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Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.
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People are generally more motivated when they understand an overall plan — the purpose behind their targets. Goals should be a stretch… but achievable. Take care to manage your own expectations. This is particularly the case if the business has had a spurt of high growth.

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It may not be sustainable. Be flexible. Unpredictable things happen.

11 Goal Setting Secrets And Tips

Be prepared to make adjustments that take the unexpected into account. About the Author. Small Business Tools, tips, guides and resources to help you improve your business. Follow us on Australian Business Insights. Like to share your story? Subscribe to receive monthly emails. David Kirkaldy put it really, really simply. Set your aspirations and then start working on actions steps a. This process, this process helps us to dig deep enough that we hit that bedrock that David Kirkaldy talked about.

We often confuse goals with aspirations. Goals are far more specific and actionable than aspirations. I actually just had two guests on the show this past month talking about goal setting, so this is very top of mind for me. One of the big takeaways that I learned from those two guests was the importance of having purpose behind your goals.

So, for example, you could have a very empty, surface-level goal of losing weight — which is great. How is this going to change my life? So putting that purpose and that why behind the goal is one of the most important aspects of succeeding. Looking beyond just your goal and tying it to something deeply personal is key to feeling motivated and staying committed along the way. Shannon over here. So I have seen over and over again the reason why people do not achieve their goals that they set out for themselves is they never ground them in the way they want to feel and they never ground them in what they want to produce in their live, the end result.

And then, one of the things that happens, too, is a lot of people will set goals in January and then never look at them again. And starting to become the person that that type of goal requires and do that now, so that it just becomes easier and more effortless for your goals to be accomplished. And we should do it every single day. In my mindset or goal setting courses, one of the techniques that I use is very strong visualization. And I give people permission to dream big. When we were little, we used to dream unconstrained dreams all the time. And for me, the answer is because our hopes have been dashed.

If you are prepared and you make sure that you go to a wholesale toys shop and buy a whole bunch of toys at a cheaper price, you will be able to achieve your financial goals a lot better. So, that element of preparedness impacts all aspects of goal achievement; is that it takes work to achieve your goals.

Both things combined can be really powerful allowing you to transform yourself whenever you try to accomplish your goals. And change involves us, people. And people are much more complex often than we acknowledge, or accept, or even understand.

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The energy of our heart is 4, times more powerful than the energy of our head. So it suddenly becomes a lot more powerful, if we have our heart and our head aligned as we set our goals and we move towards them. And then, within that complexity, is to not set ourselves up for success or failure as though achieving a goal is a black-and-white issue.

But, actually to understand the gray area in between that it takes to reach success. And then to unpack in reflection and then to start again with more wisdom. And, as we repeat that process, it may take us months or years even longer than we expected to get where we want to go, but the reality is in the long-term. We are able to get there as wiser people with greater self-awareness, greater understanding of self.

Likewise, getting in touch with your inspiration, feelings, emotions and intentions and use them as a pull for accomplishing your goals and aspirations might also not be for us all.

Goal Setting: A Scientific Guide to Setting and Achieving Goals

But it is probably crucial for the more creative among us, like Linda Schwartz, a stand-up comedian and podcast host. And, up until recently, doing a S. So, for me, I discovered that, if I set an intention and a theme for myself that was emotionally driven and highly inspired, I could really allow the inspiration to move forward and move through me as a channel, as a creative channel, to get things done. And, for me, that has a lot of emotional and inspired pull to it.

And so, one of the things that happened in was: number one, I was inspired to do stand-up comedy again. And once that inspiration hit and once I knew that was what I wanted to do, the things that I needed to do quickly followed behind like signing up for a class and, you know, working on my set and working on my material, writing, doing those things. And then I was inspired to start my podcast — She Shed Comedy Podcast and that inspiration came forward to me at the end of May of And from the moment I was inspired to do that in the date that I actually launched, it took about 90 days for the dream or for the podcast to manifest.

And so I did everything that would have normally had to be done. Just being open to and moved by what was coming forward through my inspiration and intention.

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And so, for me, goal setting has always been a feeling practice, not so much a rigid-structured practice. And I also think that goal setting in the structured and linear and in the S. If you think about all the people who are behind or most of the people that are behind the S. And so one of the things that I found that worked, again, like I said, was something, was creating something that worked for me that was tailored to my own quote unquote operating system. And for me, knowing that I am a highly inspired and highly intuitive person, setting an intention and a theme for myself really has worked wonders for accomplishing all the things that I want to accomplish.

Thank you so much. Quite unsurprisingly, this also happens to be one of the success principles that Jack Canfield co-author of the famous Chicken Soup for the Soul book series talks about in his other book, The Success Principles.

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I mean, we are all super busy people and so you have to have a way that you are sticking to your goals so that you make it through that 21 days that it takes to create a new habit. I write down my goals every night before I go to bed and then I write them again every morning when I wake up. And here is what it does for you. And then, in the morning when you do it, you are basically telling your subconscious mind to look for clues to make your goal happen.

And this has nothing to do with magic or mysticism. Understand that, each day, you get bombarded by millions and millions of bits of information from literally everywhere. What this does is it stimulates a very specific part of your brain called RAS — which stands for reticular activating system. So, why do I think people fail at goal setting? So I see this happening in my own life over and over.

Learn the Secret to Successful Goal Setting

When I first started my side hustle teaching WordPress to entrepreneurs I knew deep down in my bones that someday I would grow my business big to the point of quitting my day job. I just knew it and I actually did it. And therefore, my actions follow my belief. And until recently when I worked on changing my belief to believe that it is possible, my actions are now following my belief and I am seeing results and working towards that goal.

Can you believe that you can make a thousand? What about 10,? Where does your belief stop? I want you to set that as your first goal and then, when you actually believe that that is possible, you will take action towards reaching that goal. And then, when you accomplish that goal, move through this exercise again to find out what you believe is possible for yourself and see how much your belief has grown, set that as your next goal and watch yourself just knock it out of the park. So I actually have a resource that can help your audience, Louie, check out peptalksforsidehustlers.

We either set less ambitious goals that are easier for us to believe we can meet or we change our beliefs. And, if our overall aim is growth and evolution, then we definitely have to change our underlying belief system and our habits to reach higher goals and achieve greater things. And that belief system and the habits that go into that belief system are the critical things that I think is where people fall down with their goal setting.

Rather than looking at it as one big, long task that you have to do, breaking it down into smaller bite-sized pieces that you can earn smaller victories along the way. Doing that will only get you overwhelmed and you risk getting burned out in the process.

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Instead, break your big goals down into smaller bite-sized pieces or tasks as my buddy Jason Skinner was saying , something you can control and within a manageable time frame. Then, every time you complete one of your micro-tasks, celebrate those small wins.

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So what they do is, by not setting the smaller stepping-stone goals, they set themselves up for failure. Because I used to be a goal aphobe, because I did this very thing and I finally learned that by just reverse-engineering what that big hairy, audacious goal was, setting mini-deadlines within the time frame. And having an outcome, because just say that I want to be an A-list copywriter. The other mistake I wanted to quickly discuss is that people set goals that do not excite them.

So always make sure that you have that visceral response when you set a goal, that it excites you to your very core. Otherwise, I can guarantee you can do all the goal setting, all the magical little things, but it will not happen unless it makes you tingle on the inside. So make sure your goals excite you. And then, as you build that track record of success, then start to flush out those goals; make them bigger.