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CO The Lawrence legacy The Supreme Court struck down sodomy laws in one fell KALETRA does not cure HIV infection or AIDS and does not reduce the risk of passing of You know, I have made a career of singing about love and writing about love and Michaels: One of my vows was to be a [Kansas City] Chiefs fan.
Table of contents

Aaron Byrd is back with anticipated releases for Check out gorgeous new work from Moses Sumney, the latest from recently announced Coachella Headliner Frank Ocean and much more.


He will be the guest host of MBE the entire month of January. KCRW's signature daily music show. New releases, live performances, and interviews. Jan 23 The Echo.

HerStory: The Women Behind the 19th Amendment

Feb 1 The Majestic Ventura Theater. Aaron Byrd takes you on musical journey around the world, exploring sounds from the favelas of Brazil to the Taureg culture of Timbuktu, all in search of the perfect groove.

5-28-2019 Lawrence, Ks Intense tornado damage from drone, homes gone, roofs ripped off aerial

Garth Trinidad hosts a progressive mix of soul, hip-hop, and world rhythms. Listen On-Demand to the latest show. Just like a reggae beat, Mortimer's rise into stardom holds rock steady. A beautiful debut EP features "Lightning," a warm and loving anthem sure to heat up a chilly winter.

John Brown Articles

Jeremy Sole hosts a sonic trip through the past, present and future of Roots music. Hello Seahorse! Jason Kramer features selections that range from carefully curated music from around the world with unique gems and quality tracks that will satisfy the needs of even the most…. Musician Cedric Burnside is preserving what his famed grandfather R. Burnside helped create: a rural, lo-fi, twangy-groove genre. In , John Brown went to Kansas after hearing from his sons living there about the danger of Kansas becoming a slave state.

After hearing of the sacking of Lawrence, Kansas by pro-slavery forces, Brown and his band went on a rampage.

Terrorist or Freedom Fighter? John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry

On May 24, , armed with rifles, knives, and broadswords, Brown and his men stormed into the pro-slavery settlement of Pottawatomie Creek, dragged the settlers out of their homes and hacked them to pieces, killing five and severely wounding several others. The raid on Lawrence and the massacre at Pottawatomie set off a brutal guerrilla war in Kansas.

By the end of the year, over people had been killed and property damage reached into the millions of dollars. Over the next three years, John Brown traveled throughout New England collecting money from the same wealthy mercantile people who put him out of the woolen business several years earlier. Brown was now considered a criminal in Kansas and Missouri and there was a reward for his capture. By this time, he had devised a plan to travel to the South and arm slaves to incite a slave rebellion. Many, though not all of his contributors knew the details of his plans. In early , Brown sent his son, John Jr.

John Brown planned to build a force of between and men. But internal squabbles and delays caused many to defect. In July, , Brown rented a farm, five miles north of Harpers Ferry, known as the Kennedy farmhouse. He was joined by his daughter, daughter-in-law, and three of his sons. Northern abolitionist supporters sent breech-loading,.

The Harpers Ferry arsenal was a complex of buildings that housed over , muskets and rifles. At sundown on Sunday, October 16, , Brown led a small band out from the farmhouse and crossed the Potomac River, then walked all night in the rain reaching Harpers Ferry around 4 a. Leaving a rear guard of three men, Brown led the rest to the arsenal grounds. Initially, they met no resistance entering the town.

They cut the telegraph wires and captured the railroad and wagon bridges entering the town. They also seized several buildings at the armory and rifle factory. However, none of the few slaves living on these farms joined them. A Harper's Weekly illustration of U. Marines attacking John Brown during his raid on Harper's Ferry. Farmers, shopkeepers and the militia from the area surrounded the armory. After several hours, it was apparent the raid was failing, Brown sent out one of his sons, Watson, with a white flag to see if something could be negotiated.

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Watson was shot and killed on the spot. By the morning of October 18th, a detachment of U. Marines, led by Lieutenant Colonel Robert E. Lee , arrived to take back the arsenal. Negotiations failed and Lee ordered a small contingent of the Marines to storm the engine house. In the first assault, led by Lieutenant Israel Green, attacked the engine house door with sledgehammers, but were driven back by a hail of bullets. In a second attack, the Marines wielded a large ladder and broke through the door with broadswords drawn.

One of the Marines was shot, possibly by John Brown, and died. The remaining raiders were quickly subdued and all the hostages were saved. Brown was severely wounded by a broadsword to the back and abdomen. The assault was begun and over within minutes.

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A newspaper illustration of the interior of the engine house during the Harpers Ferry raid. John Brown was tried and convicted of treason against Virginia, conspiracy with slaves, and first-degree murder. Sentenced to death, he was executed on December 2,