Learning in Contemporary Culture (Perspectives in Education Studies Series)

Buy Learning in Contemporary Culture (Perspectives in Education Studies Series ) 1 by Will Curtis, Alice Pettigrew (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book.
Table of contents

Theories and principles underlying the integrated approach to the teaching, learning and assessment of language and literacy oral and written communication and media literacy ; applications of language and literacy practices in specific contexts. Critical investigation of children's literature as a factor in social learning. Theoretical perspectives in various areas of the field of literacy.

Study of the modalities of assessment of knowledge, skills, attitudes and performance; strategies for developing instruments to assess students learning; examination of instrument quality. Critical examination of current literature on managing change in educational organizations; theories of change, restructuring, organizational reform and improvement. Theory and Praxis 3 units. Introduction to the interdisciplinary study of contemporary popular culture including theories of representation, texts, social identities, and their implications for school practices.

Examination of the interaction between globalization and education; theories of mass education in developing and industrialized countries; comparative perspectives on issues of educational innovation and reform. Theories of "race", racism and antiracism in education; exploration of the challenges of anti-racist education and change. Examination of counselling and psychotherapy models, methods and skills; focus on developing personal resources in verbal and non-verbal communication within counselling and psychotherapy models. Analysis of career development theories with emphasis on issues in career decision making and transition.

The Routledge Education Studies Series - Routledge

Essential principles, concepts, skills relative to the selection, construction, critique and use of current student assessment methods; emphasis on classroom practices and large-scale assessments. Analyse des conditions de production du savoir scientifique dans divers contextes socio-culturels. Mise en perspective dans les champs disciplinaires.

Analyse des niveaux de politiques. Critical examination of selected topics in health professions education based on research and disciplinary issues. Open to MEd Students with permission of the program director. Organizational Studies in Education Critical examination of research within the field of curriculum studies. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Critical examination of the scholarship and research on professional practice of teaching, its application to knowledge building and pedagogical improvement.

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Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Critical examination of the social impact of science and technology and their educational implications. Study of the roles of ecological and scientific literacies. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Research in health and physical education and their implications for pedagogy. Society, Culture and Literacies Research in youth culture, popular culture and their implications for pedagogy. Organizational Studies in Education Critical study of the political organization of education; the role of government in shaping curriculum; the cultural politics of educational change.

Studies of different trends and related concepts.

Learning in Contemporary Culture (Perspectives in Education Studies)

Planning, analysis and interpretation of quantitative research within experimental and quasi-experimental frameworks; application of analysis of variance, analysis of covariance and techniques of linear regression explanation, prediction to educational contexts.

Classical test theory; composite variables; reliability; validity; applications to norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests; scales standardization. Roles and Behavior 3 units. Study of functions and tasks, and the various roles of adult educators as volunteers, as trainers, as teachers of adults, as researchers; examination of the pre service and on going training of adult educators and professionalization in adult education.

Examination of literacy in relation to the construction of ethnicity, gender, social class and racialized difference; exploration of literacy theories from historical, psychological, political and educational perspectives; study of school, family, workplace and community literacy practices.

Examination of theories and stages of adulthood with emphasis on adult psychological development and implications for education. Critical study of adult characteristics, motivation, gender roles and other concepts related to development. Study of second language policy and how it affects program design and implementation; needs analysis, setting goals and objectives, syllabus design, materials development and classroom implementation; learning assessment, program evaluation and revision.

Theories and Practices II 3 units. Advanced critical examination of major personality and counselling theories. Critical review of approaches, methods and processes in educational research; examination of complementarity of different types of research methodology. Nature and role of formative assessment in instructional settings; conditions and contexts favorable for effective use of assessment for learning.

Theory and Contemporary Issues 3 units.

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Critical exploration of theoretical orientations to program evaluation and in-depth examination of selected comtemporary issues confronting evaluators. Examination of the social ecology and educational problems and needs of diverse groups of marginalized youth in different contexts in Canada and in other countries; related socio-political issues, policy implications, and intervention strategies. Critical analysis of diagnostic features and assessment of psychological disorders including: Critical examination of the social construction of public memory through schooling; relations between public memory, peoples' lived histories and the making of communities; the roles of public memory in shaping social identities of race, nation and gender.

Inquiry into the democratic purposes of schooling and the theory and practices of democratic education; implications for civic engagement, curriculum, school organizations and leadership.

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Theories of citizenship, global education and their related pedagogies. Examination of education and its role as part of the fabric of society; exploration of changing norms of schooling, school organization, and social environments; the effects of schooling on social stratification, the relationships between schools and other social institutions, and the paradoxes of education in pluralistic societies; inquiry into issues of authority, power, socialization and culture.

Exploration of diversity and education from cultural, economic, historical and political perspectives including critical pedagogy and pedagogies of transformation. Exploration of practical and theoretical issues relevant to counselling individuals, groups, and families from diverse cultural backgrounds. Emphasis on development of attitudes, values, and skills that promote effective interpersonal relations and counselling.

Examination of group counselling theory and technique; emphasis on dynamics of group behaviour, social-psychological interactions in small groups, and practice in developing and providing group counselling services. Seminar and minimum of hours of supervised on-site experience in an approved counselling setting. Examination of organizational issues in the delivery of counselling and psychotherapy services; development of professional competence. Critical examination of selected helping techniques; critical examination of ethical and legal issues in counselling psychology.

Analyse des dimensions psychologiques, sociales et existentielles de la vie de l'adulte.

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Sensibilisation aux conditions de mise en application dans le contexte de la salle de classe. Dynamique du comportement de groupes. Interactions psychologiques et sociales des groupes restreints. Activities include preparation of a research proposal, analysis of data, submission of the major research paper, and an oral presentation of the research. Critical analysis of selected topics and their implications for health professions education. In-depth study of a topic in leadership, evaluation and curriculum. Topics of current interest will be selected for intensive study. Examination of current research in second language education representing diverse contemporary issues and conceptual frameworks.

Critical examination of theories of learning from sociocultural perspectives and their effects on educational practices. Study of theoretical perspectives in mathematics education, examination of the connection between theory, research and practice in mathematics teaching and learning.

Critical review of fundamental aspects of qualitative research in education: Study of educational documents and approaches to textual research including historical criticism, discourse analysis and narrative theory. Study of the construction of data collection instruments in education and of the validation of interpretations of findings. Examen des implications pour l'enseignement et l'apprentissage.

Examination of current issues in education from multiple research traditions; exploration of students' prospective PhD projects in relation to major trends in educational research. Reserved for PhD students. Critical study of the epistemological foundations of the principal research paradigms in education; exploration of the epistemological assumptions underlying candidates' prospective PhD projects.

Master of Education (M.Ed.)

Examination and critique of current scholarship from multiple research traditions in counselling and supervision; implications for counselling and supervisory practice. Examination of methodological, organizational, ethical and political issues within qualitative research. Analysis of essential cognitive processes from different theoretical perspectives; application of learning theories to various contexts. For InfoAdmission and InfoService contact information and hours, please see our customer service outlet page.

For more information about graduate studies at the University of Ottawa, please refer to your academic unit. Entire site Library Employee directory Close. These break up the text helpfully and could easily form the basis of some interesting seminar activities. The variety is noteworthy, as just a glance over the tasks presented over a few pages shows: The tasks are guaranteed to spark some discussion and even raise a few eyebrows, for instance via a series of challenging questions about Every Child Matters p 84 , taken again from contemporary research.

Overall then, the book fulfils its brief admirably, although those seeking omissions and simplifications will of course find them. Another quibble might be the over use of secondary sources. But in doing do, Curtis and Pettigrew merely follow common practice of published work in our area, much of which not infrequently adopts this approach to theory deemed too difficult or simply too old to refer to in its non-vulgarised form.

Those not put off by such references can always look elsewhere to the not insubstantial secondary, tertiary In terms of this text, this is only really problematic when old ideas appear to be presented as up to date. But these points are minor. Do some of the references seem a little anglocentric or forgetful of historical influences?