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Download and print a set of FREE Goal Mapping templates for a quick and simple way to start Goal Mapping. You can also get FREE Life.
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Whatever form of success you dream of, Goal Mapping can help you achieve it.

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Start Goal Mapping today with our easy-to-use guide and printable templates. Browse our range of tools including books, DVDs and empowerment packs.

Take our easy-to-follow online course and become Certified Goal Mapping Coach. Become a Certified Goal Mapping Facilitator with our online course. Attend our 3-day course and become a Certified Goal Mapping Practitioner. Goal Mapping can help you turn your dreams into realities.

Create a Goal Map online — and gain access to inspiring tools, videos and resources that will help you start to learn the secrets of success for all the important areas of your life — by registering for FREE Bronze-level membership today! Assess your life balance using the Life Wheel. Receive an inspiring thought every day for 30 days. Create an online Life Map. Check and track progress in your Success Journal.

FREE Goal Mapping templates | Brian Mayne's World of Goal Mapping

How they interacted with the touchpoints and reached the goal. Their emotions and expectations while interacting with the touchpoints. What made them think before taking the desired action? What friction did they come across while passing through different customer phases?

How long it took to reach the desired goal. You may look at the customer persona and their journey differently than other team members. This is the easiest way to locate the friction on customer touchpoints. You and your team know your customers the best. But here are a few generic questions that may help you identify the friction:.

What are the possible points of friction that our customers may find while interacting with touchpoints? Are they reading all the content before leaving the page? Are they abandoning the ultimate goal because of too much or too little content? Are we keeping users in the communication loop to make them onboard in future?

Lesson Plan

Do we have enough content detail on the page that our users may want to see? Is slow loading speed causing the high bounce rate? User experience mapping will help you decide a set of actions that will help you improve the experience.

If you are in a team, each member should think about the solution using the user persona and log the results. Discuss all the possible ways to address the friction with your team. You will have a definite way addressing the friction. Implement that on your user experience map. Now, make your user persona try to reach their goal from the beginning and see how that new solution you put in place works.

  1. Atlas of Worlds and Map Guide (PoE Blight ) - PoE Vault;
  2. A Simple Way to Map Out Your Career Ambitions!
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Do you all agree with the solution? If yes, you addressed it. Feel free to repeat the process for all the bugs you or your team come across. Address all the major friction points. This will help you optimise and fine-tune your user experience and drive the ROI.

Get Started with ArcMap

You can download the print ready. You can use it to map your users experience stories. Feel free to download and print it. User experience mapping can help you significantly improve the customer journey even before you start prototyping it. Addressing these issues helps you create a super awesome product that your real customers want to use. Check out my other articles or connect with me on LinkedIn. Sign in. Get started.

Manage employees more proactively

User experience mapping for dummies. Alice Emma Walker Follow. Why you need User Experience Mapping.

Welcome to Brian Mayne’s World of Goal Mapping

Creating a User Experience Map The aim of creating user experience map is to identify and address the pain points of your customers. Conclusion User experience mapping can help you significantly improve the customer journey even before you start prototyping it.

UX Collective We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. UX Collective Follow.