Be Your Best At Marathon Running: The authoritative guide to entering a marathon, from training plan

Want to enter a marathon but don't even know how to get a place? Be Your Best at Marathon Running doesn't just give you a complete set of training plans.
Table of contents

Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide

This one is fantastic. They are free, readily available, easy to understand, and geared to beginners. This book would be great for a beginner, but it has a lot to offer to a seasoned runner, too. There is practical information. I really liked the chapter on specific tapering. View all 3 comments.

Apr 15, Daniel Solera rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book will either inspire you to run a marathon or scare you to death.

Be Your Best At Marathon Running : Tim Rogers :

Though it breaks down the act of running Fortunately, Higdon has populated his informative book with many testimonials from runners, from the confident elite to the skeptical newcomers. As a veteran marathon runner with marathons under his belt, he knows what he's talking about. His experience, his mistakes, his discoveries This book will either inspire you to run a marathon or scare you to death.

His experience, his mistakes, his discoveries by trial and error, are all very well documented, well enough that his passion for running is in itself an inspiration for anyone to go out and tackle the distance. On top of laying out a framework for running a successful marathon, Higdon provides a wealth of supplemental information for improving performance, preparing both physically and mentally for the event, and coping with the pitfalls and inevitable obstacles that confront runners during their training. For anyone looking to face the challenge of running a marathon, this book is a no-brainer.

May 27, Alison rated it it was amazing. I read this book as I was training for my first and so far only marathon. It was heartfelt, funny, and sincere.

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One quote that I will forever remember is that you should never sign up for your next marathon until you have forgotten the pain of the last one. Ok so this book wasn't BAD I just was annoyed by a few things The author revistied the importance of carb-loading and the spagehtti dinner like 10 times, once or twice would be fine but after awhile I wanted to scream, "We get the point! I also got a little tired of the ten million examples the author used of olympic athletes training se Ok so this book wasn't BAD I just was annoyed by a few things I also got a little tired of the ten million examples the author used of olympic athletes training secrets and racing times.

I understand the author wanted to build credability and give examples but I personally feel most people who pick this book up just want advice to get them to the finish line more so than leading the pack but then maybe that's just me What I do like: At the end of the book there are several options for training plans listed based on running experience novice, intermediate, advanced. Most of the plans offer shorter running days during the week and the long run on the weekend.

The longest run in the novice plan is 20 miles, with 2 weeks after that to taper back off so the muscles can recover. The best chapter in the book in my opinion is little secrets about post-marathon recovery. That was more advice than stories which I appreciated. I would recommend this for anyone who wants to train for their first marathon or just wants to get an idea of what the hype is about. If you have already ran a marathon there may not be a ton of value in it for you especially since I think you can find his training plans online for free. Apr 16, Wysteria rated it really liked it Shelves: Anytime I get a new hobby, I like to learn as much about it as I can.

I'm a knowledge collector of sorts.

Be Your Best At Marathon Running

A really bad jack-of-all-trades. I like to learn and if something catches my attention and interests me, I want to learn as much as I can about it until I'm over it. Running is my newest obsession. So I got this book from the library actually just read this straight through, not picking and choosing parts that sounded interesting.

I found it helpful and insightful and slightly overwhelming an Anytime I get a new hobby, I like to learn as much about it as I can. I found it helpful and insightful and slightly overwhelming and disheartening. I feel like I will never be a great runner, but with discipline I can be a successful marathon finisher. That's really what the book is about and just reinforces the idea that if you want something bad enough to spend 4 months of your life training for it, it better be worth it. And don't think it's not going to suck, because it is.

Apr 19, Luisa rated it liked it. Everything that I need to know and more. But my opinion is that I want to beat the race, I don't want the race to beat me. I don't want to feel like I barely finished by the skin of my teeth. I want to achieve the status of marathoner without nearly killing myself to cross the finish line.

Oct 24, Rachel rated it really liked it. One of the best marathon manuals that I have read. Unfortunately for me I ran out of time and had to finish it after my 1st marathon thus not requiring the training schedule at the end. However, this had some great advice which I will defo use on my next marathon. Yes, I'm going to do another one. I loved it, every minute.

Wish I'd done one earlier than my 40th year! Read again a year later before doing my second marathon. Still the best book in my opinion to read on marathons. This book was a great asset in training for my first marathon.

I finished with a respectable time-for me. It answered a lot of questions I didn't even know I had, being a newbie and a solitary runner. I'm using it again to train for my second marathon. Jun 07, Nora Miller rated it it was amazing. I'm keeping this book close at hand! Will read and re-read. Currently following the intermediate training plan for my 5th half marathon, will then roll into the novice training plan for my 1st full marathon. I loved this book. Signed up for my first marathon and this book got me so excited to start training. He makes it sound so doable.

Dec 28, Iliyana Parashkevova rated it it was amazing. That's a real great piece for anyone who's preparing for a marathon or just began running: May 13, Sue rated it really liked it Recommends it for: A really good overview of marathon training. Especially helpful if you're running your first and don't quite know what to expect from running 26 miles yards. May 11, Matt Graupman rated it really liked it. Covering pre-race training to post-race recovery and everything in between - nutrition, race logistics, charity involvement, etc.

Having read this edition from front to back, I feel much more prepared and energized to run my first marathon. It seems silly to read a guide about running. I mean, you just put one foot in front of the other for, like, four hours and then - bam! Dec 22, Andreas rated it really liked it Shelves: A friend of mine has registered for the Berlin Marathon and this inspired me to check what it takes to run such a long distance. Also, every true Science Fiction buff needs to know how to survive in a post-apocalyptic world without cars and horses.

Walking and running might become the only option to move from one place to another. The Marathon guide contains the ac A friend of mine has registered for the Berlin Marathon and this inspired me to check what it takes to run such a long distance. The Marathon guide contains the accumulated conventional wisdom from the last decades including racing strategies and nutrition tips. Basically, what you have to do is to run a lot of miles Novice: Advanced runners run more miles and have a speed training day interval, tempo, hill.

The other advises are about training smart to avoid injuries and over-training and being mentally prepared for the Marathon. The training programs at the end of the book look fine and I am tempted to try the one for the half-marathon. Not in but maybe the year after. If you interested in a different approach that goes against a carb loaded strategy then take a look at Phil Maffetone's Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing. Everyone will tell you that being on a low-carb diet is bad. Phil is one of the few who embraces the idea that the body should be trained to burn fat efficiently and to use it as primary energy source.

The road will be longer years vs. Think of a coal-fired power plant vs solar energy. Apr 19, Meghan rated it it was amazing. This might make you feel a bit better. Hal Higdon updated his Marathon book with an all new 3rd edition! Have you ran a marathon before? Have you ever tried to follow one of Hal Higdon's marathon training programs? You may not care, but let me tell you a little bit about myself before you start your judgements, on me and on Hal. I am a 25 year old female who started running 3 years ago.

Since becoming obsessed with the sport of running I have run close to 20 races including 2 ful This might make you feel a bit better. Since becoming obsessed with the sport of running I have run close to 20 races including 2 full marathons. My first Marathon was last year in October of I trained following Hal Higdon's Intermediate training program. During my race, I never hit the "wall" and finished in 4: Because I was happy with my results after my first marathon, this year while training for my second, I used his program again, and read his book.

Once again I was successful and I set a new PR. I'm not trying to brag about my marathon training, but what I am trying to prove, is that Hal Higdon's book and training programs do WORK. They brought me success and they can for you too. Now about, Hal Higdon's theme's of consistency and specificity.

When I first started running, I would listen to my body. My body and mind would tell me, "I feel good. I can't go any faster, or further. By staying consistent, running at a steady pace, you will never burn out or hit the "wall. He will tell you to practice your marathon pace once a week, in order for your body to get comfortable to running at that speed, and I find this helpful and very successful.

Once your body knows its marathon pace it will run that pace and you will stay consistent, avoiding burnout or hitting the "wall" during a race. You say, "He then lashes out at other coaches such as Joe Friel Triathlete's Training Bible for having a different view of how to train. But, let me reassure you, Hal Higdon doesn't do this at all in his New 3rd Edition of his Marathon book.

Let's talk about different approaches to running. Some people don't have the time to run or workout everyday. So training programs have been created for those who can only fit in 3 runs a week. However, the majority of Hal's plans mainly include running 5 days a week, cross train 1 day, and rest 1 day. The 5 days of running are all different, paces, lengths, he even talks about choosing different trails or routes to run to keep things interesting. I find that Hal's programs might work better for the runner who loves running everyday, and has a hard time missing a day.

But for those that do not have the time or do not want to run everyday may get exhausted and burned out while following his plan. You are missing the point of consistency and what it truly means. And if you take a look at any of Hal's training plans, you will see training to a peak, coming off the peak, rebuilding to a higher peak is exactly what he has you do, in running it is called building to a peak and then TAPERING down. Consistency is key, not just in the training program as a whole but it is very very important in each individual workout.

The build up is there in weekly milage, and then it comes off, called tapering, showed again in weekly milage. Last year if you had asked me, what was the most important thing you have learned about running during marathon training. This summer was one of the hottest summers I have ever experienced. It was so humid and hot, that people didn't even want to enjoy a cocktail outside on the patios of bars. While everyone was inside staying cool, I was sweating doing long runs outside.

I'm a hairstylist, so my job requires me to be on my feet all day. I started to feel really light headed and dizzy. I didn't know if it was because of running in the heat, I do bikram yoga, so the heat is something I thought I could tolerate. I ended up going to the doctor and found that I was dehydrated and low in blood sugar. I don't think Hal has a lust for carbs or is a sugar fiend. In his 3rd edition Marathon book he discusses how important it is to think of food as fuel for your body, to eat on regular 2 hour intervals, and to keep hydrated.

See a Problem?

Most running books focus on the milage and running, not the nutrition, so when I read the nutrition chapter it was quite refreshing. Hydration is important, but hyponatremia does exist. There has been deaths in Marine Corps Marathon, and in Boston. Hal Higdon discusses this in Chapter But it takes several liters of H2O for hyponatremia to happen.

You say, "a little reading between the lines says that Higdon's heart is not in it. As for me Running has changed the way I see and feel about myself, bringing me not only happiness but leaving me extremely satisfied. It takes goals to accomplish the unthinkable. As an athlete I always try to push myself to the limit. Straight-line graphs; coordinatesChapter Using inequalities to define regionsChapter Multiplying algebraical expressions Chapter Graphs of quadratic functionsChapter Ratio and proportionChapter The determination of lawsChapter Rational and irrational numbers and surdsChapter Arithmetical and geometric sequences.

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