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The Undesirable Black Diamond: Broken, Unpolished, Extracted And Refined For Perfection [Sally R. McGoon] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying.
Table of contents

Azured In the setting of rings when each has a hollow spot for the gem that will be put into a square, enhancing its reflection. Baguette Shape Rectangle diamond with facets that look like steps with two long sides tapering inner. Basket Setting A ring with prongs that support a stone in a lace arrangement. Box Setting A ring setting for a stone where the top edges are burnished over the edges of the stone.

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Brilliant Cut Cut with 58 facets that are found to reflect the lightest from a stone. Bruted Girdle Girdle that is cut with the intent to have a frostlike appearance. Carat One of the terms used to define the weight of the diamond; part of the 4 Cs. Cathedral Setting Ring setting where the sides are angled to draw attention to the stone.

Claddagh Ring design that is traditional featuring hands that clasp at a heart on the top of a crown. Cluster Setting Large, center stone surrounded by a lot of smaller stones. Cocktail Ring Large, dramatic stone rings that were invented to be worn at fancy parties to be eye-catching. Color A way to grade diamonds on an established scaled by the Gemological Institute of America; hues like pink, blue, green, and red are called fancy colors. Crown Angle The degrees between the bezel facets and the plane of the table. Cut Part of the 4Cs; an angle or proportion a jeweler creates while transforming the rough diamond into the polished one.

Emerald Shape Set of rectangular, square or triangle cut for a gemstone.

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A cut where the corners have been cut off for protection. Fancy Color Diamond Expensive diamond that is rare and could appear different colors, such as blue, green and yellow — often color makes it more valuable. Feather A diamond fracture that looks like a feather, separating caused by a fracture or cleavage. Fede Ring Popular European style ring that has two hands clasped together.

Flawless Diamonds No internal inclusions on the diamond. Highly valued and rare, they are perfect stones. Fire Like dispersion; descriptive of the rainbow colors seen when diamond light reflects. Fish Eye A white circle in poorly cut diamonds that looks like a fish eye.

Fissure The point where a cleavage opening results in an elongated cavity. Flat Top Setting A broad setting at the top with a faceted stone that can be inserted into a ring. Fluorescence A property that some diamonds have when exposed to an ultraviolet light, typically gives off a blue-ish, yellow tint. Fracture Filling Molten glass filling that improves the diamond fracture and enhances the clarity.

Gimmel Ring Two or more linked hoops that fit together to make them look like one hoop. Girdle The part of the diamond where the setting is affixed, the widest part of the diamond. Growth Lines Also called Grain lines that can be considered flaws on the inside of the diamond. Gypsy Setting A male-oriented setting that becomes thicker at the top, like a dome. Halo Setting A type of ring that is designed to make the center stone look enhanced by circling it with a bunch of smaller stones.

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Hardness The resistance a gem has to abrasion or scratching on a relative scale. Illusion Setting A setting that surrounds a stone to make it look larger than it is, usually polished to enhance the stone. Integrated Head A ring that has a head and a shank created with one piece of metal. Marquise Shape A boat-shaped and double pointed diamond shape that comes to curved sides at the end.

The Undesirable Black Diamond : Broken, Unpolished, Extracted and Refined for Perfection

Oval Shape A symmetrical shape that is elliptical; resembles a round shape that is elongated. Pinpoint Specked crystals inside a diamond that could form a hazy cloud in the stone. Prong Setting Four to six prongs that nestle a stone in the center; a setting that allows a maximum amount of light to reflect through.

Signet Ring A type of ring that is used to imprint either a family crest or a family insignia into wax for letter sealing or document stamping. Three Stone Ring A ring that is designed with one center stone and two smaller side stones; this is often symbolic of past, present and future.

Bar Channel Setting Circular band of diamonds holding each stone by a bar connected between stones. Barion Cut Cut diamond with a traditional, modified with brilliant pavilion cut. Bead Setting Setting where the stones are set on a strip of metal, held by beads, raised from the surrounding metal. Bearding Small cracks on the outermost part of the diamond, called the girdle.

Bowtie Effect Light leaking from the stone in an oval, marquise or pear-shaped diamond. Brilliance Light reflected through the diamond, depending on symmetry and polish. Clarity Enhanced A diamond that has been enhanced by gemologists, not by nature. Cloud A small group of crystals, pinpoints that are formed in diamonds; small ones are not visible to the naked eye. Colored Diamonds Yellow, pink, blue and other colors of diamonds that fall into the D-to-Z scale. Conflict Diamonds Diamonds that are from areas that are controlled by factions that are internationally recognized governments.

Deep Cut The way a craftsman cuts the rough diamond, referring to angles and proportions, into a finished diamond.

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Diamond The hardest known natural substance that is also a crystallized carbon. Diamond Grading Reports The appraising of diamonds, can be recognized by gemological labs. Dispersion The way light reflects off the angles and facets of a diamond, displaying the spectral colors. Good Cut Diamond The top 35 percent of diamonds that show a lack of brilliance. Grading The way an evaluator will appraise a diamond and its characteristics to determine value. HPHT synthetic diamond A fake diamond that is created in a lab with high pressure and high temperature.

Ideal Cut A diamond that is cut with the best combination of angles that allows light to not only enter but reflect back to create brilliance and fire. Internal Stress Flaws inside a diamond usually from irregulates and inclusions, only visible through a polariscopic. Irregulars A classification or diamonds that are shaped in irregular ways.

Laser Drill Hole Small hole in a diamond from drilling into it to get rid of a flaw. Laser Drilling Using a laser to improve the appearance of a diamond with dark inclusions.

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Laser Inscription A mark or number that is lasered into a girdle in a diamond; only visible under a microscope. Leaching A way to make the flawed diamond better looking using hydroforic acid to radiate the surface. Melee Stone Small diamonds that weigh under. Mixed Cut A type of diamond cut that resembles an emerald and a brilliant cut. Needle A long, thin crystal on the surface of the diamond, not usually visible with the naked eye.

Pear Shape A cut of diamond that is shaped where the girdle outlines a pear; it has 58 facets. Poor Cut How a jeweler transforms a rough diamond into a finished diamond. Princess Cut A cut of diamond that is square or rectangular that has some of the sparkle and brilliance of a round cut. Proportion The relationship among the facets of the crown and the pavilion; this is directly related to the amount of light that is reflected by the stone. Quadrillion A diamond that hosts a square cut with 96 facets; 21 crown facets, 24 pavilion facets, and 49 brilliant facets.

Radiant Cut Square cut diamond with both scissor and step cuts on the crown containing 70 facets. Semi mount Diamond ring that is decorated with space for featured diamonds — no center diamond is included. Shape The appearance and form of a diamond; round, triangular, square, marquise, pear, oval and heart shaped.

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Tension Setting Pressure setting that holds diamonds in place by squeezing. Twinning Wisps Diamond crystal structures that are irregular as a line inside the stone, typically not visible without tools. Your email address will not be published. Hi, I am Franz. You can contact me on this page. Accueil Contact. Sep You already know many of these terms? Test your knowledge, take the quiz!

What does GIA sands for? Gemological Institute of America. International Gemological Administration. What is Platinum? Platinum is pure white metal from platinum family, stronger than white gold. Platinum is harder than gold, softer than copper, and the whitest of the jewelry metals. What is one Carat? One of the terms used to define the amount of pure gold that is present inside a metal. What is a Brilliant Cut?

Table of contents

A diamond that hosts a square cut with 96 facets. Cut diamond with both scissor and step cuts on the crown containing 70 facets. What is a rough diamond? An uncut diamond. What is a cocktail ring? Popular European style ring that has two hands clasped together. Get your results now!