Natural Remedies for Psoriasis: What Works and Why

There may be no cure for psoriasis, but many at-home treatments, such as turmeric and Epsom salt soaks, What works for one person may not work for another.
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Some people even get psoriasis in their nails, which causes the nails to become pitted and malformed and even to break away from the skin.

Apply: Vegetable Shortening

And in some rare cases, a type of arthritis called psoriatic arthritis develops. Though there is no way to get rid of psoriasis, you can help avoid it, help your body recover more quickly and ease your symptoms with some simple home remedies, which we'll discuss in the next section. This information is solely for informational purposes. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider.

Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider. Using a moisturizer can prevent dry skin and make living with psoriasis a little easier. To see all of our home remedies and the conditions they treat, go to our main Home Remedies page. For information about treating dry skin naturally, visit our Home Remedies for Dry Skin section. Read the Home Remedies for Dry Hair page. To read about treatments for an oily face, check out the Home Remedies for Oily Skin section.

Home Remedies for Psoriasis

Related Content " ". How can a foot rub help you recover from surgery? Traditional Chinese Medicine History. The only way I could feel any kind of happiness was through an improvement in my skin. Even on the day my beautiful son was born I remember seeing myself in the plate glass of the delivery room and feeling all that happiness slide through and leave me empty.

I withdrew from the world, going out only occasionally. At a rare party I sat next to a friend and chatted about people's nicknames. A stranger sat down beside us and joined in. On the Tube train home I looked at my reflection in the glass and despaired. Where had my face gone? Where had my identity gone? Where had my life gone? There are three levels of conventional medical treatment for psoriasis. The first is topical, involving ointment which is applied to the skin.

The second is ultraviolet light therapy, and the third is systemic, involving pills or injections. One bleak fact is that psoriasis grows resistant to all treatments. But I discovered no herbs, mineral extracts, tonics, strange diets, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, magnetic field therapy, oxygen therapy or any other therapy that was a match for the smartest disease of them all.

But from time to time I tried again and thus I found myself at a hotel on the barren shore of the Dead Sea in Israel, amid the most incredible collection of florid, seeping, streaked, pocked and cracked skins I had ever seen. It was now official: I was a member of the ugliest community in the world.

Apparently the Dead Sea has its own ozone layer, filtering out more damaging rays that cause skin cancer, burning and ageing. This, in turn, enables people to get the benefits of the sun for far longer than they would normally.

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I had a brief consultation with a dispiriting Russian doctor, but he prescribed no drugs. All therapy consisted of exposing myself to the sun on the hotel roof. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed guys so raw they looked like they'd been dipped in boiling oil. On the fourth day I detected some changes. Where there had been long-established patches of dry skin, below my eyes and on my cheeks and nose, new healthy shiny skin appeared. Please do not think I am about to claim that this therapy was in any way some kind of a cure.

It was not just about my skin, it was also about the way I thought about myself.

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We were all rejects at the Dead Sea Hotel and during the long, hot hours on the roof we talked of all the many disappointments and humiliations in our lives, and savoured each other's triumphs. It was during a blazing midday session that Fritz, round faced German and fellow flaky, gave me a master-class in using moisturiser. I had been issued with a plastic tub of what was called Eucerin cream that I thought would last me about two months. I used the whole pot then and there and my skin drank it in. It consumed ridiculous volumes and over a course of a week transformed from papery and brittle into supple and fresh.

At home, months went by with no sign of our old friend reappearing, and I was now drunk on joy. I didn't think I was just healed, I thought I was gorgeous.

Pictures of Psoriasis Home Remedies

But I am afraid things were still not quite right about me. It's hard to describe exactly what was going on in my head.

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Maybe because I had denied myself any pleasure in my appearance for so long, I now went to the other end of the scale. I tried to drink and drug away my mixed-up emotions, but nothing worked. For ten years my wife had raised our children, supported me, helped me and loved me in her fine and brilliant manner. But one afternoon, the weight of everything pressed down on me. The treatment centers on reducing inflammation in the skin, healing the tissue of the skin if necessary, and eliminating the source of the irritating contaminants through the liver, kidneys and large intestine.

Anti-inflammatory botanicals reduce skin symptoms.


The best skin anti-inflammatory I know is green vegetables. Use as large a percentage of green vegetables in the diet as possible. Once the skin inflammation begins to quiet down, try gotu kola Centella asiatica , the most impressive herb I have seen for treating connective tissue damage, to heal the underlying structure of the tissue. Kathi Keville is director of the A merican Herb Association and author of 11 herb and aromatherapy books including Aromatherapy: She teaches seminars throughout the United States.

Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa has more than 25 years of experience with medicinal herbs.

Psoriasis Diet, Essential Oils & Supplements for Natural Treatment

Please send your questions to editor herbcompanion. Dermalmd is highly recommended!!!!! I have struggled a lot by psoriasis. Specially on my legs. Its truly a miracle. I have had psoriasis off and on for about 8 years. During this last year I had my worst outbreak. Both of my elbows were red and cracked. I am going on week two and my elbows look great.

I can see that the skin is still a little thick but it is not red or noticable. I also have a patch on my knee about 2x3 inches. I have had this for over a year now. It has been so annoying all winter.