions are asked.

It will also help you to improve on speed and accuracy and identify areas in your ability tests that need work. Follow these links for free practice psychometric tests not hosted by targetjobs. Pack everything you might need: You may be given a calculator and writing tools to complete the test but it doesn't hurt to take your own kit.

Wear a watch so you can keep track of the time if there is no clock in the room. If you have a disability that may affect your performance, contact the recruitment team before the test day. Giving the recruiters sufficient notice will enable them to make appropriate arrangements for you. If you are given practice examples, make the most of them. You may be given a couple of practice questions to complete before the test starts.

If you don't understand how the test works, or anything still doesn't make sense, this is your last chance to ask. Time left at the end? Use any remaining time to check your answers, but don't be surprised or downhearted if you don't finish everything. Psychometric tests are meant to be challenging. Stay focused, upbeat and ready for the rest of the day.

10 Great Situational Interview Questions to Identify the Best Job Candidate

Sign in to save to your dashboard. Many graduate employers use psychometric tests as part of the selection process for their graduate schemes. Use our quick guide to find out what to expect, and have a go at some practice tests. When you could be tested in the recruitment process Psychometric tests may be used at different stages of the graduate selection process: After you submit your online application form. Alongside a first interview. At a later stage, possibly with a second interview or as part of an assessment centre. You may be re-tested at this point to confirm the results of earlier tests.

Types of test; ability, aptitude and personality Ability tests measure either general or particular skills, capability and acumen. This category of test can include: Can test basic arithmetic. Can check spatial awareness. You are typically given information or rules to apply in order to arrive at an answer.

They are used in two ways: To give graduates the chance to evaluate themselves. Several employers host tests in a quiz or game format on their websites to enable graduates to see if they would be a good fit. These tests are usually designed to be fun and appealing, but can be a wake-up call if you are less well suited to working for that particular organisation than you think. As part of the recruitment process, to gauge how a candidate operates. The test results may also help the recruiter decide which area of the business the candidate would suit best.

Free practice tests online The best way to approach graduate psychometric tests is to practise so that you become familiar with the typical formats they take and the way questions are asked. Various guides including verbal and numerical reasoning and comprehension, and diagrammatic and spatial reasoning trial numerical and critical thinking tests from TalentLens UK , Pearson Exercise your mind: