Manual At the Masters Feet

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At The Masters Feet is an encouraging message of hope of the true calling which every man is to experience: heaven. It truly is only through the blood of Jesus.
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The Oxendines (I'll Lay My Crown at the Masters Feet)

Hi Michael. I love the teachings of The Sadhu and it resonates as truth to me. I Do struggle though to find enough Scripture to back up the intermediate realm. One Scripture that I was contemplating is Romans Any other suggestions or revelations you can share on this? The bible is clear that we are not to be speaking to the spirits of the world and that is satan. Satan can also appear as a ray of light that is in the form of Jesus to trick us. We should believe on Jesus by faith and on the work that he did on the cross. There is no second chance to believe or attain salvation after death since the bible clearly says in Hebrews that Men die once and after this is the judgement.

This is clear when Jesus spoke of the rich man in hell crying out for God. Recently, while performing mission work in india, I asked church leaders if they had heard of Sundar. While I found many great things to brag about, there is at least one statement that makes me feel a bit uneasy. However, I do accept the possibility that satan may have tried to poison at least some of the vision, or at least interrupted it. But I do have to admit that while I do not believe in universalism, his vision of saints being used to help teach those in hell does seem to be supported though somewhat shakey by Jesus preaching to those who were in prison.

I know it may be a long shot, but perhaps there is something ini that. I do know there is a heaven and a hell.

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I also believe those who are in Christ will be saved. Those who are not in Christ will not be saved. What gets me is that this universalism stuff is what he actually sees in his visions, its not simply a case of ignoring what the scripture says about hell. God supposedly shows him visions supporting universalism which at the end of the day is a complete disregard for the sacrifice Jesus made as he implies you can get to heaven through any path, only difference being that being a Satanist or an atheist or sun worshipper will take longer to reach heaven after death.

God is not a God of confusion. This is supposedly what God showed him over and over, God supposedly showed him a sun worshipper who entered heaven after hanging about in what seems like some form of purgatory. I do agree that there are core beliefs that are needed if your a Christian and there are other less important things that we will have an eternity to learn. But as i said before, i hope this man is saved, i have no pleasure in a person going to hell. Amen to what you said about capitalism Christianity and suits and ties and all that.

Even if he is right, from testimonies of people who have had tours of hell, even one second in that wretched place would seem like an eternity!!! I truly would not want to go there, even if I was only in those hellish, unbearable flames for a split second!!! Yes there is strong evidence that Sundar Singh did not believe in everlasting punishment. Though I could wish to believe like him in this form of universalism, I cannot from the Scriptures, though some try valiantly to understand the Bible in this way.

The belief in the reality of eternal hell is something that should affect the soul of every Christian. It was too much for Sundar Singh to bear that his devoted and loving mother would be in hell. But that does not mean his universalism was right. Deception can enter in when we are open to it.

At The Master's Feet and The Visions of Sadhu Sundar Singh of India

Nevertheless, I believe that the overall testimony and ministry of this man glorifies God and contains a lot of valuable insight for us. Some may disagree, and if they do, I hope that they are never deceived on any point, if that is the standard by which they judge others.

Sundar Singh was a Christian universalist; he believed that all people would, eventually, attain salvation. Writing in he argued:.

King James Bible - Genesis Chapter 1 - Sermon Index

If the Divine spark in the soul cannot be destroyed, then we need despair of no sinner… Since God created men to have fellowship with Himself, they cannot for ever be separated from Him… After long wandering, and by devious paths, sinful man will at last return to Him in whose Image he was created; for this is his final destiny. In , before his final mission, he was asked about the doctrine of eternal punishment by some theology students in Calcutta. This might sometimes take ages.

Sadhu tried to mix christianity with Hinduism is your allegation. Prayer, Meditations, visions, spiritual experiences, etc.

But westerners turned it as their religion. Their christianity means eating chicken, beer, dancing,wearing suite, tie etc, etc and such dirty spirit-less practices. That was not Jesus taught, that was not sunder singh followed. Who gave you authority to decide a sun worshipper will go heaven? If a sun worshipper in his ignoranced worshipped sun all his life, and after death if his spirit confess about it, and God decide to let him go to heaven, whic English man can prevent it?

Sadhu sunder singh was a godly man and christian ascetic.

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No English man can have such Godly experiences he had. Only they can jealous of it. If you want to enter in heaven you should turn to be like Sunder singh. Question his conversion if you wish, but the fruits of repentance were very evident in his life.

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If he was a Hindu or a Sikh before he met Jesus is not important. The Apostle Paul was a Pharisee and a murderer. If you are going to accuse Singh of mixing Hinduism with Christianity, you had better have reasons for saying so. But please, find another forum to post them on. You seem to come up with unhelpful things to say faster than I have time to put aside to refute them.

Just because a false prophet like Todd Bentley claims to have spoken with the spirit of Singh, does not make Singh false, any more than a medium supposedly channelling the spirit of Jesus makes Jesus false.

I suggest you go back to your Bible and read it again, because all of us should recognise that we only know in part and prophesy in part if we believe in prophesy , and its important to get our facts straight. This man was indeed popular. He was also Hindu. I personlly question his conversion. My reason are he always tried to mix Christianity with Hinduism.

That is mixing Truth with a Lie. His supposed Spirit has been recorded as to have been talking to Todd Bentley and the other False prophets known as the Kansas City Prophets.

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Then he has come into his inheritance and can claim his kinship with the teachers of men; he is upright, he has raised his head, he breathes the same air that they do. But before it is in any way possible for him to do this, the feet of the soul must be washed in the blood of the heart. The sacrifice, or surrender of the heart of man, and its emotions, is the first of the rules; it involves the "attaining of an equilibrium which cannot be shaken by personal emotion. In the same way that "tears" in the language of occultists expresses the soul of emotion, not its material appearance, so blood expresses, not that blood which is an essential of physical life, but the vital creative principle in man's nature, which drives him into human life in order to experience pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow.

When he has let the blood flow from the heart he stands before the Masters as a pure spirit which no longer wishes to incarnate for the sake of emotion and experience. Through great cycles of time successive incarnations in gross matter may yet be his lot; but he no longer desires them, the crude wish to live has departed from him. When he takes upon him man's form in the flesh he does it in the pursuit of a divine object, to accomplish the work of "the Masters," and for no other end. He looks neither for pleasure nor pain, asks for no heaven, and fears no hell; yet he has entered upon a great inheritance which is not so much a compensation for these things surrendered, as a state which simply blots out the memory of them.