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Chekhov's gun (Russian: Чеховское ружьё) is a dramatic principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should.
Table of contents

Preview — Biker Angel by Thad Brown. This short story is no longer for sale as a free-standing e-story; it can only be read as part of the author's collection, The Smoking Gun Sisterhood.

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A tough, loner biker chick has to make a momentous decision: should she play it safe, or risk her life to try to rescue a kidnapped year-old from a biker gang that's into human trafficking? And if she decides on the This short story is no longer for sale as a free-standing e-story; it can only be read as part of the author's collection, The Smoking Gun Sisterhood. And if she decides on the latter, has she got the chance of a snowball in July of pulling it off, and coming out alive? Get A Copy. Kindle Edition.

The Smoking Gun Heats Up

Published February 20th by Trestle Press first published More Details The Smoking Gun Sisterhood 1. Friend Reviews.

To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Biker Angel , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. Sort order. Feb 25, Giovanni Gelati rated it it was amazing.

I enjoy finding fun digital short story series and this certainly is one. Who is Thad Brown and what does he have in store for us? Call me Thad Brown. My real name is I enjoy finding fun digital short story series and this certainly is one. My real name is classified, to protect the guilty —I mean the innocent! From there, I went on to pick up a graduate degree or two, travel a bit in the U. So stand tall, girls; us guys salute you! I thoroughly enjoyed Kate, the main character in Biker Angel. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.


Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. Sort order. Feb 25, Giovanni Gelati rated it it was amazing. I enjoy finding fun digital short story series and this certainly is one. Who is Thad Brown and what does he have in store for us? Call me Thad Brown. My real name is I enjoy finding fun digital short story series and this certainly is one. My real name is classified, to protect the guilty —I mean the innocent!

From there, I went on to pick up a graduate degree or two, travel a bit in the U. So stand tall, girls; us guys salute you!

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I thoroughly enjoyed Kate, the main character in Biker Angel. She is the ultimate good bad girl or bad good girl; however you want to look at her. I especially enjoyed the underlying storyline of Kate discovering her self-worth in the process. Saddle up the Kindle, smartphones and ereaders, put on your biker clothes, oil your weapon of choice up and get into that frame of mind, The Smoking Gun Sisterhood is ready to roll.

What are you reading today? Go to Goodreads and become our friend there and suggest books for us to read and post on. Did you know you can shop directly on Amazon by clicking the Amazon Banner on our blog? Thanks for stopping by today; We will see you tomorrow. Have a great day. Jun 19, Laura Kyahgirl rated it really liked it Shelves: action-adventure , short-story.

The story features a like able kick-butt kind of heroine and is well suited to the shelves of the Action Heroine group.

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This is a short story, and it can be quite a challenge to have a story with all the requisite parts plus an engaging plot all stuffed into 32 pages. Thad Brown did a nice job there. The first part of the story, about 6 pages, felt a bit rough and choppy to me due to an 3. The first part of the story, about 6 pages, felt a bit rough and choppy to me due to an overabundance of adjectives. Complex concepts, such as the nuances of war and its effects on warriors and the population were otherwise conveyed to the population in various literary forms.

The Sniper follows this form.

Biker Angel (The Smoking Gun Sisterhood #1) by Thad Brown

This short story has an intense, juvenile cadence to it. Simple sentences convey uncomplicated, but highly focused thoughts of a militia warrior fighting a guerilla-style battle; and, after his injury, demonstrating behaviors consistent with battle fatigue and shell-shock that is already morphing into what, years later, would become known as PTSD. The author, who had previously studied for the priesthood, conveyed the humanity still present, and now coming to the surface, in this wounded warrior. He became bitten by remorse.

Weakened by his wound and the long summer day of fasting The regret and crescendo of pain induced shock took its toll on the warrior; in a rage, he retaliated against his revolver, an iconic metaphor of his last homicide and a contributor, by way of recoil, to his pain.

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His remorse would return when he found that his target was his brother. The reality is that revolver would not have fired when he threw it down. The hammer was resting on an empty shell, previously fired at his target. The militia man cocked it, which, along with being incredibly stupid, means he would not have been surprised by its discharge. The other requires a sustained force on the trigger, equal to 10 to 15 pounds 44 to 67 Newtons typical for the firing of double action revolvers of this era, and still common today. This is extremely unlikely to happen. However, in the case of this short story, there is no indication of this.

The throwing of the gun is a depiction of frustrated anger and pain, not blame. Oh, yes, it is. It's very much different.