Task Analysis Methods for Instructional Design

A task analysis is a systemic collection of data about a specific job or group of jobs to determine what an employee should be taught and the.
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Task Analysis Methods for Instructional Design (e-Book) - Routledge

Thus this is a very important step that if missed or done incorrectly could cause you to design training that does not address everything needed causing unhappy clients and workers that cannot perform their expected tasks. So even if you are in a hurry and doing rapid instruction you STILL need to do a front end analysis and task analysis. Sorry there are no shortcuts here.

Now surely you can do parts of the task analysis and begin design but you still need to do it. To conduct a task analysis after doing your gap analysis you should do the following. Keep in mind that usually steps are done simultaneously. Determine what kind of content you have and it might be multiple types requiring multiple analyses — Is it hierarchical?

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At this point I can start to figure out what type of analysis I will be doing and how I will need to organize this content. I can also start thinking about my design instructional strategies See the example below with both types of analysis and how they can and are combined together.

Information Supplied by a Task Analysis

You can do this in a table format using the example here. You do this for several reasons including:. You have limited time and need to select which content is most important b.

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You have limited budget and need to select which content is most important c. You need to decide which content to include. For instance you may only want your training to be 1 hour and not 3 required for all content. This helps you determine what can be cut. If you are going to train everything this is still useful as you can determine what you should focus more of the learners time on.

This requires a SME and other data collection techniques described in step one.

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So you actually teach from the lowest level knowledge to get the learner to the final goal. In the procedural task analysis you teach from the start to the end of the process ie focus on the steps.

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Note that you can and usually do need to combine these analyses. The example provided does just that as some steps in the hierarchal need to be broken up into their processes. Thus you might have done several or more analyses for the one training application. Also note that you should always provide assumptions and expectations in your analyses at the end or in the document ie learners can use a computer, mouse, and keyboard and steps need to be trained before steps How far you break these tasks down is up to you.

For instance, you might assume your learners can read, can use a computer, etc.

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  6. This book provides descriptions and examples of five different kinds of task analysis methods: Chapters follow a standard format making them useful for reference, instruction, or performance support. Paperback , pages.

    Published October 1st by Routledge first published January 1st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Task Analysis Methods for Instructional Design , please sign up.

    Instructional design/Procedural analysis/Page 3: What is task analysis?/Task analysis methods

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