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THIS volume contains the selection of the poems of Alfred Tennyson and Robert Browning prescribed as part of the requirements for careful study in English.
Table of contents

In truth, he is keen to reconcile Victorian belief with knowledge. So it can be noted that Tennyson wants to solve the problem originated from the Victorian conflicts of faith and doubt reconciling his faith with knowledge. But this scene is somewhat different for the dead girl. She looks happier because she is now out the industrially developed Victorian society. And she has not been compelled to do a lot of work in mills and factories around fourteen to fifteen hours with little wages.

In truth, the children symbolize the working class people, the worst sufferers of the Victorian society. This industrial unscrupulous society is established through the blood and sweat of the working classes people. Truly, the children are innocent but they are forced to go against the God. As the poem states:. Here, we are not considering all Victorian people to be atheist.

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It, to us, means the Victorian conflict between faith and doubt. Because scientific discoveries, industrialization, and the theory of evolution and communism make the people skeptic regarding religion and even in science. More such monologues and some equally striking lyrics make up Men and Women In Browning married Elizabeth Barrett. Though now remembered chiefly for her love poems Sonnets from the Portuguese and her experiment with the verse novel Aurora Leigh ; dated , she was in her own lifetime far better known than her husband.

Her Poems established her as a leading poet of the age. Only with the publication of Dramatis Personae did Robert Browning achieve the sort of fame that Tennyson had enjoyed for more than 20 years. His The Ring and the Book —69 gives the dramatic monologue format unprecedented scope.

Tennyson poems

Published in parts, like a Dickens novel, it tells a sordid murder story in a way that both explores moral issues and suggests the problematic nature of human knowledge. In the s he turned from verse to prose and became, with Essays in Criticism , Culture and Anarchy , and Literature and Dogma , a lively and acute writer of literary, social, and religious criticism.

The Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich is a narrative poem of modern life, written in hexameters. Amours de Voyage goes beyond this to the full-scale verse novel, using multiple internal narrators and vivid contemporary detail. Dipsychus published posthumously in but not available in an unexpurgated version until is a remarkable closet drama that debates issues of belief and morality with a frankness, and a metrical liveliness, unequaled in Victorian verse. Carlyle may be said to have initiated Victorian literature with Sartor Resartus. He continued thereafter to have a powerful effect on its development.

The French Revolution , the book that made him famous, spoke very directly to this consciously postrevolutionary age.

On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History combined the Romantic idea of the genius with a further statement of German transcendentalist philosophy, which Carlyle opposed to the influential doctrines of empiricism and utilitarianism. The first importance of John Ruskin is as an art critic who, in Modern Painters 5 vol. It is clear that although Tithonus has this gift of immortality, he feels a prisoner in its grasp. He describes himself as a white-haired shadow , so we are able to deduce that he is getting older.

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He feels he is roaming like a dream , giving us the impression that he doesn t feel like he is within the bounds of reality, and he can t control what is happening, as he is incapable of actual action. The irony of the situation is great, as Aurora is reborn every day, whereas Tithonus is getting older with each day. He has to watch this taking place every day, and we can imagine how painful it must be for him to go through this. Tithonus is just as pitiful as Tithonus, however, we feel more for Tithonus because he has no choice about his situation.

There is absolutely nothing in his power he can do to better the predicament he is in.

The Feminine Voice and the Feminine Presence in Nineteenth-Century Poetry

It is almost like a prayer that he starts the day off with, never letting himself forget about his situation, however, we can understand the repetition as we know this daily monologue is all he has left. The monologue deals with a duke, showing a painting of his late wife to a convoy. His arrogance and proud nature are apparent quickly and easily whilst reading through the monologue.

As the duke reflectively studies the painting he recalls the way his late wife received flattery and compliments very well and had A heart too soon made glad and felt she was too easily impressed. The duke suggests that she had a wandering eye, She looked on, and her looks went everyone.

This may have made the duke jealous, which also adds to his personality. He tells us that she put My gift of a nine hundred year old name in the same category as any other gift, making it clear that he had a very good and old reputation.

Poems (Tennyson, ) - Wikipedia

He felt that simply because of the fact that he married her and gave her his name, she should have more respect for him. So with this statement, Browning has shown us that the duke was someone who held a lot of pride in the fact that he d never lower himself or compromise. Unwilling to compromise, and showing his arrogance, he believed people should simply know what he s thinking. This line comes as a shock, because up until now, the poem has simply been about reflection. Then all of a sudden, we are given an unambiguous admission of murder.

Not only is he admitting that he has had his last wife murdered, but also he is admitting it to the person who will be arranging the duke s next marriage. The fact that the situation is so ridiculous makes you almost question the duke s sanity. As they walk off to meet their company, the duke points out other works of art along the way, suggesting that his new wife will simply become another painting on the wall — another work of art.

The duke s personality comes shining through in this monologue — his arrogance and egotistical nature is clear. The mood of the poem seems light hearted at first, but once we are made aware of the fact that he has had his last wife killed, we begin to wonder whether he is crazy. The entire situation is so far fetched, and because we don t feel the reason for killing her was one of much credibility, I found the duke s character almost laughable. It is easy to imagine the duke in My Last Duchess repeating himself, because it is easy to imagine him in the same situation again.


He had his last wife killed for such a ludicrous reason, that I don t feel it is beyond him to kill for an equally ludicrous reason again. In his dramatic monologue Ulysses , Alfred Lord Tennyson deals with a very different type of personality and mood. This sets the mood for the rest of the poem, alerting the reader of the adventurous spirit of Ulysses, and his dissatisfaction with remaining at home. He starts explaining his restlessness by telling his crew I cannot rest from travel giving us a great insight as to the kind of person he is.

In spite of all the things he has experienced, he seems fascinated with the things he has not experienced. The more he learns and discovers the greater his desire to learn more. He is distressed because he feels he should make the most of every moment he has left. It is very clear that the mood of the poem is a balance between distressful of what he has, and longing, and excitement towards what he may see and experience.

He makes it perfectly clear that he has a hungry heart , always wanting more action, and feels he is the man he is because of his travels — I am part of all that I have met. He also declares that he will pursue death. Although full of life, Ulysses seems to welcome death with open arms, wanting to embrace death in his own way.