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Marc Spector endures tragedy when a longtime friend is murdered in front of him. But Moon Knight will exact revenge! Moon Knight vs. The Master Sniper and.
Table of contents

Co-starring Daredevil! Two shadowy vigilantes,… More. Moon Knight 14 by Doug Moench. Moon Knight runs afoul of a criminal mastermind…… More. Moon Knight 15 by Doug Moench.

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Moon Knight- assassin? Moon Knight 16 by Jack Harris. The Thing guest-stars! Ben Grimm and Moon Knight… More. Moon Knight 17 by Doug Moench.

Moon Knight () #17 - Comics by comiXology

Marc Spector endures tragedy when a longtime… More. Moon Knight 18 by Doug Moench. Moon Knight must thwart attacks from all sides… More. Moon Knight 19 by Doug Moench. Moon Knight 20 by Doug Moench. The climactic conclusion to Moon Knight vs. Moon Knight 21 by Doug Moench. The God of Vengeance sinks his teeth into a… More. Moon Knight 22 by Doug Moench. Has Marc Spector finally cracked? After visiting… More. Moon Knight 23 by Doug Moench. Night-stalker Morpheus has finally caught up to… More. Moon Knight 24 by Doug Moench. Scarlet acts as a free agent to dissemble the mob… More.

Moon Knight 25 by Doug Moench. A new vigilante rises as he spins out of a mental… More. Moon Knight 27 by Steven Grant.

Moon Knight

An anti-hero cop starts taking out corrupt… More. Moon Knight 28 by Doug Moench. Marc and Marlene return to the birthplace of Moon… More. Moon Knight 29 by Doug Moench. Moon Knight tries to track down the Werewolf by… More. Moon Knight 30 by Doug Moench. Moon Knight mounts a rescue mission against the… More. Moon Knight 31 by Doug Moench.

Street merchants take on a young gang to claim… More.

Moon Knight (1980-1984) #17

Moon Knight 32 by Doug Moench. Journalist Joy Mercado gets the scoop on two… More. Moon Knight 33 by Doug Moench. Moon Knight 34 by Tony Isabella. Moon Knight 35 by Tony Isabella. Moon Knight 36 by Alan Zelenetz. Doctor Strange guest-stars! There is more to be… More. Moon Knight 37 by Alan Zelenetz.

Moon Knight (1980) Series

Moon Knight 38 by Alan Zelenetz. The body-snatching Zohar must face the wrath of… More. Moon Knight Epic Collection Vol. Discover the many faces of the Moon Knight! Ghosts, werewolves and things that go crazy in… More. The end of an era for Moon Knight! The landmark,… More. Complete your collection of the classic… More. Essential Moon Knight, Vol.

Debuting as both enemy and ally of the Werewolf… More. Moon Knight was ranked by Wizard magazine as the th greatest comic book character of all time. The character debuted in Werewolf by Night 32 August , written by Doug Moench with art by Don Perlin , as a villain hired by the Committee to capture the title character for them in a two-part story continuing in He finds out that the Committee wanted to use him as a weapon and helps the Werewolf escape, briefly fighting alongside him.

Moon Knight later returned in the form of a demonic apparition taking on his appearance in 37 March to battle the Werewolf once again. Moon Knight then gained a backup strip in Hulk! Magazine 11—15, 17—18, and 20, which saw the character first drawn with artist Bill Sienkiewicz on issues , , and 20 as well as a black and white story in the magazine publication Marvel Preview Sienkiewicz's Neal Adams -influenced art style helped cement the early perception of Moon Knight as a mere Batman clone. Moon Knight received his first ongoing series in , with Doug Moench and Bill Sienkiewicz as its main creative team.

The character received a complete origin story, and most of his notable recurring villains were introduced, particularly his arch enemy Bushman. Early sales were good for the book, leading to Marvel, as of issue 15, moving the title from newsstand distribution and making it one of its flagship titles for a group of books only available in comic shops. A companion mini-series was also released, Moon Knight: Special Edition , which reprinted the Hulk and Marvel Preview Moon Knight stories in color and in comic format, as opposed to their original magazine format.

Sienkiewicz left the series after issue 30, though continued to contribute covers until the final issue In , Marvel followed up the series with Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu by Alan Zelenetz and Chris Warner , a six issue mini-series that established Moon Knight as suffering from schizophrenia due to the stress of his various aliases. Moon Knight appeared in Marvel Fanfare for two issues 30 and 38 and in the pages of West Coast Avengers 21—41 and Annual s 1—3 , with the character written by Steven Englehart. With the arrival of John Byrne onto the title, Moon Knight was written out of the West Coast Avengers and after a guest spot in Punisher Annual 2 part of the "Atlantis Attacks" storyline , the character was given a new ongoing title in , Marc Spector: Moon Knight.

The series was originally written by Chuck Dixon , who left the title after issue Dixon left the book with several storylines unresolved most notably, the fate of Moon Knight's errant sidekick, the second Midnight and the plotline with the sidekick was resolved in the pages of The Amazing Spider-Man —, written by Al Milgrom. The series was canceled with 60 March , with four of the last six issues drawn by Stephen Platt, who was hired by Image Comics based on the strength of his work on the series.

In , writer Doug Moench , artist Tommy Edwards , and inker Robert Campanella brought the deceased hero back in a four-part mini-series called the Resurrection Wars. The title of the story was mistakenly given as "High Strangers" on the covers of the mini-series.

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The correct title of the story, "High Strangeness", appeared on the title page of each issue. The series was followed by a ten-issue maxi-series titled Vengeance of the Moon Knight , beginning in September , written by Gregg Hurwitz and drawn by Jerome Opena. The series, which saw Moon Knight replace his multiple personalities with heroes such as Spider-Man , Captain America , and Wolverine , was canceled after 12 issues due to poor sales.

The new series, written by Jeff Lemire and artist Greg Smallwood returning from his run with Brian Wood , debuted in April and saw Marc Spector waking up in a mental institution, told that his life as Moon Knight was a hallucination. The new " Marvel Legacy " volume launched in January , starting with issue number and continued through issue The initial issue was written by Max Bemis and was drawn by Jacen Burrows.

As an adult, Spector had been a heavyweight boxer before becoming a U. Marine serving in Force Recon , afterward, he left the Marines to become a mercenary occasionally doing work for the CIA. He is a strong and skilled combatant and befriends the mercenary French pilot Jean-Paul DuChamp, whom he affectionately calls " Frenchie ". While working for the African mercenary Raoul Bushman in Egypt , the group stumbles upon an archaeological dig whose crew includes Dr. Peter Alraune and his daughter Marlene Alraune.

The dig had uncovered an ancient temple where artifacts included a statue of the Egyptian moon god Khonshu. Intent on looting the dig, Bushman kills Dr. In response to Alraune's murder, Spector challenges Bushman to personal combat and is defeated by Bushman and left to die in the sub-zero temperatures of the desert night.

The Egyptians who worship the ancient gods find Spector and carry him to their temple.

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Helpless before the statue of Khonshu, Spector's heart stops.