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I was at work for about an hour before I turned to a fellow teacher and said "Is it Friday yet?

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I agree with every word. I generally love math. If you subtract 1 off the 9 and add it to the 7 you get 8 times 8 again. Therefore 9 times 7 equals See how easy that was? Without a calculator I might add. I do have to count it on my fingers though. I loved doing long multiplication without a calculator but writing it down in school. Then we moved onto algebra and I've been lost ever since I hate maths with a passion, I really do.

Only one flurry of sleet here today. My brother works for the highways dept. Woo, I got some work done today! Well, words.

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At least I know what I'm doing. It's the Hermione in me, I guess! It stopped raining yesterday and the sun came out. It even got dry enough to mow the lawn. The kids here still memorize the multiplication table in 3rd grade. I can't imagine trying to do math without that! Healing charms all around!


It's been snowing here last night, it has melted but now some heavy rains are on their way. It should be milder but not what I'd call "spring". I don't really mind though, I just want Thursday to arrive so that I can collapse at last: our "Easter" break starts then, I really can't wait! Healing, Strengthening and Cheering Charms to all needing some! Actually, I never had a problem with my 9's.

It's easy: subtract 1 from the number you're multipying by that's the tens number. Now substract that number from 9 and you'll get the ones. Yall are making my head spin with all these confusing methods! I just memorized them! LOL And yes, I have used a calculator on the SAT for 9x7 and stuff because in high stress situations like that, I tend to get the big picture and make stupid little ones! For everyday stuff, no calculator for me! I had to learn it all the hard way and I'm really glad I did! I can also make change as well. I worked in a concession stand for a few years.

Just count backwards, it's not hard! LOL Oh and a trick for the 9's times tables: 09 9x1 18 9x2 27 9x3 36 9x4 45 9x5 54 9x6 63 9x7 72 9x8 81 9x9 90 9x10 just write them out like this and notice that the numbers go in reverse each way. The tens place goes: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and the ones place goes 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. That's what got me to remember it anyway! Welcome back, Madame Pince. Sorry you had to leave for a sad event but glad you at least got some peace.

I can't even get that in the bathroom. Is that too much information??? I learned multiplication by memorization. Once I got that, I was able to make the connections.

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When I was old enough to teach my children, I learned the trick of the nine times tables: Hold hands out in front of you side by side, fingers spread. Count from left to right, numbering fingers from one to ten. For 9x1, hold left pinky finger 1 down and you have 9 fingers remaining, hence, your answer is 9 zero to left of bent finger and 9 to the right. For 9x2, hold second finger down left ring finger and your answer is 1 one finger to the left of the space from bent finger and 8 eight fingers to the right of the bent finger , so For 9x3, hold third coincides with three in 9x3 finger down and there are two fingers to the left of bent finger 2 and seven fingers to the right 7 , hence, Get it?

It works all the way up to 9x10 nine fingers to left of bent finger and zero to the right. LOL, wouldn't you just love seeing a college student pausing to do that during an exam? I have a bit of work ahead of myself.

I asked Percy about her multip. She seems to know them but I will go over the stumbling blocks, such as 6x, etc. I saw another YouTube presentation and it seems this is a widespread problem in the US. Hooray for your school system, kay! I am all for change but it must be for the better, rather than for the sake of change or using our children as guinea pigs. Cheer up charms to you and hang in there, Lizzy! Your house sounds very nice indeed! I have two complaints about it well, three actually, but one is hearsay - from the math teacher on my team.

The first is that when I try to tutor students during my study hall, they are totally confused as to how I got my answer, and they can't explain to me how they got theirs'.

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Second, I often have them construct graphs or charts in my class, on things like population, economic issues, elections, etc. They have very little concept of things like ratios, percentages, or fractions, which makes me have to teach these VERY BASIC math skills in my high school social studies class. The third remember, hearsay is that the math teachers at the high school can't figure out how students got the answers they got. I think that might be a problem.

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Our math teacher has this opinion about using calculator, etc - once you have the basic skill down - long division, multiplication tables, whatever - you can do the tedious work using a calculator. I feel like programs like Everyday Math tries to teach tricks instead of teaching the actual skill.

But like I said, my degree is not in "the maths", so feel free to take what I said with a grain of salt.

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I am basing this off of viewing the results of the Everyday Math program with young adults who are so math illiterate, we added another year of math to graduation requirements they need 5 years and have created a position of Numeracy coach so we can teach Numeracy across the curriculum. I caught a kid stealing today. I was at the grocery store this evening when a little boy maybe five years old and with the loveliest big, blue eyes pushed ahead of me in line with the sweetest smile on his face. I thought he was just a bored little busybody looking for something to do.

He then reached over to the candy display and quickly picked out a mini Toblerone bar. I thought he was going to take it over to his mom to purchase for him, but he instead tucked it into his jeans' pocket.