The State Were In: The 2010 Flux Trend Review

Chang shared some of the findings in The State We're In: The Flux Trend Review on BizCommunity: 1. Peak experiences: The global.
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In this case, however, the data suggests a mixed picture, as shown in figure 2. E-mail use on mobile devices by institutional role. As figure 2 illustrates, use of e-mail on mobile devices remains quite high among both undergraduate and graduate students, although student use diminishes at longer time lengths. It is notable, however, that student use tapers off more rapidly at longer time lengths such that more instructors and graduate students use e-mail on mobile devices than do undergraduates in the time spans greater than 15 minutes per day.

These data support the student movement away from e-mail use but also suggest that e-mail use on mobile devices continues to be an important function. Another interesting pattern is that e-mail use on mobile devices by both undergraduate and graduate students follows a similar trajectory; however, in terms of Internet use, graduate students more closely mirror the faculty trend line see figure 1. This suggests that if there is a divide between "digital natives" and "digital immigrants," graduate students may fall into an ambiguous category that might be a function of a wider age spread or some other factor.

While this was somewhat expected, it remains unclear where the line between natives and immigrants lies; but once again the differences in this data are too small to draw sweeping conclusions. Thus, the issue of where the dividing line should be drawn between digital natives and immigrants should be a subject of further research. Finally, our third correlational question asked, "Is there any relationship between the type of device owned and the type of services desired?

In asking this question we sought to address a concern that simply tallying desired functions and services for mobile use had some potential to skew priorities toward specific devices. In some contexts, the decision to develop for specific devices makes sense, for example, if an institution has chosen to support a particular device or operating system.

Table 9 illustrates highs and lows in the data points across a device by desired application grid with variance calculated at the bottom of each column. From this, we can quickly see that for the most part there is no statistically significant variation across desired services and device types, with News Feeds 4.

The absence of significant variation is even better illustrated in figure 3, where the responses for all devices track together with a high degree of uniformity. Devices graphed against applications desired. It is of some interest that the greatest variation lies in the area of access to course information, where Palm devices scored unusually low.

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This may represent the development of Palm devices primarily as personal organizers and reflect their limited web-surfing capabilities, but once again, we cannot make too much of this finding and with the decline in use of Palm devices, this is rapidly becoming a moot point. Finally, access to course information is a vague category, and without further research we cannot delve more deeply into the significance of the variance. The University of Florida has used this data to help guide its mobile initiatives, particularly in terms of building capabilities into its mobile applications as well as investing in the infrastructure to support the increasingly mobile future.

Specifically, the most requested applications access to bus schedules, the e-learning system, the registration system, the UF calendar, and fee payment have all been implemented in UF's mobile initiative. Likewise, this survey reinforced UF's commitment to Project Keitai , the mobile Sakai project for mobile course management system access and use. Furthermore, UF is investing heavily in its wireless and cellular infrastructure. More broadly, salient features of these survey results suggest some important trends for mobile initiatives in higher education:.

In all cases, the findings of this study reinforce the common understanding that "the future is mobile. Because the market and landscape for mobile devices is still rapidly evolving, surveys related to mobile devices need to be carefully crafted to maximize predictability. Surveys that focus on current technologies and needs are often dated as soon as the results are gathered. For example, since the data evaluated here was gathered, Android devices have replaced the iPhone as the market-leading mobile device, but Apple also recently won an important and costly lawsuit against Samsung by arguing, in part, that the Android operating system used on Samsung devices violated a number of Apple patents.

Regardless, it is clear that mobile devices will continue to proliferate, and the current legal uncertainties are likely to spur even greater diversity in mobile devices and their operating systems. Under these circumstances, future research needs to ask more questions focused on decision making related to mobile devices rather than on the devices themselves. For example, future surveys might ask non-owners why they do not own mobile devices or choose not to own smartphones. Does this choice involve cost or security concerns?

Specifically, 13 percent of our survey respondents who reported owning an Internet-enabled device reported not using that device to access the Internet. Understanding why may indicate some important considerations or suggest decision points such as cost or perceived ease of use at which this may change. Or again, more than 17 percent of our respondents reported that they do not check e-mail on their Internet-enabled phones.

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Is this a "digital immigrant" issue, as speculated here? Or is there something else going on? Answering each of these questions may help better understand use trends and enhance predictability of future trends. Another important area for exploration would be to dig more deeply into demographics.

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For example, we saw in this study some hints that undergraduate and graduate students may both function in general as digital natives, but few years separate graduate students from many instructors. Alternatively, it is also possible that these cohort labels may become increasingly meaningless as proxies for age. Regardless, we suggest that college cohort may no longer be an effective category for evaluation and that different analytical frameworks might be needed.

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Finally, future mobile surveys must reflect changing technology. The only real design variations were your taps or perhaps the shape of the basin. There were some that had clever indents on either side of the basin rim, ostensibly to hold the soap and drain the excess water away, but somehow they never really worked. Your soap either slipped into the basin or got waterlogged. The pedestal basin retained its prime position as a staple bathroom fixture for decades.

Image courtesy Accessible France.

A State of Flux: Results of a Mobile Device Survey at the University of Florida | EDUCAUSE

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