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The 30 Day Media Diet - Kindle edition by Ignassen Mather. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like.
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Ask yourself: Do I obsess about my weight, makeup and clothes or find myself wishing for a different body? Envy can be a positive emotion when it encourages you to go after things you want to achieve, but it can also be harmful if it means you resent another person's success or ruminate about the things you don't have.

Yo u feel consistently stressed or helpless after reading bad news It's one thing to be informed about world events and another to click on every Twitter link you can find about the latest mass shooting. A study in the U.

I quit sugar for 30 days

Ask yourself: Does reading about negative world events seriously impact my mental health? You never seem to have enough hours in the day Do you know how many hours per day you spend staring at your phone? Most devices record screen time in Settings, so with the click of a button you can discover exactly how many hours you spend on each of your apps. If the number is high and you frequently feel unproductive at work or like you never have time to read the book that's languishing on your coffee table, you may want to re-evaluate your phone habits.

Yo u spend more time on your phone than having face-to-face interactions Perceived social isolation is associated with higher death and disease and many people turn to their phones to reduce loneliness.


However, a study found that social media use can have the opposite of its intended effect. In fact, young adults with high social media use actually feel more socially isolated than their counterparts with lower use. Ask yourself: Do I feel lonely? You r screen time is impacting your sleep A study of young adults found that those with higher social media use had greater odds of also experiencing sleep disturbances. If you find that you often check your phone right before going to sleep which reawakens your brain and suppresses melatonin or that you wake in the middle of the night and check for notifications, it's likely that social media is the reason you're not getting quality sleep.

Ask yourself: Do I wake up feeling tired?

'I Went on the Whole30 Diet and This Is What Happened'

Edit the list of people you follow What purpose do each of the handles that you follow serve and how do you feel when you look at the account's images, stories and messages? If you genuinely feel inspired, motivated or educated or they make you laugh or feel a sense of joy, keep them. If you end up feeling jealous, lazy, less attractive or worried about your future, say buh-bye. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

And that's fair. But if a friend, colleague or family member posts content that make you feel angry, annoyed or less-than, mute them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. They'll never know and your sanity will be preserved. Get a wristwatch and an alarm clock If your phone also plays the role of timekeeper and alarm clock, it's best to kick it old school. News media digestion is really no different.

'I Went on the Whole30 Diet and This Is What Happened'

If you surround yourself with particularly pessimistic people, hearing about the latest crisis in the Middle East, for example, might further your sense of hopelessness about a resolution to any geopolitical and religious battle across the globe. If you tend to be a highly optimistic person, perhaps even the most horrific of breaking news stories may not break your sense of hope for a more positive world.

Imagine running into friendly people wherever you go, and these people hand you delicious chocolates. Just a few pieces at a time, every few hours, here and there. Presuming you are otherwise healthy, the effect might be a subtle change in your behaviours and attitudes. If you enjoy chocolate, you might change your daily routine to make sure you got more. So here is the rub: in our contemporary digital media age, we are bombarded by news media of which we are not fully in control.

Images and stories are handed to us, like the chocolate, at the supermarket checkout line, on our phones, on TV, on the radio. Mindful awareness is the act of intentionally bringing our attention to our present moment with curiosity and acceptance.

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It is one way to help ourselves simultaneously stay grounded, inquisitive and informed. By adopting a mindful media diet, we are purposefully choosing to tune in or tune out based on our current mood, our short-term goals, and our longer-term values. This is a very different endeavour to mindlessly tapping our phones while standing in line for coffee and checking our automatically set alerts and notifications about the latest crime, economic crisis or accident.

We must remember that there is more right with this world than wrong with it, no matter what we perceive or are told.

Day Challenge: Social Media Cleanse

We deserve this as a matter of being human. From a purely utilitarian vantage point, it helps us stay grounded, positive, and better able to solve the real problems before us. You will always find people who are helping. Purposefully and intentionally seek out news sources that are constructive, honest and forward thinking. These can serve to illuminate the hidden treasures and gifts of the world, whether they manifest as good deeds of an individual or group or as the compassion and connection that already exist around us.

This can facilitate a healthier and less disruptive digestive process. Project into the future for moment to help determine what it might feel like to continue consuming in this way. Then decide for yourself rather than have external forces decide for you what and how you consume next. Following a mindful media diet entails making sure you are not consuming news on autopilot, spending hours a day lost down the rabbit hole of global crises or chronic problems of your country. Literally setting a time limit for smart phone news use can be very liberating albeit awkward at first.

News media consumption is an art with tremendous real-world application.

Day One of living without social media:

When you consciously and intentionally gain more influence over what you take in, you can digest with greater peace of mind and with greater benefit to yourself and everyone else around you. What we take in about our world can actually influence what we give back. We are inviting our readers to OwnTheMedia.