On Holy Ground: A History of The Honorable Order of American Co-Masonry

Description: "On Holy Ground: History of the Honorable Order of American Co- Masonry, the American Federation of Human Rights", tells an.
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As early as the Lodge Le Droit Humain with no number was travelling around—to Vernon, Blois, Rouen and Havre, in what were called selections —it gave conference and started to hold initiations in the presence, every time, of a large audience [6] Lodge Nr.

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Three lodges were founded in the provinces: The first News-sheet of co-masonry appeared in January, As a base for comparison: A woman earned half of this sum. In a clerk at a Ministry earned — frcs per year. One week's stay in Paris in for the International Exhibition cost about frcs. Henceforth, wherever they took Theosophy , they also introduced Co-Freemasonry. Besant remained head of the Order until her death in The English working, influenced by the Theosophy of its leading members, restored certain Masonic practices not required in the French working, notably that its members hold a belief in God or a Supreme Being.

The permission received from France to reinstate this in the English workings is known as the "Annie Besant Concord", and in a new English ritual was printed, which firmly established this requirement as central to the work.

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The revised ritual was called the "Dharma Ritual", also known as the "Besant-Leadbeater" and more recently as the "Lauderdale" working. The Dharma Ritual also attempted to restore prominence to esoteric and mystical aspects that its Theosophically-minded authors felt were the heart of Freemasonry, so that it became foremostly a spiritual organisation; Co-Freemasonry of this Order was therefore sometimes called " Occult Freemasonry". Leadbeater served of the presiding officer of the Sydney Lodge and various lodges and chapters of the York and Scottish Rites. Between the mids and early s a large number of lodges defected from Le Droit Humain , which they charged with infringing upon their constitutional rights.

In other words, lodges may choose to work to either or both. The British Federation has always worked to both. It is correct that some Federations within our Order, particularly but not exclusively those in Europe, work to the perfection of humanity and not to the GAOTU. As you will have seen from the above, Federations may work to either or to both, as the International Constitution permits them to do.

On 2 January Le Droit Humain formally expelled four senior members of the British Federation over these disagreements. Following these expulsions, about 70 [10] members resigned. Upon the decision by some in the American Federation, they withdrew from Le Droit Humain and set up a national body, chartered in Delaware, the existing body established itself as independent and today is called "The Honorable Order of American Co-Masonry, the American Federation of Human Rights.

The headquarters of this body's headquarters is in Larkspur, CO. For more details, see below. The defection of the British Lodges was the latest in the past two decades. However some Lodges have now broken away and have aligned themselves with the new Orders maintaining also the landmark belief in a supreme being.

Co-Freemasonry - Wikipedia

Various lodges were subsequently founded in The Hague Nr. One lodge was even installed on the island of Sumatra in Medan. The Supreme Council designated its Representative for the Dutch lodges and for those in the Dutch colonies who formed one complete Jurisdiction. It was not until that the lodges in the Dutch East Indies became independent of the Dutch Jurisdiction. Having worked as a Triangle for three years, Lodge Nr. The first worshipful master was brother Reelfs—a remarkable personality—who was born in Amsterdam in , and who had lived in Switzerland since , after completed his studies in The Hague; multi-lingual, speaking Dutch, English, German, Greek and French, he became Professor of Literature at Madame Rollier's school she would later on be a pioneer of Le Droit Humain in Switzerland, and became worshipful master of the lodge in Lausanne.

Having been a member of Lodge Nr. He could not prevent the closure of the lodge during the war because members of foreign nationalities were obliged to return home where some were called up for military service. As to Reelfs ha was to prove his worth after the war. In addition to craft Freemasonry many degrees of the York Rite and the A One group in Sydney has begun to use the continental or Georges Martin Ritual which does not make reference to the Great Architect. Born in Brittany, France in , he emigrated to the US in , where he worked in the coal mines of Houtsdale, Pennsylvania.

Three years later he married Marie Bourgeois, born in Namur in The humanitarian ideal of the new Masonic order struck him as absolutely compatible with the Socialist ideas of Louis Goaziou. He did not inform Goaziou of the option to form the Lodge of under Le Droit Humain, into which their wives also could be admitted, until he arrived in Charleroi in October to institute the Lodge.

The first three degrees were conferred on them by Antoine Muzarelli, and over two days, October 18 and 19, , the first Co-masonic American lodge, Alpha No was born in Charleroi, Pennsylvania. Louis Goaziou became the first Worshipful Master. This French speaking Lodge continued until Louis and in California.


The first American Chapter Nr.? Muzzarelli named Goaziou his deputy in early Unfortunately, the two men fell out over mutual charges of financial irregularity combined with personal dislike. The Order also was in disarray because too many Lodges had been founded too quickly. In the fall of , Muzzarelli was pressured to call what remained of the Lodges he founded, just less than half, to a convention in St.

Tragically, Muzzarelli, who in addition to pressures in the Order also had many personal problems, committed suicide October 15, The American Federation of Human Rights had received charter from the US Government in but it was at the convention that the American Federation was officially constituted. The 31st, 32nd and the 33rd degrees of the Scottish Rite were conferred on him on 21 November , and he was designated by the Supreme Council as its Representative for the American Federation.

The same year Annie Besant was staying in the USA where she installed an English speaking lodge in Chicago and granted the degree of Installed Master to certain members- a degree which did not exist either in the Grand Orient or the Scottish Rite a version of this degree exists in Muzzarelli's journal, apparently around , so it's not universally agreed that Besant introduced this degree into the AFHR.

A new trend began in American Co-masonry. Hack resigned in and what followed would change The American Federation of Human Rights forever. Clearly the American Federation had chosen Cumsille. This always had been a rubber stamp of whatever American Co-Masonry had decided. This time was different. By Colorado law, by-law changes to a nonprofit corporation must be ratified by its membership.

By a vote of it was not and the battle was on. Karen Kidd has penned a monumental work of distinction in On Holy Ground: And it is interesting reading. People are human beings to Kidd not just robots in a jig saw puzzle to be fitted together by proper accounting. In a number of instances Kidd has been able to correct misinformation. Because she is a member Of the American Federation of Human Rights she is privy to files and records off limits to outsiders.

Freemasonry in American History Part 1

Thus she has been able to set the record straight on controversies and assertions that have been made in error. Her research is meticulous and thorough. She maintains her objectivity. She has no agenda. This book is well documented with a ton of footnotes. At the end are a number of full length manuscripts which is a really nice addition to this work and accentuates the ideas and the struggles of this Order. There are many good pictures.

Some of the images and documents have never been published before. And Karen Kidd has truly earned the title — Historian. You can find On Holy Ground: Presently, he is a member of Pride of Mt. As a former member of the American Federation in the s and s, I knew all the MPGCs from Helen Wycherley onward and I lived through the events of that time mentioned in this review. I do not fault the review or the reviewer in the slightest, and indeed accept his review as an accurate representation of what is in the book.

It tore many lives, friendships, lodges, and ultimately a Federation apart, and for no necessary reason. What their motives were in doing so I leave to them and their God. On Holy Ground freemasoninformation. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

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