Creating Sales Velocity

Editorial Reviews. Review. Matthew Ferry's Sales training catapulted my coaching business Creating Sales Velocity - Kindle edition by Matthew Ferry.
Table of contents

We have seen social selling emerge as buyers investigate products and their salespeople with tools like LinkedIn, blogs, online case studies and industry group forums where they openly share poor buying experiences.

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  • Creating Sales Velocity.
  • Creating Sales Velocity.
  • How My Twin Soul Wife Became a Prostitute (A True Story);

Buyers are connecting with companies who are seen as thought leaders and they make it their quest to understand buyer problems, criteria and buying processes. They understand the various buyer personas in their market. The days of snake oil salesmen promising their products and services do whatever the buyer needs is over.

Buyers are seeking authentic sales servants who seek to win their business by completely solving their problems,providing the best total buying experience, and salespeople who help them buy. Buyers today see a commission junkie coming from a mile away. Aggressive salespeople are blocked and filtered with email, voice mail and gate keepers. Buyers are looking for salespeople who are focused on serving them.

Servant Salespeople create sales velocity because they authentically seek to solve buyer problems.

Creating Sales Velocity (Audiobook) by Matthew Ferry |

Market leaders act different. They go out of their way to teach their clients about their products and they show their clients creative new ways to use their products or services. I needed some chlorine tablets for my pool floater so I went to Paddock Pools. I have tried a number of pool supply stores over the last eight years, but I always come back to Paddock.

I could buy my tablets at Home Depot, or even Big Lots if I time running out correctly, but I prefer to pay a little more and buy my chemicals from someone who knows pools. As I entered the store I could not help but notice a mini Haunted house to my right. I thought how cool…just like they create amazing Christmas tree displays to offset their down season sales, they also have Halloween decorations. So I ducked my head and went through the cray paper streamers and went inside.

Inside there where all kinds of products merchandised to illustrate how to use them, even a spooky fireplace in the back of the room. I just had to ask the cashier how long this took to build and the cost.

Creating Sales Velocity (Audio Book 3 CD's) by Matthew Ferry (2005, CD)

I asked if I could take pictures of their handiwork and their faces just lit up with smiles. Matthew Ferry is a genius when it comes to helping you understand yourself. This book will inspire you to be the BEST you can be. You might need to read it more than once Only read this book if you intend to truly pay attention and practice what Matthew has to say.

Thank you Matthew and know that your selfless work of art has made a difference in yet another human beings life. Overview Music Video Charts. Opening the iTunes Store. If iTunes doesn't open, click the iTunes application icon in your Dock or on your Windows desktop. The assumption is that the product is so incredible that the word will get out and the product will sell itself. I wish it were that easy. Although the iPod is a great product, even Apple spent many millions to generate awareness about it and create an impression about the product in the mind of buyers. Use Awareness Tactics Based on Buyer Personas The most common mistake when developing a go-to-market strategy is guessing at the tactics to use for generating awareness.

Understanding where your buyers seek out solutions to their problems is fundamental. Start with your knowledge of your buyer and go from there. Map Different Buyers to the Buying Cycle Your buyer research will reveal which buyers are involved in the buying cycle and at which steps.

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Use this information to map those buyers to the step in buying cycle for which they participate. While this may not be exact for every sales situation, it is a good approximation of the buyers a sales person is likely to encounter. Develop Sales Tools With an understanding of the buyers and the buying cycle, the job of planning sales tools becomes infinitely clearer. The goal of the sales tools is to persuade buyers to move from one stage of the buying cycle to the next.

You do this by identifying the sales person least likely to succeed and help him win his first deal with your product.

Working with the sales guy least likely to succeed, use your knowledge of buyers and the buying cycle to get prospects for your sales person. Then work them through the buying cycle. The first purpose this serves is to validate your understanding and make corrections.

The second purpose is to get the sales team excited and believe they can make quota with your product. Prior to the next sales kickoff you will build a presentation that your sales person will present to his peers. When he presents, the other sales persons are in complete disbelief that this guy made a sale.

See a Problem?

Even more important, they believe they can sell even more. Now you have their attention and can present the knowledge they need to win. Develop Sales Readiness Training Materials The typical sales preparation process is for the marketing team to build some marketing collateral, create a PowerPoint presentation, a new demo and throw it over the wall to the sales team. Then let the sales team figure it out and waste a lot of valuable selling opportunity. At the sales kick-off members of your marketing team present new features in the product and explain how cool they are.

Knowledge of the Buyers, where to find them, the problems they are experiencing, how to talk with them and how the problems are affecting their organization. Then and only then do they need to know how the product they are selling addresses the problems and the competitors they are likely to encounter.

Address Resistance to Selling Sales people must believe that they can achieve quota selling your product.

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Do you have a product that your sales team is ignoring or resisting to sell? There are five basic reasons that sales people will resist selling your product:. A change in any one of these parameters will cause Sales to resist selling the product. Most often this appears when the sales person is asked to call on a different buyer. If you are asking sales people to change any one of the five sales resistance parameters, it will need to be addressed as part of Sales Training.