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Jason Meadors: Out ofTime: A Novella of Mystery before purchasing it in order togage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Outof Time: A.
Table of contents

Hound of the Baskervilles , Arthur Conan Doyle. Really, you should read this as all the Sherlock Holmes stories , but choices have to be made. Holmes is better at deducing. Gaudy Night , Dorothy L. Again, read: everything Sayers has ever written.

The 10 Best Mystery Books

Ahem, please excuse those hysterical italics. A Coffin for Dimitrios , Eric Ambler. A classic mystery with a postmodern twist: a protagonist who is also a mystery novelist, the result being that this novel is as much a comment on the genre and even the genre to come as it is a particularly delightful example of it. Plus: James Bond has been spotted reading it. And a luminous book what else would you expect from Barnes? The Big Sleep , Raymond Chandler. The Maltese Falcon , Dashiell Hammett. This might just be the greatest hardboiled detective novel ever published in this country.

Yes, still.

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Immensely influential, immensely entertaining, and excellently written, it is both a rollicking example of the genre and transcendent of the same. Murder on the Orient Express , Agatha Christie. A thrilling classic from the grand dame of mystery. An Unsuitable Job for a Woman , P.

How to Write a Mystery - Types of Novels

And besides, Arthur Conan Doyle basically took Dupin and his unnamed confidante, slapped pretty names on them, dropped them off in London, and created the largest detective franchise of all time. Plus: these stories are amazing. Rebecca , Daphne du Maurier. Another classic of every genre. The Alienist , Caleb Carr. The Intuitionist , Colson Whitehead.

How to Write a Mystery

This speculative mystery features all the classics of noir: an arranged accident, a scapegoat, elevator inspectors. Er, maybe that last bit is more unusual. Ishiguro uses the trappings of the detective novel to get at the thing that always fascinates him: the swirling inner workings of a mind ill at ease. A Rage in Harlem , Chester Himes.

A giant of the genre. Side note: this cover. This cover, you guys. The Woman in White , Wilkie Collins.

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Sometimes cited as the first true mystery novelist, Collins is a must, and this book is as gripping as they come. A nod should go to his later work The Moonstone , too, which T. Dust and Shadow , Lyndsay Faye. Sherlock Holmes will continue to skulk around this list, and good luck to anyone trying to stop him. Devil in a Blue Dress , Walter Mosley.

I also went to Botswana and spent a week with a researcher, tracking herds in the wild, much like Alice does in the book.

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  • I learned to track elephants by footprint, to tell them apart, and to observe their behavior and mannerisms. I also gathered stories about evidence of elephant cognition and the unbreakable bond of elephant relationships. For example, the researcher I worked with found a male juvenile whose trunk was caught in a snare. He wouldn't survive without the trunk, so a decision was made to have the Wildlife Management folks euthanize him.

    The researcher drove the Wildlife Management worker to the elephant in a vehicle, but the worker was inexperienced and shot the elephant in the forehead instead of behind the ear.

    This left the elephant in even more pain, trumpeting. At that moment, a huge matriarch charged down the hill at the vehicle. This young male had been ejected from the herd already -- he was in his teens - but his mother heard his distress and came running all the same. She stood over him, like a mother stands over a small calf for protection, until he died. Another example occurred in Pilanesberg, SA, a reserve existed for elephants that were orphaned after culls for population control.

    So a decision was made to bring two older females, Durga and Owalla, back to Africa from the US where they had been working and training. It was a success — the two matriarch formed two thriving herds. They knew she was going to die, if not treated. He found the herd, got out of his vehicle, and called Owalla by name.

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    The younger members of the herd scattered, terrified of this human contact. Owalla came forward and greeted Randall, and then lifted her trunk and her leg according to his commands, letting the vets treat her without any anesthetic.

    After sixteen years of being completely wild, she remembered him, and his commands. Elephants are among the few species in this world including humans that show cross-species empathy — they will help out another animal in distress even if there is no biological advantage. Their grieving rituals are remarkable too — an elephant will have a change in behavior if it comes across the bones of another elephant — getting quiet and reverential, and the tail and ears droop.

    At The Elephant Sanctuary, I met Sissy, an elephant who survived the Gainesville Flood by being submerged for 24 hours with only her trunk above water. Eventually she bonded with an elephant named Tina and they were fast friends. But Tina died, and when she did, Sissy stayed with her — and then remained by her grave for a few days. Finally, she placed her tire on the grave — like a wreath — and left it behind, never to return to it — almost as if she believed Tina needed the comfort more, now.

    Meeting these elephants in the wild and in sanctuaries really hammered home for me the damage done to elephants in captivity. The point of zoos was to develop breeding programs and more importantly to encourage conservation of animals that might not be indigenous to a country. However, the need for this has been reduced as the internet has developed. Any school kid, for example, can learn about elephants in Africa with a click. The zoo habitat is never large enough to accommodate an elephant. Moreover, elephants live in herds, so creating a "fake herd" of two of three elephants is much like throwing a human into a cell with a stranger and assuming they will be fast friends.

    For every elephant born in a zoo, another two die -- so even saying that zoos foster breeding programs is not quite accurate. Ideally, elephants should not be in zoos. Sanctuaries allow an elephant to live out the rest of its life in a habitat that is hundreds of acres, and to not be on display -- in sanctuaries, elephants set their time for coming and going. Of course, elephants in the wild are not thriving either. In Africa, 38, elephants are killed each year by poachers. Right now the estimate is that in ten years there will be no more African elephants.

    And lest you think poaching doesn't matter here in the US, every month tons of ivory is poached by members of Al Shabaab, a terrorist group in Somalia with clear links to Al Quaeda. In order to save elephants, we need to continue to spread the word about poaching, as Tusk and the Clinton Global Initiative have done. The UN has created a resolution saying that poaching fuels instability in countries, and President Obama banned ivory trade in the US.