Wheel of Fate - Gifted by Cancer

The Wheel of Fortune in the present is perhaps the most momentous placement of any one card in any position in a Tarot reading. Get ready for fate to smile on.
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The lights come up on a glittery, gleaming game show set where Bim Trimmer struts onto the stage in a sparkling purple suit with a cane in hand and a smile on his face. On the wheel are six Egos, their wrists and ankles manacled to the different slices of the wheel so that they are unable to escape. Bim strides up to the wheel and leans an elbow against it casually. The more they shout, a tendril of dark smoke wraps around their mouths to stifle their screams. This is all for you! He dances back down to center stage and waves the cane in the air. The TV show host gives a flashy smile and turns back to the audience.

He gestures back to the wheel again. Bim snaps his fingers, and a large meter appears to his right. There will be three rounds in which we will spin the wheel three times, the selected Ego will then have the chance to face a Trial of Fate! If they succeed, the meter will rise, but if they fail, you gain no points! Bim snaps his fingers again and two more Egos descend from the ceiling attached to wires like puppets. These trials might get a little harrowing, and we all hate to see our favorite boys suffer, right?

But be mindful, if you spare the Egos worth more points, you might not make it to 4, in time!

the wheel of fate

Each Ego is worth a certain amount of points and each round the points will rise as the trials become more difficult. Reach 4, points by putting the Egos through various trials, and save Dark by the end of all three rounds. An Ego will be chosen at random at the end of each text post. The Egos chosen will have to face their biggest fear and win in order to gain points.

In Verse 24 the Vanir defeat the Aesir and the tribes of gods come to a peace. Both groups will be equally worshiped and they will exchange members of their groups to cement the peace. I started with the silhouette of the boat based on ancient art. The Sun Wheel is made up of sword and spear to show the connection to the recent war of the gods.

The boar is a symbol of Frey and Freya, of the Vanir. The Wolf a symbol of Odin, of the Aesir. The Rune Ansuz represents the gods and spirituality, i. Creating an infinity symbol. The Boar is pierced twice and the wolf three times. This serves dual purpose. The Aesir lost, and therefore injured more damage, but in the exchange between tribes the Aesir receive 3 gods and the Vanir receive 2. Bim emerges once again onto the stage, his snake eyes shining brightly. Bim rubs his eyes and shakes his head. Like he might fall over otherwise.

And so in this round, the Final Round, each of the selected Egos will battle none other than… Antisepticeye. Anti is lowered from the ceiling, and as the aura wraps around him, his eyes go black with hate. Bim points at the wheel, and it begins to spin. As the wheel slows, Dark leans forward, grabbing the bars of the cage and watching it ease to a stop.


This part was just so hard to write. I knew there was no way Doc could let his son do that to himself…. Something I thought of possibly doing with Pyrrha is instead of her dying, she was simply transported somewhere far from civilization to get out of Cinders way. I magine your child has cancer.

Imagine the dreams put on hold or crushed. Imagine the incessant worry for the whole family.

Card Combinations

Imagine all the nasty effects from treatment if they are lucky enough to get treatment. Imagine the despair as realisation slowly dawns that they are not going to make it. Daniel suffered grievously in other ways but I am forever thankful that he had access to the best in pain relief. It was not perfect, and occasionally was ineffective, but his pain was usually in check, even at the end.

And not just pain relief, but other vital forms of palliation too, such as oxygen and end-of-life sedation. I simply cannot imagine what it is like to have cancer and not have pain relief. It is their reality. The reasons for this situation are complicated. It is not just money.

Cancer Ward - Wikipedia

But money is obviously key. World Child Cancer is doing great work addressing the problem, in Bangladesh and elsewhere. In Bangladesh alone, it is estimated that 2 million children with cancer and other serious conditions are denied pain relief. Have a look at this video:. It is a symbol of Muzzling. An acrobat performing before a large audience. Denotes one who comes before the public and whose risky adventures secure him favor. He sees many changes in life, and has a hard struggle at times, but his energy and resourcefulness are great, and his spirits never fail.

Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions

Great wealth will not fall to the native, but his life will not end for lack of means. It is a symbol of Publicity. A painter at his easel in a graceful forest glade. It is the hour of sunset, and strange shadows of unearthly grandeur are falling.

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Denotes one of much perseverance and artistic power, to whom the poetry of form and color appeal most magically. He has a love of quiet, and a rustic life will help to draw to his soul a wealth of inspiration and calm. His search is not for immortality, for this is old knowledge to him.

He sees deeply into the imperishable paths, tasting of their everlasting grandeur. It is a symbol of Sublimity. A number of maidens, crowned with garlands of wild flowers, dancing on a green lawn. Denotes one of bright and joyous spirit and friendly nature whose desire it is to spread happiness and contentment wherever he goes. The native will always be much loved and popular. He comes to the world with a message of love, life, and hope, and a mind which resists the encroachments of evil.

It is a symbol of Simplicity. An avenue of trees bending before a destructive wind-storm, the rich golden leaves of autumn falling thickly. Denotes one whose thoughts will be directed to securing a competency for himself in old age, and who will labor hard to accomplish his desire. His love of quiet is disturbed and outraged, and he will be shaken by storms as a tree in the wind.

Still he fights on in gloom or sunshine, passing madness on the way. It is a symbol of Bending. A volcano in active eruption devastating the country for miles around, whilst groups of peasants cling to their little homes. Denotes one who is born to face danger and to indulge in undertakings of a venturesome nature which yield little profit and entail much trouble. He is rather fixed in his ideas, and may fail to fall in with the views of the majority.

Neither will he attempt to escape when the storm is against him. It is a symbol of Pertinacity. A crab climbing up an upright iron spear, above which is a circlet of seven stars. Denotes one who, never daunted by obstacles, opposition, and hardship, will rise by his own effort to a position of dignity and importance in his special sphere.

Coming Home: The Vision Quest as a Healing Modality for Cancer Survivors Corinna Stevenson

Uniting an iron will to stubbornness of purpose, the native proves his worth, and triumphs. It is a symbol of Irrefragability. An auctioneer's hammer lying on a heap of gold money and bank-notes. Denotes one who acts with craft and sagacity towards his point of attainment and who will ever struggle hard to hold what he gets. His attitude brings material gain, and his methods bring others under his influence. His life will not be without its disappointments, but he is not the man to yield to "set-backs.

It is a symbol of Disregarding. A young man standing on the top of a high mountain, the world stretched out below him, grasping a sword which comes from the heavens to his hand.

The Daniel Thomas Remembrance Fund

Denotes one who is entrusted with a high mission and who is deeply inspired, having a spirituality entirely serene. To him has the mandate "Co forth and teach the people" been echoed from the heavens. He will be granted power and influence, so that the people will hear him call. The evidences of this peculiar mission are made manifest in his twelfth year and mature between the twenty-fourth and thirty-sixth years. It is the symbol of the Inspired. A band of merchants on camels traveling through the wilderness.

Denotes a lover of traveling whose leanings are towards a nomadic life. He is, however, keenly alive to the necessity of material work, and he traffics in stuffs the sale of which is not confined to any one district or country.

He will accumulate by or through merchandise, exporting and importing, or through things of universal demand. Sometimes indiscreet, sometimes hasty, the native is always self-possessed. It is a symbol of Exchanging.